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My account is on hold and Im getting frustrated

Aneesa McAndrews

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5 days ago I tried to long inworld to my sl account where I got this message stating I cant login from this computer. So I submit a ticket.. I get a response withim 15 min stating my ticket was going to the proper dept for it to be processed. Well 2 days later I try to login on the sl website and now it says to contact supprt on the website , and if m having problems changing my password to call them. I call to explain the issue and im told my account is on hold but there isnt a reason showing for them. Yesterday I resubmit a ticket and in a few minutes I get a response saying " Hi Jody.. please submit an goverment issued form of ID and please give us a list of your alts " .... so FIRST... my name isnt Jody.. why they said that I have no clue lol.... but I went with it anyways and I scanned my Drivers License and attached it to the ticket reply along with the names of my alts, I also faxed them the same information. I havent heard anything back. Maybe this problem seems small, but Its been 5 days. I havent done anything wrong to get my account placed on hold unless theyre doing some random investigation on people accounts. Im irritated mostly because tech service doesnt reply to any comments you add to your tickets.. so you feel as if your forgotten. Maybe if they would reply to my comments and tell me to please be patient theyre trying to solve the issue , or tell me if I did do something wrong that im not aware of , id be more patient. But like so many of us, I do have land .... If i dont pay my tier on its due date then I lose it and theres a possibility of someone purchasing that land before I get back. Are we as SL citizens that " meaningless " that we dont deserve beter tech support when issues like this arise? I understand that tech deals with so many issues daily... but seriously does it take this long to resolve an account issue? Has anyone had a smiliar situation?

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LL is notoriously slow sometimes, and yes what's going on is a pain no doubt... it's a small consolation but you don't know what's going on or what happened to lead to this, so be thankful they are taking the time to investigate whatever the snafu is.  Better that than any other alternative.

I have heard one OP a week or so ago have the same problem and as it turns out they just happened to be in a group of random people that were caught in a security sweep... ideally this is all thats going on and like them you'll be back in no time.  Fingers crossed for you, I'm sure you're missed.

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Maybe Linden Labs should listen to their citizens suggestions sometimes .. you know it would be nice if they gave us some sort of warning before doing things like this.  I have no way to get in touch with my contacts to even send them a message to tell them whats going on. I was suprised i could even create this account to ask a question on the blogs lol . I am trying to be so patient, and im a very patient person.. but when they make you feel as if your not even there ( by not replying the comments ) then it makes it that much harder to wait.  I have no control over this.. all I can do to make myself feel better I guess is vent!!!! LOL ughhhh

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Unklebob.Hotaling escribió:


LL is notoriously slow sometimes

That's true. Linden Lab needs an urgent solution to these unjustifiable delays


Aneesa.McAndrews escribió:


you know it would be nice if they gave us some sort of warning before doing things like this.

That's true. And I cannot understand whi LL don't give that warning when an account is on hold AND explains clearly why. The KB document explain how appeal. But it's very hard do an appeal without know why you are on dold.

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Hey unclebob... did I hear correctly? you casually mentioned that a person had there account put on hold due to a random security sweep?  You somehow seem completely ok with this?

What if that person owned or rented land that they put a down payment on.... Oh by the way you lost your land! but aren't you glad you for the security they have here? What if you were involved in an in-world game that required their presence, one that they stood to lose months of work and thousands of lindens invested in it?  Would you be so casual then?

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

If LL chooses to do a random security check Why on earth would they freeze the account?

and if LL freezes an account they should tell the customer why!!!

There is no excuse for that! None!

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I didn't see anywhere in UnkleBob's post that says it is acceptible that this sort of thing happens, security sweep or not, or that loss of land, revenue, roleplay exposure or time was acceptible. I read it as encouragement to the OP that she isn't alone in this situation as others have experienced the delays she is as well.

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I dont think unclebob meant anything like that, he was being reassuring to me that my account was being looked at.


I just read another post though with kind of the same situation where a woman had hers on hold for ten days... 10 DAYS!! Now im in panic mode lol. Im not gona lie, im addicted to SL.. i enjoy the friendships and everything involved just like everyone else. But why so long? Especially after ive submitted the information they asked for. There needs to be better service with tech support because just submitting your info and waiting and waiting doesnt help. Even if i had to wait in line on the phone for 30 min I would just to get that one on one support to get " help " and an answer.. or even if they would respond like I mentioned above to my comments and questions then id feel better.

