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Is it possible to have a mainland region's maturity level changed?

Persephone Emerald

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Here's my problem. I currently own land in a Mature region,  but I also contibutre to group-owned land in a General region. I'd like to sell my land & live in the group area, but I don't want to have a house there & not be able to have a sex-bed, not be able to have art inside my house that shows nudity, or not be able to undress on a platform above the clouds. I'm sure my friends in the group are not prudish about such things either, but they brought land from another friend that was in a General region & now they're kind stuck with it. If all the other residents in this region want it to be mature, can the maturity level be changed?

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Persephone Emerald wrote:

Here's my problem. I currently own land in a Mature region,  but I also contibutre to group-owned land in a General region. I'd like to sell my land & live in the group area, but I don't want to have a house there & not be able to have a sex-bed, not be able to have art inside my house that shows nudity, or not be able to undress on a platform above the clouds. I'm sure my friends in the group are not prudish about such things either, but they brought land from another friend that was in a General region & now they're kind stuck with it. If all the other residents in this region want it to be mature, can the maturity level be changed?

Not likely.  But certainly not an answer that anyone here can give you since this is a resident supported forum.  Support ticket is probably the only way to get a Linden response on this one.


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It's possible... in fact the actual act would take about 30 seconds... but highly unlikely to ever happen. Assuming they would even consider it they would have to confer with each and every person who owns land in the region, plus every owner of every piece of group owned land in the region, any one of which can say no and sink the entire idea. And to cover their asses they'd have to get in writing that everyone agrees to the change. Depending on the region and the people involved that would be a royal headache. It may be easier than that, say if one person owns the entire region. The problem with that is once they do it for one person they've opened the door and they will have other people or groups wanting to do it as well. The question then becomes where is the cutoff point. I'm guessing rather than open that pandora's box they will just tell you that ratings for mainland regions are what they are and cannot be changed.

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Persephone Emerald wrote:

Thanks. So I probably have to wait 3 months to have Linden tell me it can't be done.  :-(

Yes, unfortunately I think that's a fair assessment.  LL is probably already struggling with the somewhat helter-skelter way they intermixed General and Moderate sims on the mainland now that they will be allowing teens on the main grid but in General sims only.  I can't imagine they would even consider a process of changing sim maturity ratings based on resisdent petitions.  But again, only they can answer that one.


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Just one other quick comment.  You said "but they brought land from another friend that was in a General region & now they're kind stuck with it"

Given the drepressed value of land, I would say that's not really true.  Land is readily available in the sub 2L per sqm range.  I just bought 2048sqm at 1.1L and it is along side a protected Linden road.   So while they may be "attracted and attached" to the land they have, they are not really stuck with it.


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I submitted a ticket, but I don't have high hopes. Regions adjoining this one are 2 PG and 2 Mature. When I say they're stuck with the land, I'm considering the price they'd get for it would probably be less than an equal sized parcel in  a Mature region.   Why one of my friends originally bought PG land I don't know, but when she could no longer afford it, she sold some & then gave the rest to a group of our friends.  I made a point of buying my own land in a Mature region. Now I'm paying $25/month on my own property & giving $15/ month to my friends so we can keep group land. It would be more cost-effective for us to all live on the same land, but I don't think I want the liability of living on PG land.

What are the chances if I have a sex-bed inside my house or if I undress on a platform above the clouds, that someone is going to report me for activity inappropriate for a PG region? Don't you think the chances will be higher when the 16 & 17 year olds officially come onto the main grid?

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Persephone Emerald wrote:


What are the chances if I have a sex-bed inside my house or if I undress on a platform above the clouds, that someone is going to report me for activity inappropriate for a PG region? Don't you think the chances will be higher when the 16 & 17 year olds officially come onto the main grid?

Quite frankly, the chances are pretty slim that someone would report you for having a sex bed inside your house and being nude way above the clouds. However, if there were such a danger, perhaps it might be more exciting for you knowing you were doing these things in a region wherein you could be reported.

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Once the grids merge the chances will probably increase if people start going around to "protect the children". Also expect LL enforcement to get less tolerant once the argument that "we're all supposed to be over 18 here anyway" no longer applies. If it were me I wouldn't risk placing a sex bed there. All it takes is one busybody to ruin your day.

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"Exciting" is not my goal here. I want to go about my bussiness & not be bothered by people perving into my home or looking for trouble.  My goal here is to reduce my tier payments & help my friends reduce theirs, while still enjoying our experience in SL . I don't think any of us want to be forced into a G-rated world here, which is probably what the General reagions will become after the teens join us in them.

Ideally, I want my friends to be able to stay on the land they're on, but have the whole region become Moderate instead of General. That's why I asked if  such a change is possible.

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I think the vast majority of people don't understand the difference between PG and Mature regions. You can have a sex bed in both and you can be naked in both. The difference is in a PG region it can't be accessible or visible in any way. A sex bed in a secluded room in a private residence using IMs behind a locked door is fine, you can be naked on a sky platform as long as it has a roof and walls where no one just flying by can see you. Mature or Moderate sims can be a little more risque but still, all adult activity must be out of sight and hearing of anyone else. You can be topless in a hot tub and recite the 7 words you couldn't say on television back in George Carlan's day but you can't have public sex or put pictures of car accident victims on billboards outside your home.

Keep in mind, if you are confused, so will the other bazillion people in SL and as long as no one reports you, you are golden.

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Kathmandu Gilman wrote:


I think the vast majority of people don't understand the difference between PG and Mature regions. You can have a sex bed in both and you can be naked in both.


See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Maturity#General :

... ... ... Likewise, sexually-oriented objects such as "sex beds" or poseballs may not be located or sold in   General regions.
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I recommend you await support's specific answer, but historically (since I've been asked the same thing many times), the answer to this has indeed been: "It's technically possible but highly unlikely, unless Lindens made a huge initial mistake in assigning a rating on a mainland region". The main reason is that changing a maturity rating could disrupt existing content (especially if you have neighbors). Also, it's important to be consistent and fair: if someone heard you got a mainland region's rating change, they'd petition to have theirs changed, a cascade effect of other Resis would stream forth, and it'd open up a can-of-worms of requests that'd slog down our ticket queue.

It's a good, curious question tho.

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Thank you,Torely

That's the answer others here were giving too, but coming straight from a Linden gives it more authority.

Now, my 2nd question still remains, How likely am I to get in trouble for being naked or having a sex-bed inside a house-or sky-box in a General (what used to be a PG) region?

I'll ask this in a new thread, since I'm sure other people will be interested in the answers.

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