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Stalker ?

Alysandra Ysabel

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I have a problem with someone following me.

I have changed my account and somehow this person knows it. I have no contact with anyone or any place from the other account. This person seems to be somehow tracking me even when I sign in to a friends account from my computer. How is this possible and is it illegal? Can I stop them? I filed an abuse report and I am waiting to hear back from them. I am really concerned about the security of my account and really my entire computer use. Please give me any info you have to resolve this problem. Thanks all !

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Well, banning is hard to do (ok, it is easy when you only hang at sims and property of people you know well etc.) but I think there can be a deeper issue here. You are asking how and I can tell you a few ways.

1. They cracked into or used a trojean horse (hacked, the bad kind of hacking) into your PC and now you have a key logger, backdoor or a screencapture thing running that allows them to get your new account name.

2. You contacted former freinds(anywhere) and one of them, or someone they know, is the stalker. Also, sometimes a new account with similar interests may have tipped them off. So hanging out at the same sims or using similar typing patterns (always mispelling a word, always using a gesture, always using a particular catch pharase like "You da man!" etc.)

3. Someone is watching your house with a camera in the room! Silly? Yeah, but it could happen.

4. You log on at work and your work PC has a keylogger on it. Yeah, they 100% do record all you do sometimes, for security reasons. BUT, the guy in the cold basement with the servers might be lonely or bored and may think he has a secure enough and proxied enough connection to stalk you!!

5. There could be a physical bug. As in, you have a bug that key logs in your keyboard, pc, cable or cable connector etc. This is hard to figure out and a hardware hack is beyond any scope of knowledge other than I know it has, can and will be done to someone n earth as I know you can buy a small device and plug it between your PC keyboard and the PC and grab stuff. Employers can use this and if you removed it a big alarm would go off with the IT security dudes and you would be put under investigation etc.!

5b(the bug theory extended). Well, you could be saying your name or mumbing it OR, a very od instance, using a specific typ;ing rythm that is detectable and can be basically seen or heard! If you type ina  specific way and your keyboard makes specific key noises when you type it couldbe possible for someone to use this to get a few keys in a particular order and basically search all new accounts and match the keys they coudl figure out! Poenald (bold for the keys figured out...or at least suspected) leaves a much smaller pool of n00bs if I where to have peopel pick up my keystroke sounds and those where unique or rythmic as I typed! Requires watching and listening to known words etc. Well, a long shot but with a parabolic ear they could hear you...maybe? Maybe you speak it with your mouth as you type and they watch you, so turning your pc would not help? All camera, mic and watching based. In a apartment a lowtech hole in the wall is sort of easy to find, BUT if the hole is small enough or behind a fixture it may be enough to allow one of those scopes used by contractors and termite inspectors to see in walls to fit there. Long shot, but you never know. You told someone on the phone and your phone is bugged, maybe even you signed in the web or whatever and your phone was hacked?

6. You are watched by military or intelligence agency(ies) who are recording your physical movements with a HSS based system. Basically like a human radar, it can capture your body movements and thus, you typing patterns. This is suspected to be used by Many investigative authorities and intelligence agencies. There are some peopel who claim teh NSA use it under the premises that you mouth is a signal maker, thus signal intelligence and legal for them to watch and even manipulate. Body language, hand signs and other codes used clandestinly can mean you woudl also see EVERYTHING come under the title of signal making! You go out, well....satallites can watch you and that could be intelligence agents sending a signal! You drive your car, well how much out of the norm are you driving? Did youget blocked from entering a particular place? Where you adament about that particular store when you could easily go to another? yes, even that is considered a reason to possibly continue following you! Why? You are not being logical and thus must have another reason for that particular store. So it means you could be communicating via your movements through sattalites to someone! yes, silly but there is a HUGE longshot you just really pulled intot he wrong place and BAM youa re now watched. I wish I was joking here, but your foriegn travel, who from a known area went near your home etc. may be a issue. If you are over the age of about...well, I would guestimate like 25 or so, you may also be in trouble as your whereabouts may not have been known and if you hang out in the wood with muslims when there is a eclipse....you might also be in trouble! Do you get calls form Iranians that tell you to try meals or do out doors stuff? Did you do outdoors stuff when they where calling you? Do you have a fixation with the lunar ecliipse? Wel...you never know! HUUUGE long shot, totally insane and mos tlikely not an issue as I am sure they are more intereted in NOT harrasing you and watching you.


