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Marketplace Reviews - Power to the people :)

LillyBeth Filth

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I find customer reviews frustrating on the Marketplace  as by and large, the majority of people don't tend to leave a positive review. If they're happy,  they go on with their SL and the review is left blank.

I have come to realise "no review" must mean they were satisfied with their purchase. Of course if they are unhappy, it's another story. 

So I thought I would contact a customer who had spent a considerable amount, just to say "thank you" and perhaps ask her if she was happy to leave a review. 

The response has put me off doing it again! lol 


Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): Hi - Just noticed your purchases from TRU Texures . If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me and if you can find time, could you leave a review...no one seems to bother :)

[2014/10/10 07:12] NAME REMOVED: hi
[2014/10/10 07:12] NAME REMOVED: so you noticed
[2014/10/10 07:13] NAME REMOVED: maybe you noticed that i have purchased a lot ;)
[2014/10/10 07:13] NAME REMOVED: might be a discount in the next time ;)
[2014/10/10 07:39] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): sure  - EDIT  ($200 lindens sent
[2014/10/10 07:39] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): There you go :) many thanks for your continued custom x
[2014/10/10 07:47] NAME REMOVED: thank you :) i will leave an review and i will recommend
[2014/10/10 07:52] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): :) ty


As yet, still no review. lmao

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I will leave reviews. Generally not immediately since I prefer to have spend a reasonable time with an item before reviewing it. When I do I try to be fair and even in a very positive review I will list even minor cons that I found since those might not be considered minor to somebody else. Likewise, even in a negative review, I try to list the positive things about the item if there are some. If it's something that can maybe be fixed, I try to contact the maker first. I've actually had creators fix issues and send an update when they found out about them. Obviously that tends to turn what might have been a negative review into a possitive one.

I consider a review a benefit to potential customers and not to the seller. I've had a couple sellers who didn't get 4 or 5 stars from me offer to refund my purchase in return for deleting the review. I've reluctantly agreed to do so in these cases to avoid drama, but I also never purchase anything else from them. 

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LillyBeth Filth wrote:

I find customer reviews frustrating on the Marketplace  as by and large, the majority of people don't tend to leave a positive review. If they're happy,  they go on with their SL and the review is left blank.

I have come to realise "no review" must mean they were satisfied with their purchase. Of course if they are unhappy, it's another story. 

So I thought I would contact a customer who had spent a considerable amount, just to say "thank you" and perhaps ask her if she was happy to leave a review. 

The response has put me off doing it again! lol 


Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): Hi - Just noticed your purchases from TRU Texures . If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me and if you can find time, could you leave a review...no one seems to bother

[2014/10/10 07:12] NAME REMOVED: hi

[2014/10/10 07:12] NAME REMOVED: so you noticed

[2014/10/10 07:13] NAME REMOVED: maybe you noticed that i have purchased a lot

[2014/10/10 07:13] NAME REMOVED: might be a discount in the next time

[2014/10/10 07:39] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): sure
 - EDIT  ($200 lindens sent

[2014/10/10 07:39] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): There you go
many thanks for your continued custom x

[2014/10/10 07:47] NAME REMOVED: thank you
i will leave an review and i will recommend

[2014/10/10 07:52] Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth):


As yet, still no review. lmao


I've been in similar situation before, some times it takes a few days before they have time to write the review, but they do about 80% of the time.   Good customer service like what you just did is the best way to get reviews. 

I think in your case with selling textures "no review" must mean they were satisfied"  is true.  Looking at your preview images it obvious that your textures are high quality, so when some one buys them and looks at them their not surprised that indeed they are high quality textures.  I think people tend to write reviews for quality when some thing exceeds their expectations.

The other problem is that people just don't think to do so because the marketplace dosen't stick a reminder in their face like Xstreet did. 


