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No I am not upset but I did hire some people and started onthis. The investment would have cost me 300k but... I found out in time so no I am not upset just calling a spade a spade. I have a gaming business and doing just great at it. Remember I am in america and can voice my opinion.

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sloowdown wrote:

No I am not upset but I did hire some people and started onthis. The investment would have cost me 300k but... I found out in time so no I am not upset just calling a spade a spade. I have a gaming business and doing just great at it. Remember I am in america and can voice my opinion.


One should always call a spade a spade.  To slip and call it a club could be costly.

There is no need to remind me that you "..are in America and can voice my opinion." I'm quite aware of that. Nowhere in any of my comments (nor in any others that have responded to you in this or other threads) has anyone told you not to voice your opinion.

Several people (including me) have disagreed with some of your opinions. Maybe in the country you come from your opinion has some special weight, some quality that makes it not arguable. Not in the United States  (I'm substituting the political name for the geographical name used in your post). Here, opinions are just opinions. They are welcomed because without discussion we would learn, in the end, nothing. But they are also open to all debate. If you don't like the responses to your opiniions, tough beans.

Welcome to the United States.

I was channeling Will Smith just now, from one of the worst movies ever made (which I'm pretty sure was a blockbuster hit and made like a zillion dollars), who  had a cigar in his mouth and had just walked across a stretch of desert to a crashed UFO. He communicated with the occupant.


ETA: just for fun I YouTubed. Turns out there was no cigar in that scene.  I had at least recalled the line correctly and it is still funny. Even terrible movies have their moments.

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sloowdown wrote:

You i must tell you that you dont even read the post and comment. i am not talking as a person who wants to gamble but a person who wants to be yout competetion. It is so obvious you have a interest that you cant see me for anything other than a consumer of gaming and not a person who wants to operate. That makes you an idiot! i dont like to call names but you talk and dont listen.

Just so you know Ll does care if it succeeds because they need money bad. They are in big trouble with the new things coming and they have kept people hostage with the things they have in world that amount to so much money they just wont leave. Have you not noticed the age of the average user in SL? No young new users mean bye bye. So they do this good idea buit they just dont know what the hell they are doing. You run out and buy the land on the server they own so they can put the machines they control on the land you pay them to use and then on top they take 50% of the profits from the machines, its called pimping!!

That's really funny because I have absolutely zero interest whatsoever, just like LL but since you're possibly learning inhibited, i've already pointed out that I live in a country where online gambling is legal and TV advertised, I can tell you that if I had any interest at all in operating an online gambling venture, i'd do it via that method and not in some virtual world with such a limited target market.  That's the part that makes little sense to me, doing it in SL.

As for calling me an idiot.  Well that just did it, i'm going to never log in again, i've been called a name on the internet, my life is truly over, I have no idea what i'll possibly do...oh wait... yeah it made no difference to me at all, just bounced right off that one did.

By the way, it's not LL's good idea, they're required to do this by law.


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sloowdown wrote:

Do you really believe you are responsible for what is done on LL servers to anyone other than LL. LL is responsible for it all.

Yes they will lose revenue because they lost mine, just saying. and people being upset of my posts i dont really care as it seems it is only 2 or 3 where did i get that number from before...... ohj 2 or 3 approved operators lol. I am out of it so they can do what they want! Just spoke on the phone with LL and they have no clue what the hell is going on not at all!

There are 7 approved operators not 2 or 3.  There probably will be more as I understand that LL has appications they haven't finished processing yet.

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Haha always a group in every forum that seems to know it all. I know what I need to know and thats good enough for me on this matter. As for doing the gambling thing in sl well it is a sign of things to come and if done properly I see the potential of great returns. Again no matter where to u are from you wont be doing any internet gambling in the usa for now. By the looks of ot not even LL will be if this is how they roll it out.

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Psst skill games, not internet gambling.