Either way, stalking can get nasty and if you see on the news that people get away with some pretty terrible stuff....well, you can imagine what a hidden stalker may use and do without getting cought! It is not easy to catch stalkers and hackers, groups a bit easier I bet. But these guys can and may get cought and not realise it, sometimes the choas and secrecy backfires and thier smoke screen stops them from seeing who is sneaking up on them! Of course, boldness is easy from behing a computer, so it is a bit easier for you to shake them or catch them I bet! I would not know, I have not gotten justice to move and strike those I wish wouod leave me alone...yet.

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I mean the next extension of this is a system to share names to ban, right? Well, that is obviously an issue with people using that to get people they don't like, competition or even RL people stalked!!! I mean what is worse than a person using this to ban anyone as a payback that is unfair as the person is not a stalker but jsut upset them somehow? So, it can be hard to get goign and I think there are actually a few of these. I beleive I have sen a box that bans whomever it recieves and then there is a list somewhere with a group....not sure exactly what they are called though. I bet the justice leuage has alist of griefers and may investigate even, things like that must happen. There are also private investigation companies in SL, though I will not say weather I have used any of the above mentioned services or system....well, even if I said "absolutly not" you may think I did as I know they exist lol. I am nosey, but yeah...um, maye you should be scarred now and not mess with me as I has powerz and charlies angenls PLUS Shaft chasen you all down!?!?!?!

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Did you log a bot iin and now are covering up what you did, or are you making fun ofpeople who are stalked or ? I mean, not be flame, argue or whatever but chatbots exist and it is possible for them to move to coordinates and scan for people to move toward, this sounds strange as you seem to be at the same location. But if you go to different sims and this happens via a TP...well, you should check your attachments, pc and what you have clicked on. If you click on a scripted item and it takes you to an account, or you use things ans say "I am logging off now to go to my buddies website forum" etc. you are maybe showing a person who or what you areand they can get your IP and attempt and possibly succeed at entering your PC. Using a hardware based firewall can help (some routers/switches and LAN hardware have there and you can even build oen with a packet sniffer out of an old PC using some Linux based firewall apps. You can get apps like this (clean yoursystem before downlaoding and making the CD-R, unless you are setting up honey pots etc.) and well....what is the point as it sounds like a bot is aroudn you. I get harrassed in RL, I get sound pumped into my house and have been stalked in RL, I don't think you realise how serious stalking can be and you only seem to have a bot issue...or you are stalking me as I know a person who has a similar name to yours....seriously not cool. If you are one of the hackers wh stalked me, I have news that the bot may be due to somethiing you see no issue wiht now but could be horribly anoying if they switch to live people, and I am talking about RL stuff and you really should stop hacking my stuff to ensure you are not seen as being involved with relaying communications from me!! This is not a laughing matter, in all seriousness you could be in great trouble if you are the one who hacked me. In fact, I only came to the answers form to ask a question to try and shake a pc intruder myself! I didn't run the tightest security on one of my pc's, so now I have ot contact LL and wanted to ask a question here first! No laughing matter, I will need to call LL this week possibly! Seriously though, I hope you have no issues with stalking but the strange bot interogation thing could be linked to a simple system used to intorrogate people, as I was intorageted and it is a bot used to translate moutha nd through movements into words. When you are interogated this is to make it harder for you to speak, which in turn forces you to be frustrated and try to speak more clearly...it could hav eother phschological effects also btu there are are other things done. You might think this funny, but a decadeor so from now you might be very much wishing you had never even heard me say this! I am not threatening you, only realaying some of the horror and confusion I myself had to deal with this past decade, the bots are the cheaper and safer way they use it. Since they risk personal liability I pressume. There are reasons men disapeared and went onto planes and where not over specific locations and kept beyong ther ability to figure out where they where...they didn't want them mumbling about it or pretending they where mumbling about it AND they use druglike effects to induce hallucinations into your mind. No, this is not from a conspiracy website, they only tell you stuff about beating and torture or aliens abducting people instead. I dont' like to mention these things, I try to make a living and gain whtever I can to aid myself in eating and living etc and slightly rely on the money here, though I eat and that is all I need so I dont' "need" the money. But as you are most likely now laughing I can assure I know you will not believe all I say, so don't think I am talking bigto threaten people etc. as that will not really work. In fact, I could be asking for more attention by saying this but...well, judging from a few of your posts you may be stalking me or used to post here and then trigger me (why I say the stuff about people who are innocent getting banned, the other reason is basically a person can be induced to dosomething simpile and cuase another stress. An example would be me getting stalked, I ask a question about it and then the guy who was stalking you is like a car guy or owns one of my cars and drives it into you as griefing right? Sounds to coincidental BUT is easy for the other guy to simpily be the only stalker AND just say you are nuts. You then go out and start stalkign ME and try to see what is up with me. You figure I must be spying on my customers (I don't and Sl can easily check my cars, that is why stalkers could be gotten rid of IF they are SL only and PC only) so.....well, you don't care and get me banned from sims! The guy who stalked you for real is still out there stalking you and after 20+banning of innocent citizens is left laughing at all of us! In fact, he could be harrasing me via you as well, since I did nothing wrong I woud lbe wronged! Sad right? Welcome to my stalked life, I guess you just got hyper over a bot (they are ust liek real contorlled avs sometimes as well)

