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Stalker ?

Alysandra Ysabel

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I have a problem with someone following me.

I have changed my account and somehow this person knows it. I have no contact with anyone or any place from the other account. This person seems to be somehow tracking me even when I sign in to a friends account from my computer. How is this possible and is it illegal? Can I stop them? I filed an abuse report and I am waiting to hear back from them. I am really concerned about the security of my account and really my entire computer use. Please give me any info you have to resolve this problem. Thanks all !

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@ Lilie Foxtrot:  I've heard about that but have never searched for them.

I know the thing that finally got our stalkers off our back was this:  On the other site, I used a room of mine and started rambling on and on to no one but myself about what I'd do to get back at the stalkers (I said stuff about getting a person I knew to hack their computers, plant viruses, and destroy their real lives with all the hacker I knew of could do to them).  I did all of that due to the fact that one of the stalkers had a friend whose husband was staff at the other site and we knew that my friend and I were being spied on by staff for all of our conversations, whether we were with each other, by ourselves, or with other people in chats.  That finally fixed the stalkers' butts!

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Thank you Shabnan,

I have taken so many advices here and everyone has been so great with thier help. I have a strong idea that I know who this person is now and it is scary because if I am right, then I also know what damage they are capable of doing. Someone mentioned the sl music streams and I am sure that is one way they were able to get access to my info.

"Come on just come to this place alone and turn on my stream so I can play some special songs for you!!" .....I remember it well now. I have done scans that found something that said it was unable to remove on it's own and to do it manually. Since I dont know how to do this, I will follow the advice that another person mentioned too. I will take my tower in to Best Buy or Office Depot and ask for help to clean it out.


Thanks again for the help and concern.

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Hi Merlynn,


The part about SL music hit me hard with a memory of what very possibly got me in this trouble.

I checked and double, triple checked all my transferred items and none of them were gifts. So, I cant think of any other way he could have learned of my new account other than messing with my computer with some kind of creepy hacker spy stalker crud


Thanks for the input and help.

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Hi Starhunter,

I did #'s 1 and 2 successfully.

Tried #3 but it keeps telling me that I cannot change the IP Address on a computer with Media Disabled. I did a search for this and read tips on it but nothing I tried worked. I was not able to change my IP Address, which is what I really want to do. Any ideas ?

Thanks for helping me.

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Hi Simon,

Thanks for the suggestions. I was real careful NOT to join any same groups. I do not speak to any same people. I will not go to any familiar places. I abandoned my land and bought land on an entirely different sim. I changed my whole look ( and I LOVED my old look too. I had it perfected ).

The only explanation that makes sense all the way around is that this jerk got into my system somehow. I feel sorry for every person who has had to deal with this from anyone. Even if it seems mild to others, it is really bad for the person it is happening to. Everyone here has been so great about helping me. I called LL and the only way you can talk to a live person is if it is a billing issue. The man actually said to me "if it is not about money issues, I cannot help you". He told me make an abuse report and when they can get to it...they will. I tried to explain to him what is happening to me and he cut me off and said "whatever the problem is, there's no number to call unless its about money". So, I turned to you great people and just look how much help I got !!!

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Thank you Fal,

I hope the same because it's no fun. LL doesn't seem to take into consideration that even on free accounts, people spend money and when they have no other way of getting away from a stalker situation but to leave their account, they are taking a loss. THAT is one reason there should be some kind of live help from LL to deal with these jerks. Something I want to mention here...the account I had to close WAS a premium account. I had it for almost 3 years. I owned land and so much inventory that could not be saved. I lost a great deal of money trying to get away from this person, only to have him bother me in the new EMPTY account. I am angry and bothered by the lack of concern by LL but the truth is, I love SL . So I dont really want to leave it completely. If it comes to that, I will be very saddened. So I want to thank you all so much for the help. Each and every one of you are so appreciated.

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Hi Morgan,

Thank you for the help. I did try the alt trap and shortly after signing in he showed up. Never right next to me but always near by and it was the same with the brand new. I even made the trap one a guy. So, I can be pretty sure there's something in my computer and the creepy effer might even read what I am typing now.

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Hi Nadine,

Nope. Different land. Also, none of my new friends have even been at my land and it's not listed in my picks or anything so no way to just TP there. I am going to try the trend micro one you mentioned. I might have already though because it sounds familiar. I hope I am the only one he is doing this to because it's no fun and I wouldnt wish him on anyone else.


Thanks for the help !

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Hi Corann,

Yes...I understand this. I also called LL for help and this is what I was told...I called LL and the only way you can talk to a live person is if it is a billing issue. The man actually said to me "if it is not about money issues, I cannot help you". He told me make an abuse report and when they can get to it...they will. I tried to explain to him what is happening to me and he cut me off and said "whatever the problem is, there's no number to call unless its about money". So, I turned to you great people and just look how much help I got !!!


Thank you very much.

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     Thank you very much Nadine for pointing that out... what I did not include in the post is that my friend does pay for a sim. Not only that but they are a "Land Manager" for several sims and they also buys and sells Linden items along with purchasing of Lindens...They are almost working for Lindend Labs anyway... so LL is getting a good size portion of returns for their hard work. Yet with all this a matter as stalking goes with out notice??? Several of the posts said the same thing about owning/renting or any number of things. LL is making a profit in both monitarily and with linden.

