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Is this campfire meant to do this?


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I was at a beach and there was a fairly big campfire there which my avi walked into and it set the avi on fire, wherever it went the fire followed it and when it stopped it set the avi aflame complete with smoke, creepy  for believers more so since it was a nude beach, talk about pricking ones conscience.

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The fire must have been scripted in such a way that it either attaches some item to you which contains its own flamescript, or more likely (since you didn't mention RLV which would make auto-attach possible) the campfire rezzes a new object and lets that follow you around. That would also mean the flames should stop as soon as you leave the sim.

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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

You're a bit of a masochist aren't you? Or did you love the fact you could shake them off by running into the water?

btw, some people seem to be quite sticky too. Most of the time, just like with the bees and fire, moving to another region solves it, although some are more persistant... is Snugs waterproof?

I love cartoon violence, the kind that harms nobody, as in Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. When I was young, I identified with the Roadrunner, sticking her tongue out at poor hapless Wile. I presumed she was a she, as I liked sticking my tongue out as well. I was miffed to eventually discover she's a he. But, over the years, I've grown to love Wile's dogged persistence and endless inventiveness. Einstein said "You never fail until you stop trying."

So, I absolutely love those kinds of "accidents" when they happen, even to me. That bonus of shaking them off by running into the water is just the bee's knees.

One of my fondest memories in all my years here is of attending the unveiling of Scylla Rhiadra's "Is This Turning You On", an exhibit examining violent role play for "16 Days of Activism in SL". Scylla had poured herself into the exhibit, and it showed. It was impressive. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your nature) when she moved the build from her prototyping spot to the final location, she didn't update the teleport station at the welcome platform. I'm impatient, so before Scylla could finish her welcome to the growing crowd, I'd already run off to see her work. My viewer was set to "Fly on TP" (as we nefarious do). I found myself alone, hovering peacefully in the beautiful featureless blue where the exhibit had once been. 

I could hardly contain myself as I realized what was about to happen. I thought for a moment about IMing Scylla to warn her, but I just couldn't do it. I turned around, backed away from the spot, and fairly vibrated in anticipation. That remains the finest display of unintentional irony I've ever seen in SL.


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