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Marketplace reviews can be extremely frustrating. I blame this all on LL first, and then many of the newbie or not so serious merchants that complained about how the Xstreet ratings and reviews. Ultimately, it's LL's fault for not thinking the system through, and talking to experienced merchants. The Xstreet system was many times better than LL's system. Anyone could leave a rating without connecting their name to it. This might seem bad, but the real affect of this was that many more people left ratings. Because so many people would give the product a rating, they would always drown out any bad ratings a product would get. Xstreet also reminded consumers to rate products, and it was a very visible thing. LL's system is essentially hidden, and the only people that will go out of the way to find it, are those consumer that are upset.


I also think, that if a customer writes a review, and the merchant corrects any problem stated in that review, the merchant should be able to have the review pulled, if the reviewer doesn't correct it. This is a recent problem that I have run into. Someone left a bad review on a product that I had just released. He didn't like the walking and running animations. After thinking about the review, I decided that they did have a point, although it was a very unfair review. You can't say the modeling and avatar is awesome, and you only have a problem with the walks, and give the product 1 star. That doesn't make any sense. Anyways, I redid the walk and run, and sent out updates to everyone. No correction was ever made to the review, and probably never will. I really would not even care, if we still had the old Xstreet system, as I know the product would get many great rating that would cancel out the 1 bad review, but LL has done nothing with their system since they changed it, so I have no hope at all.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

I also think, that if a customer writes a review, and the merchant corrects any problem stated in that review, the merchant should be able to have the review pulled, if the reviewer doesn't correct it. This is a recent problem that I have run into. 


I'm totally against allowing merchants to remove negative (1 or 2 star reviews). It would totally negate any validity to reviews. I do think they should be able to leave comments when they make an update since then the date would show when the update was made. Deleting or editing a review should be soley at the option of the reviewer.

Just this week I had a merchant who got a negative review from me send me a substantially updated and improved version of the item. I went in and deleted the negative review pending trying out the update.

I really wish it were possible to leave a review for a product even if one bought it inworld. There are several I'd have given a good review to if I could have and a very few that would have gotten negative ones. Keep in mind that a product has to be pretty bad for me to give a bad review. Also, I don't consider 3 stars to be negative though many sellers would.


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Crim Mip wrote:

Also, I don't consider 3 stars to be negative though many sellers would.


Customers don't usually follow a 3 star rating with a review that indicates satisfaction. They usually express their discontentment with the product. So this negates the 3 star rating.

A 3 star rating should indicate satisfaction or at least balance the negative with positive in the review, but it usually doesn't - so of course sellers see it as negative.

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Rya Nitely wrote:

Crim Mip wrote:

Also, I don't consider 3 stars to be negative though many sellers would.


Customers don't usually follow a 3 star rating with a review that indicates satisfaction. They usually express their discontentment with the product. So this negates the 3 star rating.

A 3 star rating should indicate satisfaction or at least balance the negative with positive in the review, but it usually doesn't - so of course sellers see it as negative.

This is a typical three star review ppl leave on my stuff:

"OMG this set is GORGOOUS! So detailed, beautiful textures, I just love it.  But I wish it had different perms, so I am giving three stars."

Or they knock off stars for something else that is clearly stated in the item description.  

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Rya Nitely wrote:

Crim Mip wrote:

Also, I don't consider 3 stars to be negative though many sellers would.


Customers don't usually follow a 3 star rating with a review that indicates satisfaction. They usually express their discontentment with the product. So this negates the 3 star rating.

A 3 star rating should indicate satisfaction or at least balance the negative with positive in the review, but it usually doesn't - so of course sellers see it as negative.

This is a typical three star review ppl leave on my stuff:

"OMG this set is GORGOOUS! So detailed, beautiful textures, I just love it.  But I wish it had different perms, so I am giving three stars."

Or they knock off stars for something else that is clearly stated in the item description.  

I've written reviews like that too.  But I would consider permissions a bogus reason for a complaint. 

But what really irks me is that only two reviews are displayed at a time.  Next, next, next, next, next....it just gets so stupid.