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"Hey unclebob... did I hear correctly? you casually mentioned that a person had there account put on hold due to a random security sweep?  You somehow seem completely ok with this?"

No you did not hear correctly as I said no such thing, nothing even remotely close to I think its all casual and okay.  Fact is even if I did think it was pure crap volume two, it wouldn't make a bit of difference to the OPs problem.

If you would like I can quote the company line, which is LL suspending service without warning and without even a reason given is something, like it or not - we all agreed to.  Check the ToS.  Even if I didn't like it, I've agreed to it... so its not like I would be able to complain to LL about it happening anyway.  These aren't even 'our' accounts, they belong to LL and LL can do whatever they want with them, by agreement.

2.6 Linden Lab may suspend or terminate your account at any time, without refund or obligation to you.

Linden Lab has the right at any time for any reason or no reason to suspend or terminate your Account, terminate this Agreement, and/or refuse any and all current or future use of the Service without notice or liability to you. In the event that Linden Lab suspends or terminates your Account or this Agreement, you understand and agree that you shall receive no refund or exchange for any unused time on a subscription, any license or subscription fees, any content or data associated with your Account, or for anything else.

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All I can say is just play the waiting game, cause what has happened to you is happening to me!

I've tried everything...and still no response

We're all not very convinced with the information we are given is true to why your account is hold, Linden labs are a independant team who decide wether your account should be on hold with response or no response, so you really have to persuade them the rights and wrongs to why you're account is on hold


*theninth afterthought*

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I got a reply early this morning from LL :



Hello " Removed Av Name " ,

Thank you for your response to this ticket.

Your original ticket has been placed in the correct department, unfortunately there has been a slight backlog of tickets that is causing the responses to take longer than usual.

I advise you to wait until tuesday, if you have still not received a response to your original ticket then please contact us again.

Kind Regards
Linden Lab Support


Right now I so LOVE Craig! This is what good service is. Atleast now I have an idea of why they havent fixed my issue yet instead of me just sitting here wondering and waiting. GOOD JOB CRAIG !!  I'll still post when my account is fixed and tell why it was on hold if they give me the reason.. hopefully it will help someone out if it happens to them.

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Aneesa.McAndrews schrieb:

This is what good service is. Atleast now I have an idea of why they havent fixed my issue yet instead of me just sitting here wondering and waiting. GOOD JOB CRAIG !!  I'll still post when my account is fixed and tell why it was on hold if they give me the reason.. hopefully it will help someone out if it happens to them.

Wait til tuesday is good service???

It should be a matter of course to inform you of delays.

Instead of just sitting there wondering and waiting you're now just sitting there and waiting.. much better...

When they put you on hold, they should send you a mail.. it should be one step and not much effort. We are so accustomed to bad service..

Good luck Aneesa

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Bad news in this blog entry:


Reduced Support Next Week

                                Publicado por Maurice Linden en 23-ene-2010 0:53:3


Nextweek, many members of the Linden Lab Customer Relations team will beattending all-day training events.  As a result there will be fewerLindens than normal available to help.  Our inworld governance and anti-fraud efforts will not be affected by the training and will continue as normal.

Sowhat should you expect if you contact Support next week?  Most thingswon't change, but you will notice a few differences.  First, you may bere-directed to tickets more frequently than usual.  Second, our ticketresponses will take a little longer than usual.  We will be triagingtime-sensitive and critical issues to make sure they are addressed in atimely manner.

Once thetraining has concluded, Support will be returning to normal.  It maytake us a few days to work through the ticket backlog, but rest assuredthat will be our top priority.

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Well I got this today :

We have solved your issue



We are pleased to inform you that your account has been reactivated!

At your request, Linden Lab just completed its review of disciplinary actions taken against your account. Our investigation shows that the suspension of your account was applied in error; we sincerely apologize for the mistake.

You should now be able to log in to Second Life with your username and password. If you have any problems logging in with your password, you can reset it through the Second Life website.

1. Click the Login button on the homepage.
2. Click the Forgot your name or password? link.
3. Enter your Second Life first name and last name. Then enter the words you'll see on the screen to verify that you're a real person and hit the Send Instructions button.