    I have been told by many persons... some who have had accounts and droped them, that the difference between paying and not is negligable. Still if you are going to get ahead in SL your going to have to either invest in land, rent a piece of sim, rent a store space or just flat buy lindens either directly from LL or from a broker and even then the brokers are getting their lindens from someplace, land owners buy from LL, then you rent from them... then there is still fees paid to LL for that. So no matter how you slice the pie we are all customers in one way or another. 

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Hi Rylie,

He is usually silent..just ALWAYS there. I did get fed up recently and IM'd him and he replied with things that didn't make any sense. He said "groovy" when I asked what he wanted with me. He said "Who's the greatest chatbot" when I asked him to leave me alone. When I said I was reporting him to LL he didnt have anything else to say. I wonder how he might like to be stalked.


Thanks for the help !

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Hi again,

I got the mystitool !

I like it ... The jerk is still following me but I am going to take my tower in to be looked at by people who know lots more about computers than I do. Since third grade class isn't open on Saturdays, I'll have to bring it to Best Buy or Office Depot (hehe).


Thank you really a lot !

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If he wasnt actually doing anything then I would have ignored him. Like someone said above he would be like a creepy grey shadow. Really though I think anyone who watched me on here would get bored real quick.

Which is another point, you could always leave your account on even when not using it, he wouldnt be able to tell if you were there or not(or he might, but I am sure he cant stay at his computer forever) and surely get bored of watching you stand there doing nothing. Another point is that this person must have a job or must sleep or something, there has to be a time when he isnt on. Imagine if hes like several hours ahead or behind you, he wouldnt be able to stay up that late or get up so early that often.

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I agree what you said, Unklebob. This is what I said to Fal in one of my replies:

Thank you Fal,

I hope the same because it's no fun. LL doesn't seem to take into consideration that even on free accounts, people spend money and when they have no other way of getting away from a stalker situation but to leave their account, they are taking a loss. THAT is one reason there should be some kind of live help from LL to deal with these jerks. Something I want to mention here...the account I had to close WAS a premium account. I had it for almost 3 years. I owned land and so much inventory that could not be saved. I lost a great deal of money trying to get away from this person, only to have him bother me in the new EMPTY account. I am angry and bothered by the lack of concern by LL but the truth is, I love SL . So I dont really want to leave it completely. If it comes to that, I will be very saddened. So I want to thank you all so much for the help. Each and every one of you are so appreciated.



Many, many thanks to you all for your help here.

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Hi Tarius and Thanks for the input.

I have done that...left my avatar on and doing nothing but standing/sitting there. when I came back to it a couple of hours later, it looked as if he had done the same thing. Who knows?! But I'm not going to just stay silent and let him do this as long as he wants. I am going to try everything I can to get rid of the nuisance he is. I dont go in SL to have a bad or nervous time. I go in for the things I enjoy it for. He has no right to harrass me and I have No reason to put up with it.

Thanks again and take care

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If this guy's still bothering you, and it sounds like he is, I still have that offer of a safe haven open if you want it, Alysandra.

The landlord's on right now (1:40 AM EST November 14th) and I can be on in a matter of moments if you really would like that safe haven sim I was talking about.

Heck, if there's any other kindly Sim owners watching this thread, why doesn't everyone band together and ban this guy from your sims so Alysandra can have a lot of safe havens to get away from this creep? Let him go perv on some other person on other sims.

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You're welcome Alysandra.  It is such a pain to have to do everything you've done in order to ditch this dude; but, sometimes we have to take multiple tacks in order to get rid of jerks who want to stalk and harass.

I know all too well what you've had to deal with.  Fortunately, when all of this was happening with my friend and I, I was the one who had triple security on my PC so they couldn't get into much of anything important on my PC before my IP shut them down.  I wish I would have had my old laptop working at that time as the stalkers/harassers would have been automatically reported to Toshiba and Toshiba would have taken care of them.  I bought my Toshiba from my brother-in-law.  The company he worked for as an insurance agent had special security added to the specially manufactured laptops for agents only due to the security needed in the insurance business; and, that security stayed with the computer when he sold it to me and I registered the computer in my name. 

Hope Best Buy or Office Depot (I use Best Buy's Geek Squad since nearby Office Depots do not have qualified techs to assist) gets rid of whatever you couldn't get rid of.  The best of luck to you.

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It almost sounds as if this "guy" IS a chatbot, that is, it's not an actual person controlling the av, which would explain why none of his responses make sense.  It's programed with a limited number of replies and uses whatever seems to most logical.  Also sounds like it's not a very good one, there are some out there that seem like you're talking to an actual person.  I would imagine if that is the case that it's associated with one of your items that you moved from your old account.  Do you have anything with "chatbot" in the item name?  If it's something that someone gave you to bother you, it might not be named so simply either.  This is just a theory, but based on the fact that it just sits there silently, for hours at times, and spouts nonesense when you try to talk to it, I really don't think that's a real person.  And if it were a person, I don't see why they would go to the trouble of hacking your computer, just to sit there.

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