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Anetta Larsson wrote:

It's laughable that someone can suggest 'good customer service' consists of giving them 200L for a review.

I am not surprised they didn't leave a review after this thinly disguised attempt to beg and then bribe someone for one.

The good customer service I was referring to was giving a repeat customer a discount, no where in the conversation did she ask for a review, it was the customer that asked for the discount in the first place. 

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Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

Anetta Larsson wrote:

It's laughable that someone can suggest 'good customer service' consists of giving them 200L for a review.

I am not surprised they didn't leave a review after this thinly disguised attempt to beg and then bribe someone for one.

The good customer service I was referring to was giving a repeat customer a discount, no where in the conversation did she ask for a review, it was the customer that asked for the discount in the first place. 

The first thing she said :


Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): Hi - Just noticed your purchases from TRU Texures . If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me and if you can find time, could you leave a review...no one seems to bother 

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

Anetta Larsson wrote:

It's laughable that someone can suggest 'good customer service' consists of giving them 200L for a review.

I am not surprised they didn't leave a review after this thinly disguised attempt to beg and then bribe someone for one.

The good customer service I was referring to was giving a repeat customer a discount, no where in the conversation did she ask for a review, it was the customer that asked for the discount in the first place. 

The first thing she said :


Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): Hi - Just noticed your purchases from TRU Texures . If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me and if you can find time,
could you leave a review.
..no one seems to bother 

I missed that part when I reread her conversation, as that part is not time stamped like the rest of of it.  I still don't see it as a bribe for it to be a bribe some one would have to ask a customer to leave a good review in exchange for L$


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Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

Anetta Larsson wrote:

It's laughable that someone can suggest 'good customer service' consists of giving them 200L for a review.

I am not surprised they didn't leave a review after this thinly disguised attempt to beg and then bribe someone for one.

The good customer service I was referring to was giving a repeat customer a discount, no where in the conversation did she ask for a review, it was the customer that asked for the discount in the first place. 

The first thing she said :


Liz Gallagher (LillyBeth Filth): Hi - Just noticed your purchases from TRU Texures . If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact me and if you can find time,
could you leave a review.
..no one seems to bother 

I missed that part when I reread her conversation, as that part is not time stamped like the rest of of it.  I still don't see it as a bribe for it to be a bribe some one would have to ask a customer to leave a good review in exchange for L$


I did not call it a bribe, just quoting the part where she contacted the customer and suggested she leave a review.

Then she gave the customer some money.

Then she reported that there was still no review.

So, whether it could justifiably be called a bribe or not is a matter of opinion.

I would never suggest a customer leave a review, I guess because it would make me uncomfortable if a merchant did that to me. Some may be fine with it.

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I agree. Marketplace reviews are pointless, and seem to just be filled out by mainly complainers and people who didnt bother to read the description, the images, and even videos I post about my products.

They leave 1 or 2 star reviews, but then have no logical reasons to review the product so poorly, or its just a personal opinion or distinterest in your product that is helpful noone,especially  me.

I got out of my way to always improve my products and make them more efficient, especially with product descriptions. LIke you said, you can sell numerous copies of the product without a single review, than 1 person doesn't like it,so 1-stars it.

Its frustrating and disappointing,and frankly I've thought of removing my store altogether from 2nd Life and showcase my 3D learning and results elsewhere.

A review is a good way to hold you hostage untll you either give them a refund or give them what they want.

I will always go out of my way to make my customers happy, but if they're not even doing the basics of  reading, watching  and viewing information about the product before purchasing,then what?

I don't know how I'd change the system to better reflect true reviews ofthe product,rather than just a place for someone to gripe about their buyer's remorse... but change needs to be done.

I frequently leave reviews of products I buy; they're always reviews of the products and what I like about them, and if any iimprovements or bugs I have found, I describe them in my post in a courteous and fair way, so that the author can be informed.

I just wish I got the same consideration with my own work.


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