Again, why choose such a low visibility platform hosted in a country with such laws against the very essence of what you want to do and were I interested in gambling online myself, why do you feel that the fact that I can't do it in the US is of any issue at all when it's perfectly legal in my own country?


Please just explain that as I'm curious.


I don't understand why it's difficult for you to comprehend what has happened.


I don't understand your whining about there being only 3 operators or claiming that they are the same person. The requirements are published, sign up and stop whining.

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Boy you sure know everything don't you.  I think the point has been made loud and clear.  No poster here agrees with you.  You've made so many statements that aren't true, that I don't believe you know that the 7 people who are licensed operators and really just 3 people.  Even if they are, so what? More applications have yet to be processed so there will be more operators approved by months end.

I'm beginning to wonder if all this is just sour grapes because either you can't apply as an operator for some reason, or did and were rejected.

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sloowdown wrote:

Yes i agree with you on they are not doing this on thier own but the real biggest thing to remember is "
" regardless of what policy LL or anyone else writes lol.

*TOTALLY AND UTTERLY WRONG* regardless of what policy or anyone else writes lol.

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I think you're right, Sassy.

If I'm not mistaken, someone wondered if he's displaying sour grapes, or words to that effect, for some reason or other, and he is. In another current thread he posted that he'd applied to be either a creator or operator, and he was turned down. It cost him money to apply and he wants it back even though he knew that it was non-refundable.

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I was discussing the policy just as all were here. Just pointed out "MY THOUGHTS" and i really dont care if it is agreed upon by any one. I know what I see and just saying it outloud because some really dont see or choose to act like they dont. I did apply for the creators License and Operators License and was not turned down but was told what Ll wanted me to do. At that point I knew this was just a bad planned poorly thought out ploy that was only about getting some funds from me and others. You see it just does not add up or make sense to me the way they asasked me to proceed. It invites the rules to be broken and they are being broken as we speak and i dont want to be at the mercy of something that is not clear and so unorganized. I would do something like this if they paid me but to pay them to take part i think not! The reason i came started posting here is i have been reading the posts from the start. When told what LL wanted from me it just in my opinion not clear and not organized, i simply saw it for what it was. I did not come here to argue convince or make anyone think like me, just to put the information that i feel i have about the subject so maybe others with the same thoughts could see another point of view. From the start I was told I was wrong and to me I cant be wrong for my opinion as it is mine. You can agree or not up to you. To attack and try to discredit what i am saying tells me that for a reason there is more going on that meets the eye, there always is. So take it or leave it this is how I feel about the entire thing, right or wrong or whatever I can think how I want. So to address me in the manner most here have choose to do is really pointless if you are the few that seem to have your interest exposed. Have a good day and all my views are about the USA law because quite frankly the laws of other places mean nothing to me as they do not affect me. i am not a kid and know what i want to do and been in the business world for quite some time so I also am not without experience in life. This will be my last post about this because there is no new information just attacks from a few people who seem to not like the fact that someone is talking about the things i am. So to be blunt eat rocks and i hope your venture lasts ( I doubt it will). 

One more thing if you are not smart enough to look at the information of the approved Creators and Operators and see they are the same people, group, Company or whatever then you are the very people that are needed to buy into this entire thing.

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Well i just try to do what i do and this is my point. If you have aproblem with that instead of post it like this why not just turn off your notifications? What you have written to me is of no value just a attack, why? I can edit the post as much as i like cant I? All the words and that what you got out of it, sad for you.

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sloowdown wrote:

... why not just turn off your notifications?

Because I might miss something that's actually worth reading (and so far I haven't seen much of that from you).

sloowdown wrote:

What you have written to me is of no value just a attack, why?

Oh, you're one of those people for whom any disagreement equals an "attack".

sloowdown wrote:

All the words and that what you got out of it, sad for you.

