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Creating Seamless Textures

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I'll second Torley's recommendation for FilterForge.  It's a wonderful program, well worth the investment, especially considering that it's available at three different price points ($149, $249, or $399), depending on what features you want/need.  Even the pro version isn't terribly expensive, as graphics software goes.

However, the recommendation comes with a couple of caveats:

First, be aware that FilterForge has no editing or painting tools of its own.  It's not a full fledged texturing tool.  In most cases, it will give you a great starting point for a texture, not a completed texture in and of itself.  So, be prepared to use it in conjunction with Photoshop or an equivalent image editor/paint program.

Second, realize that most, if not all, of the existing filters on the site are in very widespread use, which means you could easily end up making an image that is 100% identical to other images made by thousands of other FilterForge users.  So again, undestand that FilterForge is meant to be used in combination with other programs, not just by itself.  Any images you make with it should almost always be further refined in Photoshop (or whatever your image editor of choice happens to be) afterward, to add uniqueness.



As for the question of how to make a seamless texture by hand, there are about a thousand ways to go about it., of course, but here's one of the simplest methods, using Photoshop:

1.  Create or open an image file.

2.  Click Filter -> Other -> Offset, and offset the image by half its height and width.  The edges of the image will now be in the middle, so you can see how they butt up against each other.

3.  Use the clone stamp, healing brush, or spot healing brush to blend out the seams.

Depending on the complexity of the image, the blending should take you anywhere from just a few seconds to a several minutes.  Either way, it's pretty quick, and relatively painless.

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I use ImageMagick to create seamless textures. The Bash script below can be run on Linux or under Cygwin on Windows or on Mac OS/X in a terminal window. It requires a PNG image, Vertical.png, in /usr/local/lib/ - the image is available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/missyrestless/5493745720/

This script and images from the Wikimedia Commons were used to create the seamless textures in my SL Marketplace store. I'm not familiar with Filterforge but I will give it a try and see if it produces better quality seamless textures.



# mkseamless - make a texture seamless
# The Vertical.png image is available at
# http://www.flickr.com/photos/missyrestless/5493745720/
# Usage: mkseamless filename [filename ...]
# Places the output 512x512 seamless texture(s) in a subdirectory "Seamless"

# Where are the horizontal and vertical region files located ?

usage() {
echo "Usage: mkseamless filename [filename ...]"
exit 1

endblur() {
convert -blur 50 tmp3.png tmp3.png
convert -resize 8x8 tmp3.png tmp4.png
convert -blur 50 tmp4.png tmp4.png
convert -extent 1x1+4+4 tmp4.png tmp4.png
convert -resize 1024x1024 tmp4.png tmp4.png
convert -resize 1024x1024 tmp3.png tmp3.png
convert -blur 50 tmp3.png tmp3.png
convert tmp3.png tmp4.png -compose minus -composite tmp5.png
convert tmp4.png tmp3.png -compose minus -composite tmp6.png
convert tmp2.png tmp5.png -compose plus -composite tmp7.png
convert tmp6.png tmp7.png -compose minus -composite tmp2.png
convert tmp2.png -resize 512x512! Seamless/${img_out}.png

[ "$1" ] || {

[ -r $L/Vertical.png ] || {
echo "Missing file $L/Vertical.png"
exit 2
cp $L/Vertical.png Vertical.png

[ -r Horizontal.png ] || {
convert Vertical.png -rotate 90 Horizontal.png

[ -d Seamless ] || mkdir Seamless

for img in $*
[ "$img" = "Thumbs.db" ] && continue
[ -d $img ] && continue
echo "Starting image tile for $img, this may take a short while ..."
img_out=`echo $img | sed -e "s/\.jpg//" -e "s/\.JPG//" -e "s/\.png//" -e "s/\.gif//" -e "s/\.GIF//" -e "s/\.svg//"`
convert $img -resize 1024x1024! tmp1.png
montage tmp1.png tmp1.png tmp1.png tmp1.png -geometry +0+0 tmp2.png
composite -compose CopyOpacity Vertical.png tmp1.png vert.png
composite -compose CopyOpacity Horizontal.png tmp1.png horz.png
composite -geometry +512+512 vert.png tmp2.png tmp2.png
composite -geometry +512+512 horz.png tmp2.png tmp2.png
convert -extent 1024x1024+512+512 tmp2.png tmp2.png
montage tmp2.png tmp2.png tmp2.png tmp2.png -geometry +0+0 tmp2.png
convert -extent 1024x1024+512+512 tmp2.png tmp2.png

convert tmp2.png -resize 512x512! Seamless/${img_out}.png

echo "Seamless/${img_out}.png created. Cleaning up."
rm -f tmp1.png
rm -f tmp2.png
rm -f tmp3.png
rm -f tmp4.png
rm -f tmp5.png
rm -f tmp6.png
rm -f tmp7.png
rm -f horz.png
rm -f vert.png
rm -f Vertical.png Horizontal.png
echo "All Done !"



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I probably should have pointed out the advantages of using ImageMagick in my previous posting of a bash script to create seamless textures from any images. So, here's a few reasons why ImageMagick is my tool of choice:


  • It's free open source software that has been around for years and is very mature
  • It includes a command line interface so it can be run in batch mode processing many images in one command
  • Runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms
  • Can do just about everything - that is, very extensive list of features/commands/options

But, mostly ImageMagick is superior to other image editing and manipulation tools because of its command line interface. I can process hundreds of images in a few minutes and with only a few keystrokes. To do the same using Photoshop or other GUI interfaces would take thousands of clicks and a day or more of my time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I run Ghosterys on Firefox, and Lunapic doesn't appear to be any more dodgy than its competitors.

I've been using it for years with no apparent problem, but I toss cookies and otherwise clean up my computer several times a day anyway, since the sites from which I have grabbed raw texture have often given me little problems.

As far as I can tell, it gets its revenue from advertisers.

There is no fee, but there is a slightly better premium version that the admin offered to let me use of a $10US donation, which I think is fair, although I have not used it yet.

Either way, they've been quite responsive to my suggestions, and I am making good use of the new skew feature which I had suggested.


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Hi people!

I am certainly not a professional graphics artist or anything even close to that - but i use a simple technique with GIMP to create seamless textures.  I'm sure it can be used in Photoshop and other similar programs as well.  Its not general... its not meant to take some arbitray texture and make it seamless.  But it does let you create a nice seamless texture from scratch.  I describe the technique in my blog.... have a look.  :)


I've used it to create fabrics, fish/lizard scales and a kind of simple mesh or lace for stockings and other clothing.  *blushes*


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