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wasted alt accounts


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Its expensive for me considering I have not invested a dime in SL and bought it by a couple of peoples genorisity when I was new, that helped me play sploder and win "big' and become somewhat rich, again for someone who hasnt put in a dime here thats an amazing thing more so being a noob, Haha.

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To be clear you can't do this without LL's express permission.

4.1 You may not sell, transfer or assign your Account or its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party without the prior written consent of Linden Lab.


But note also,

2.7 You agree that you will not copy, transfer, or distribute outside the Service any Content that contains any Linden In-World Content, in whole or in part or in modified or unmodified form, except as allowed by the Snapshot and Machinima Policy, or that infringes or violates any Intellectual Property Rights of Linden Lab, other Content Providers, or any third parties.


Any "no transfer" items can not be nor would be transferred with your account because that would infringe on the copyrights of the Creator.

And while in general, meaning 99.9999999999999% of the time, they'd probably deny the sale or transfer, I can see specific case scenarios where LL might allow it.  For instance where an Estate Owner or a Merchant wanted to sell or transfer in whole their business to a third party.




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Jennifer Boyle wrote:

Any idea why the TOS prohibits sale of accounts? That seems to be a restriction that helps no one while hurting people who have valuable accounts they no longer want, which makes SL marginally less attractive to users, thereby hurting LL.

The most logical answer I can come up with is that it, in a rund about way, violates the permissions.  When you transfer accounts to someone else, you are, in essence, transferring items to another person, including those that are no transfer.  Which is not what the creators intended, hence why they made the items no trans to begin with.

Whether or not it is a good policy, is up to individual interpretation.

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Jennifer Boyle wrote:

Any idea why the TOS prohibits sale of accounts?

Avoids complication in accusations of theft. Particularly account theft.

This is part of the TOS of pretty much every online game - save for a few exceptions where the service itself might be fascilitating the sale as a way to monitor to prevent theft.


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Tari Landar wrote:

Jennifer Boyle wrote:

Any idea why the TOS prohibits sale of accounts? That seems to be a restriction that helps no one while hurting people who have valuable accounts they no longer want, which makes SL marginally less attractive to users, thereby hurting LL.

The most logical answer I can come up with is that it, in a rund about way, violates the permissions.  When you transfer accounts to someone else, you are, in essence, transferring items to another person, including those that are no transfer.  Which is not what the creators intended, hence why they made the items no trans to begin with.

Whether or not it is a good policy, is up to individual interpretation.

They don't prohibit the sale or transfer.  They regulate it.

First of all you need to remember that the ToS is a legal binding contract that you agreed to.  If you let your RL next door neighbor or friend access your account, they have no legal binding contract with LL.  Hence why LL says you are responsible for ALL activity with your account.

Then there is the issue of transfer permissions and copyright and ownership that Tari brought up. 

I doubt that LL would want to even begin to get involved in account transfers.  They'd wind up being buried with a pile of frivolous requests.  "I just want to be nice to my friend, etc, etc,"  They'd have to also deal with all the financial information associated with that account, etc, etc.  It could get sticky and messy very, very fast. 

But as I said, I could conceive of them allowing sales/transfers for business purposes.  Whether this has ever happened I do not know.

The only transfer that LL might be obligated to make would be one done under a Will.  But that type of thing can be governed by a whole different set of laws.


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As well as violating permissions, I can see another reason why it's against TOS to sell an account.  If a lot of people in SL get to know you, and then, perhaps after a while you sell your name and account to another person, if that avatar then bumped into your old acquaintances, they wouldn't necessarily know that it was a different person behind the avatar.  Or the seller might have some 'baggage' with the account, like drama or stalkers, which would be carried over to the new owner.

However I suspect that it's not unknown for people to exchange accounts informally or even sell them.

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mew mew ma mew pew :matte-motes-bashful-cute:


Let me see, i would say from my main account to my current alt, coming up to 7 years , over a million lindens worth.

So at least one of my avi's that is not used anymore is a linden millionaire hahha.


2000 lindens, that would not even last me 2 seconds at the start of a new collabor88 round.


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I'm with you on 2K Linden lasting long at collabor88, not to mention the various fashion fairs as well as the annual Hair Fair (coming in July), RFL clothing fair and Shoetopia, all of which support charities (Hair Fair-Wigs for Kids, RFL-Relay for Life, cancer, Shoetopia-Soles for Souls). It's very easy to spend money. 2K Linden is about 10 USD. You spend that much at McDonalds these days.

As for the avi. Although it is against SL TOS, if you know where to look, there are people buying up older avis that have a proper first and last name rather than none or Resident. I have spent a decent amount on my various alts and enjoy using them. I actually have some set up for different purposes. Try doing that with your alts. I have one I use when I want to go clubbing. She has lots of dances on her. I have my main that is an admin in an RP sim. I have my business avi. I have one that I use when I get in the mood for doing something naughty :smileywink: SL is a place of endless possibilities. Use your alts to explore something you wouldn't normally do and keep it for that purpose. Enjoy the wide range of activities in SL.

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Tari Landar wrote:

The most logical answer I can come up with is that it, in a rund about way, violates the permissions.  When you transfer accounts to someone else, you are, in essence, transferring items to another person, including those that are no transfer.  Which is not what the creators intended, hence why they made the items no trans to begin with.

Whether or not it is a good policy, is up to individual interpretation.

First, permissions mean whatever LL says they mean. and LL has not been shy about altering the TOS in the past. LL could explicitly state thet "NO TRANSFER" means no transfer to another account, or they could be silent and allow accounts to be transferred.  I think that permissions and rights are frequently confused.  Permissions are just techincal means of preventing certain actions; the actions they prevent may, or may not, violate someone's rights.  For example, someone could sell me a picture that is in the public domain with limited peremissions, which would affect my ABILITY to do certain things with it, but not my rights.  Second, LL could just declare in the TOS that all rights accrue to the accounts and that they are freely transferable with account ownership.  Finally, if an account's ownership can be tranferred via inheritance notwithstanding any permissions or rights, why couldn't it be transferred by gift or sale?

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Jennifer Boyle wrote:

.  Finally, if an account's ownership can be tranferred via inheritance notwithstanding any permissions or rights, why couldn't it be transferred by gift or sale?

Inheritance is governed by it's own unique set up laws.  Rights do not always automatically transfer.  It is going to be in the fine print of the contract.  Some contracts are written that specifically state that all Rights terminate at death. 


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