Well, to be honest, this is what I "heard":

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No i am one of those people who if you dont have anything to say that has a point I rather not hear it. Did you even read what i wrote? What you said did not address what i said or have anything new to offer so i also dont want to get the notice that you have nothing to add. why post something that adds nothing, just something to say what i should not do, in fact telling me what not to do. What do you expect as a response from me?

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What is the relevance of whether one person applies once or twenty times?


You only have to apply once, you've chosen not to... Move on. It's not LL's choice but US law. Clearly some feel that it's worth their while but you don't. Fine, move on!


How hard is that to understand? You are free to make choices, choose a different platform for online gaming. Oh you can't because your laws prevent you. At this point, common sense would suggest that laws in other countries would be of interest but each to their own.

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sloowdown wrote:

To attack and try to discredit what i am saying tells me that for a reason there is more going on that meets the eye, there always is.

This is your problem in a nutshell.  Reading into things, that which aren't actually there, will make your opinions sound as if they're coming from a crazy conspiracy theorist.


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Yes you are right i do read into things but whos to say its not there? Some call that "AWAKE"! For me that is a compliment and ty.


As for moving on the other poster who said for me to move on, you dont know what i am doing or how i am doing it, maybe I am one of the creators? you see you dont know so go give your orders to someone else, you are not the Boss as far as i am concerned. Agree with me or move on, how dare i look at something from an original point of view? I must be crazy :) haha man oh man God help us all with this type of closed minded do as you are told mentality.

Remeber if you dont stand for something you will fall for anything! There are just some things that some people dont see simple as that but what i choose to do is to put my thoughts out there and let people choose or maybe they can learn from it right or wrong. 

I am fairly new to SL and what has always amazed me is the fact that people come to SL for whatever reason. Then they bring the same old hassles from the 1st life in to this one, whats the point if you have SL with the same old tired BS that you have in RL i guess the only difference for many is that you can fly lol, Oh and be Handsome and beautiful. Leave those hangups on desk this is a place where people could make it better not even more corrupt and clickish like the real world it kinda sucks rocks:(

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Once more... slowly.

This policy is as a result of US legislation.  If you want to change it, you're wasting your time with LL, you need to lobby your polictial representatives for a legal change for online gaming in the US.

LL have chosen to implement it with some administrative fees, which they are entitled to charge.  We may not agree with them but that's their cost of doing business.  It's up to the game creator and operator to determine if their own costs of doing business (those fees and the associated legal "opinion") are worth it.  If not, go elsewhere.  See above one more time if you're not getting it, this is a US legal thing, not some policy dreamed up by LL to extort money.  They can't extort money since people really do have a choice NOT to participate.

You also mention that the current policy is being abused

" It invites the rules to be broken and they are being broken as we speak "

Care to elabourate?  Here's the thing, any rule can be broken, it's whether the rule breaker is found out and what action is taken that counts.  You'd be somewhat naive to expect everyone to fall in line, especially since many won't even have a clue that the rules have even changed.

If it's skill games that break the policy being used on non gaming regions, go and report them all if it makes you feel better, LL will act but they probably don't care, they have their legal ass covered and as usual, that's good for their story.

People can't abuse the policy by applying multiple times, that would be an issue if there were a limited quota of permitted gaming creators/operators but there isn't.  Really, nobody cares how many times someone applies or doesn't.

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Thats my point LL has already did what is needed to operate the skilled gaming. It does not matter the legal opinion except to protect LL they are the ones and the only ones responsible. The legal opinions are for their benefit only you they just ask you to pay for it. The games are only the games they have approved for their interest. When you read the tos they tell you that they own your content that you upload. How is it both ways they own what you put there but if something goes wrong its your fault, it cant it would be laughed out of court. You see thw games were always owned by LL and they a re operating those games be it through a 3rd party or whatever. Nothing will be allowed to come into secondlife life that they dont know is ok with their attoneys henceforth the same games you see now. There are games being operated against the tos all over the place on gaming sims if I can fibd them in 3 min. I am sure they can. They are allowed to operate them be cause they indirectly own them. The same goes for all the things in the marketplace LL is the biggest competition and you cant beat them they own it. They are uploading .fbx files with greater detauls and more easy to work with for the mesh. You have to use .dae files harder to work with your quality will never be as good. The economy has to have faucets and sinks they dont allow that just keep all. So thats my entire point I see it