If any further information is required, Linden Lab will contact you regarding this incident. Otherwise, please consider the matter resolved as no further communications will be sent.

If you still have problems accessing your account, please respond to this support ticket.

Enjoy your Second Life!

Best wishes, and again, our apologies,
Customer Support
Linden Lab

BUTtTTTTTTT......... what about my Alt? Its still blocked... I had to reopen the ticket and tell them it isnt fixed .... still waiting to see what happens ggrrrrrrr.... " an error " ...

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Hey! I just had the same thing happen to me three days ago. They asked me for my IP address and Mac address, so I sent those. Then I got a message telling me my account has been sent to another department for resolution. They haven't asked me for ID or anything yet. My alt account still works (this one) but my main account is still frozen. *sigh* I'm glad to hear you got some resolution, though. As a multiple business owner in SL, I'm started to freak out a bit. I hope mine gets resolved soon too!!

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Yes...i have. I had my account with Sl for over a year and LL deleted my account back in July. Why I have no idea all I know is an ex "friend" of mine account was tapped into and a bunch of stuff got deleted she accused me of doing it (because I had her password previous to that) so because she said I did it they deleted my account and banned me from SL permentaly, and I found all of this out from a mutual friend we had.  I have sent several emails asking why and even called and no one has or will tell me anything. I even made an alt tried to add lindens and they deleted that account also and took my money, I never got the money back and have sent serveral emails about that also. So I know how you feel. We get on here and put our money on here and then we get treated like this. Talk about poor customer service. I have lost everything I had..land, clothes, avi all of it and I had alot of stuff.

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Hello everyone,

I am sad and frustrated. Since 30th of March 2011 I don't get any kind of reply to my ticket. My Account was put on hold and I was told to send avatar name list and passport which I did on 31st of March. Since that I got no answer at all. I don't even have a clue why my account was put on hold. I didn't do anything wrong and I always buy proper  Lindens via Eldexchange.

I tried to ring up at different times the German and American Support Number via Skype and I reached the billing department, but all they say they can see that I replied the ticket, sent the information and that I just had to be patient to wait for them to reply on my ticket. They're working on the tickets in order that they come in. Someone will contact and answer me  via Email once they reached my ticket.

The thing is Charmina Constantine my main avatar is missed from groups. My friends are worrying about me. My hubby is talking just on Skype with me these days. He spoiled my avatar Charmina with gifts and spent (like me) an awful amount of money on my inventory. I don't even want to think of the amount that we spent making us look good and making Second Life a wonderful place to spend time... I don't want to loose all that. I didn't do anything wrong. Why they did that to me? I miss my friends I met my RL partner in SL 3 years ago. Since we met Inworld we are together in RL although we come from differnet countries. It's a true love story. But SL won't let us enjoy our SL together because I still can't sign in. I miss my 7seasfishing. I was working to get up in Hall of Fame (Right now I am Number 301) and I can't get in to gain Experience points... It is more than sad.

I am also modelling for the wonderful designer Mrs Alejandra Wetherby and her amaziing Wetherby store, where all the people come to, to make themselves good looking with her wonderful dresses and Outfits. She was talking on Skype to me a couple of times, because she can't understand what happenend to my account and me. She wants me to model again for her and I can't sign in. I am so so sad. Putting my account on hold was the worst thing I ever experienced in Second Life. Has anyone an idea for me what I can do that they let me back in and reply my ticket? Thank  you all so much for your help:) I won't give up ....

Greetings from Charmina Constantine

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I'm going freakin crazy bc this don't have nothing to do with me but they cant reply to ***** I send them worst customer service ever and I only been on here for 4 months wtf this is sad IMVU don't even do this ***** they tell you straight up whats going on  so why cant SL tell you anything yall are not FBI....

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3 minutes ago, Becky1566 said:

I'm going freakin crazy bc this don't have nothing to do with me but they cant reply to ***** I send them worst customer service ever and I only been on here for 4 months wtf this is sad IMVU don't even do this ***** they tell you straight up whats going on  so why cant SL tell you anything yall are not FBI....

If you have a question, please start a new thread instead of tacking it on the bottom of someone else's ancient thread, where it will never be seen.  Then, please tell us exactly what your question is.  We cannot begin to guess from what you have written here.

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