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My account was disable by linden lab without reason or warning

Nicolle Sandalwood

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i didn t come in Sl from 4 days, and when i come back on 4th january i discover my account was disable by linden lab without warning or explication.

i submit a ticket, no answer from they, and i spend alot of money on my accout, i don t want to lose my account, specialy i am partered in SL, my disable account name is Nicolle Dirval, i let my name here maybe some one from linden lab can explain me what happend, thanks

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Have you send the correct Ticket Type (or use mail or fax)? Linden Lab Official: My account has been unfairly or incorrectly suspended or permanently closed by Linden Lab -- how can I appeal this decision?:

Linden Lab takes violations of the Second Life Terms of Service andCommunity Standards very seriously. The decision to apply a suspensionor permanent closure for your Second Life account(s) is reached afterinvestigation of your use of the Second Life software and service.Residents are not allowed to participate in the Second Life virtualworld if their accounts have been suspended or disabled for violationsof our Terms of Service. However, if you can maintain in good faiththat the violations were not due to your actions or negligence, or theactions or negligence of others working for you, you may appeal thesuspension or closure of your account(s) in writing to the addressbelow. Please provide any relevant information that you believe wouldexplain the violations we detected. Linden Lab reserves sole discretionin considering whether to take any action on a written appeal. If youwould like to appeal your warning or suspension, you may contact SecondLife Support, in writing, at the address below:

Second Life Support, Linden Lab
945 Battery Street
San Francisco, CA 94111

Or by fax: 415 651 9221

Submitting an appeal electronically

Starting in January, 2008, we also accept appeals filedelectronically via our Support Portal's ticketing system. If you wouldlike to submit an appeal electronically, visit http://secondlife.com/support and click TICKET SUBMISSION.

Basic or Guest account holders should fill in the dropdown ticket fields as follows:

  • Ticket Type: Special Questions - Basic account or Guest Login
  • Basic or Guest Access - only a few ticket types allowed: Account issues
  • Basic Account issues: The system says my account is Disabled or Suspended
  • Disabled Issues: I believe my account was disabled for a Governance issue

Premium account holders should fill in the dropdown ticket fields as follows:

  • Ticket Type: Technical Issue
  • Technical issue: I can't log in
  • Crash/Error: Error message: account is disabled or suspended
  • Disabled Issues: I believe my account was disabled for a Governance issue
64px-KBtip.png Tip:At the time of this writing, responses to electronically filed appealsusually take between 48-72 hours. We cannot guarantee this time frame,but we will do our best to send you a response as soon as we can.
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I don't know.

LL Official: Why is my account on hold?:

Has your account has been put on hold? Do you not know why?Wondering what to do next? This article will help you find the answersto these questions.

Why was my account put on hold?

  • Someone may have phished or stolen your account.
  • One or more of your transactions may involve fraudulent Linden dollars.You should be aware that there are other exchanges for L$ that are notaffiliated with Linden Lab in any way. We have no control over theseexchanges and are not responsible for their activities.
  • Delinquent account or Terms of Service violations.Account delinquency or violations of the Terms of Service may alsocause cause us to hold your account. To correct this, contact billingor support.

What are the next steps?

  1. Log in to the Support Portal. (If you cannot log into your account, use our Guest Access login.)
  2. Click the Submit a Ticket link.
  3. In the Ticket Type Field, select Special Questions -- Basic Account or Guest Login from the dropdown list.
  4. Select My account has been shut off.
  5. From Disabled Issues, select I do not know why my account has been shut off.
  6. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed.
  7. Copy the Tracking Number for your new ticket.
  8. You'll receive an email containing your ticket information.

What happens next?

Linden Lab will investigate the transaction that led to placing youraccount on hold. Once we have concluded the investigation, we will sendyou an email explaining our conclusion and explaining the action thatwill be taken with respect to your account. As a reminder, alltransactions involving L$ are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service.

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Nicolle.Sandalwood escribió:


... ... ... or maybe was hacked by other person.

Linden Lab Official: Someone else has my password; I may have been the victim of fraud:

How do I know if my account was compromised?

  • If you cannot access your account
  • If you suddenly notice a reduced available balance on the payment source you have on file.

What should I do?

Contact us immediately!

Here are the steps:

  1. Login to the Support Portal. (If you cannot log into your account, use our Guest Access Log In.)
  2. Click the Submit a Ticket link.
  3. In the Ticket Type Field, select Special Questions > Basic Account or Guest Login from the dropdown list.
  4. Select My account has been shut off and I don't know why.
  5. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed.
  6. Copy the Tracking Number for your new ticket.
  7. You'll receive an email containing your ticket information.
  8. Call the Fraud number: 800-860-6990

How will Linden Lab resolve my compromised account?

First, Linden Lab will place your account on hold, and investigatethe relevant transactions. This may take a few days in some cases. Oncewe have concluded the investigation, we will send you an emailexplaining our conclusion and explaining the action that will be takenwith respect to your account. As a reminder, all transactions involvingL$ are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service.

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Mayuri.Ugimachi wrote:


You probably got reported, when your brother used your account.

And if anyone but you uses your account, thats bannable too. it's in the Terms of service.


she didn't say anyone used her account.  but even if she had, no, as currently worded, letting someone else use your account is not a TOS violation.  it only states that you are held responsible for anything that happens thereby.

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What would help the most is the courtesy of an email to tell you that your account has been disabled and what needs to be done to resolve the issue.


To just shut off accounts with no warning is poor business and a total lack of concern for ones customers.

LL is the only company I know of that is so rude and harsh to its customers with no warning.


Who likes feeling like they are living under someones thumb.


Glad you worked it out!

Persistence is usually the key.

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Phloughi.Tizzy schrieb:


What would help the most is the courtesy of an email to tell you that your account has been disabled and what needs to be done to resolve the issue.


To just shut off accounts with no warning is poor business and a total lack of concern for ones customers.

LL is the only company I know of that is so rude and harsh to its customers with no warning.


Who likes feeling like they are living under someones thumb.


Glad you worked it out!

Persistence is usually the key.


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Linden didn t give me a reason about why they close my account , just ask me to recive information about my age, they didn t told me if i was reported or not, specialy i did age verification 4 mounth ago, but strange, i found this problem happend to many friends from my city too, and what can i tell u more, they disable my account with out any warning, and after i submit ticket , open this blog and one friend from usa call linden, they didn t told me anything.

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Did you check your E-Mail including the Spam-Folder? For some reason Windows Mail dropped Lindenlab-Support Mails into the Spam Folder. This also happens sometimes with other E-Mail Providers. If Lindenlab going to disable an account they first send email where you have to respond. Now this could be a problem now. Usually E-Mail providers delete Spam mails after some days from your Spam folder.

If somebody reports you, the lab allways give you a chance to tell your sight of the issue, befor they decide to disable your account permanently. If i am remember right, a dissabled or deleted account will be stored for 6 Month in the database, to restore the account.

And if your viewer says just something like: "Your unable to conect to secondlife......"  the region where you wanna go is down or deleted. Try to change the destination to another region. Maybe the region of a friend. In your Login screen go to Edit/Preferences GeneralTab --> Show Start Position in Login screen.

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