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Hi Tesla,

Thanks for the input. I have only had any communication with him once (in the IM I sent him). I haven't got any knowledge about chat bots except a sim I went to once had a thing that interacted with me by replying to certain words I typed. That was kinda cool but I have never been back to it. I don't know for sure what, how or why this guy started bothering me but I have a few guesses after all the help I got here in the postings. I haven't seen the guy/bot since having taken my computer to a professional to be cleaned. I did go through my entire inventory to make sure I have nothing left there from the other account. Even if it looked safe, I still deleted it. I don't want to take any chances. Thanks for the info.

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Chancellor.Bayn wrote:


I understand sending a virus makes me look like a bad guy, but consider black hat/white hat hackers, they're usually guys with similar skills but with different morals. Black hats are the bad guys, and white hats are the good guys. Unlike black hats, I can at least say I use my skills for good and take down griefers and stalkers who pester me, or my friends. I don't take any real honor in it, but sometimes it's gotta be done to teach the other guy a lesson.


Not only does it make you look like a bad guy, but is also a violation of US federal laws. Just a tip to be very careful and consider other options.

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It maybe something simpler for example, you visiting a frequented sim with all your new accounts. This is one way I identify alts of my friends.

For example, If one of my friend frequents a welcome area, and I also am there mostly, if they login with an alt, i can tell most of the times due to the following factors:

1) Style of typing ,some words spelled in a certain way, or a certain sentence structure.

2) Use of some common gestures by that person

3) A familiar clothing style, or a favourite hair style for example, that maybe worn by the alt as well.

4) Anything that is a trademark of the original and is also present on the alt can give you a fair idea of who it is.

Not necessarily saying this is how your stalker finds you, but it might be so.

-Hunain Bellic-

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Thanks. Your info could be very helpful for others trying to start new.

Style of typing or more often, typos...lol..yes, that might not be easy to change.

But, I didnt keep any of my favorite gestures and I wont buy them again.

I changed my complete look. Nothing familiar there.

I never go to any of the same places as before.

I am now searching for clothing shops and hair shops that are as good as my old favorites.

Nothing trademark or ordinary for my new account..not that it matters now anyway since he already knows who I am again.

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With in my own limited knowledge, I find it Virtually (no pun intended) impossible for him to find out what new accounts you make. Unless of course, he has a trojan keylogger in your system.

A trojan keylogger, logs all keyboard strokes, and can also mention what program or application they were captured from.

This will entail, your SL chats, your SL login names (which are your new account names) and SL password to be more precise, which is more dangerous.

You should also try to see, he may have logged in from your accounts as well.

Anyways, with a keylogger he can keep trace...but thats the only way I can think of....

Best bet? format, reinstall OS, re-install SL, if you have dynamic ip, re aquire ip, change e-mail....maybe he'll get off your tail then..but all that is too much to ask now, isnt it?

-Hunain Bellic-

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Someone I've only IM-ed once but never added onto my list tracked me down on the SIM I was on. He then took pictures of me with another person in an intimate though non-sexual situation. No IM was made between me and this person who took the pictures but the pictures were later then used as materials to blackmail me.

This has totally ruined my SL experience of thinking that it's a fantasy world where things can be just different from one's real life.

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Hello all , first time ive posted on this and not sure im in the right category lol, my problem is a RL EX who now plays SL is banning me from Clubs and places on SL , these are places i havent caused trouble at and some places i havent been to before and i go there and find im banned. Can i do anything about this ? Is there anyway to stop him banning me from places when ive caused no trouble? Many thanks in advance for any help

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