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The Mesh Project, Style Mode Won't Work

CrystalMendrilia Lunasea

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I have been trying to figure out what to do about this, searching things and I cannot find anything.  I messed with things to see if I'm doing something wrong or not.  I can't figure it out and I'm at my wits end. The help offered at The shops, refused to help on this issue saying it wasn't their end causing it, it was the clothes or something but yeeaaahhh no. It's not. 


STYLEMODE, it's not working for me. Everytime I click it, it says and I"ll quote, "You must be wearing a mesh to enter Style Mode."   Now, I have had the body / clothing body on at the same time, one each, rezed them, tried agian. Stylemode NEVER says anything else for me and I have on idea why. 


If anyone can help, I would appreciate it a lot. 

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If its been a long time, I suggest starting by going to their shop and hitting the redlivery sign.

- its possible your copy is just a version no longer connected to their weird HUD system.

 Failing that, join one of their support groups and ask around, see if somebody can drop by you and have a look, or if anyone else is having similar problems.

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CrystalMendrilia Lunasea wrote:

Hmm, been so long I'm not 100% sure. It was the most expensive one I could locate at The Shops. 


The folder is entitled, [ONANauha] Version 1.1

Are you sure he body you are wearing isn't an Orange Nova one? I am pretty sure my mesh project body is in a folder called something with mesh project in the title.

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SO I went back to the store so I could get a redilivery, and discovered the body I bought wasn't from them. (I was lead to believe it was theirs)  so it seems I might have been scammed. >_<


So NOW I have the right body and NOW it's all working correctly. Now to put a proper skin on it and everything, again :P  


Thanks for the help! (Golly it's been a long time I'm not sure I can track down where I got it anymore.)  >_<

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Orange Nova is a new body and it's Omega system appliers compatible. Just have to go to the Love N Lust sim and get the conversion kit. 2L if you join the group, which is free, or 99L if you choose not to. Lots of designers supporting Omega system btw so there are a lot of skins and clothes that will work with the Orange Nova.

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  • 10 months later...

Can anyone assist in how tattoos are found in style mode that I have added the appliers for? I have applied 1 tattoo from Reckless and 2 from Aitui all of which have stated Yay! applied but cannot find them anywhere in style mode would really appreciate some guidance thanks :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

You have found out the hard way why TMP is less popular... it looks good, but it is not customer friendly in any way.

First you must find the skintones in the HUD. Edit - styles - skintone, You should get up all the round tabs with default skintones from the palest to the darkest. Click "View all". Then you go to the icon with a heart on it. Hopefully you should find that the tattoo has showed up there.

I hope I remember right, I have not used the TMP body in months. It was and is a huge mess, and when mine was filled up so I had to go through page and page with tiny round icons and squint to see what's what, it was just enough of that crap.

High price is not necessary the best.

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Your style mode hud might not be working because you aren't using the current version. I rather like the current version it allows you to remove entries and makes it a very user friendly tool for changing applier layers. I miss it on the other mesh bodies now. The only downside for me with TMP body is the way clothes on the tattoo layer glitch and clip with movement. I know other TMP users who say they don't have that problem so it might be my graphics. I do like my Maitreya body but the shape of TMP is better, it seems less flat some how and the style mode hud I really like for it.

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