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Oh boy.. Let's try and break this down...

sloowdown wrote:

Thats my point LL has already did what is needed to operate the skilled gaming. It does not matter the legal opinion except to protect LL they are the ones and the only ones responsible.

Which is why they are implementing this policy. They only want approved games that comply with US laws to be in SL.

The legal opinions are for their benefit only you they just ask you to pay for it. The games are only the games they have approved for their interest.

LL does not make any money off of the playing of these games. Only on the initial sale through the Marketplace.

When you read the tos they tell you that they own your content that you upload.

That is a gross blanket statement about the ToS. They have never claimed they "own" everything. Just that you give them the rights to do what they please with what YOU upload.

How is it both ways they own what you put there but if something goes wrong its your fault, it cant it would be laughed out of court.

So in that instance, why aren't the ISPs being taken to court for all these paedos that get caught emailing child porn? The person who broke the law is at fault. Not the service provider.

You see thw games were always owned by LL and they a re operating those games be it through a 3rd party or whatever.

No, they are owned by the content creator.

Nothing will be allowed to come into secondlife life that they dont know is ok with their attoneys henceforth the same games you see now.

Then all of the copyrighted things on the MP are there with LL attorneys approval?

There are games being operated against the tos all over the place on gaming sims if I can fibd them in 3 min. I am sure they can. They are allowed to operate them be cause they indirectly own them.

I believe people have until Nov 1st to get things set up. Then LL will police the sims and remove the offending items.

The same goes for all the things in the marketplace LL is the biggest competition and you cant beat them they own it. They are uploading .fbx files with greaterdetauls and more easy to work with for the mesh. You have to use .dae files harder to work with your quality will never be as good. The economy has to have faucets and sinks theydont allow that just keep all. Sothats my entire point I see it

I think you need a thicker tinfoil hat...

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sloowdown wrote:

Thats my point LL has already did what is needed to operate the skilled gaming. It does not matter the legal opinion except to protect LL they are the ones and the only ones responsible. The legal opinions are for their benefit only you they just ask you to pay for it. The games are only the games they have approved for their interest. When you read the tos they tell you that they own your content that you upload. How is it both ways they own what you put there but if something goes wrong its your fault, it cant it would be laughed out of court. You see thw games were always owned by LL and they a re operating those games be it through a 3rd party or whatever. Nothing will be allowed to come into secondlife life that they dont know is ok with their attoneys henceforth the same games you see now. There are games being operated against the tos all over the place on gaming sims if I can fibd them in 3 min. I am sure they can. They are allowed to operate them be cause they indirectly own them. The same goes for all the things in the marketplace LL is the biggest competition and you cant beat them they own it. They are uploading .fbx files with greater detauls and more easy to work with for the mesh. You have to use .dae files harder to work with your quality will never be as good. The economy has to have faucets and sinks they dont allow that just keep all. So thats my entire point I see it

When I checked severa weeks ago I found about ten places with questionable games I could go to. When I checked about a week ago only three of those were still up.  So either the people pulled the games or LL removed them.  But they are disappearing.   (The reason I said questionable is because I live in a proscribed state and didn't check myself to see how the games worked.)

Now as to your ownership B.S., because that is what it is, LL never ever claimed ownership.  Users grant a License and that is not the same as ownership.  I'm in the group that feel LL has gone to far with the "unlimited license" and have curtailed my uploads.  But I sure as hell know the difference between License and Ownership.  And I think you are smart enough to know the difference too so don't drop that hype on us.

You are stretching your credibility.

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