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A question about viewer graphics . need help


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Sorry for opening a new thread. i have a previous one  with similar question but not sure people still look there.  I have a bit different question here...A little background of the problem -  As i said in the other thread. i played all this months with second life viewer 3.5.3 and  postponed the updates until few days ago i had to update or can't log in to SL. and the view now has changed completely from the older version ,i guess  due to gamma corrections and more things,,,and i don't  like the new view at all...,As i understood there isn't any way to play the older version anymore. :(.   I got some good advices here to make the advanced lighting model off , which really helped to make the lighting more as once but  it created the edges of things Jaggy too. Then  i raised the number at anti aliasing settiing as was adviced to me here and it helped. it's still a bit jaggy and not smooth as if i choose advanced lighting on ...but it is much then the low anti aliasing.

What now bothers me a lot is that the view is so sharp. If i stay with advanced lighting model on . then the view is less sharp and looks better. but the lighting then is so dark and the colors are less vibrent and more doll. if i mark advanced lighting off. i have better lighting but more jaggy edges and very sharp view which looks less realistic. It's hard to explain but i will try my best :  once before the update. the view was like creamier, the edges were softer and blend better one with a nother. it  looked more realistic, more thick  and had more dimention and volume to it .. It was still sharp but , but good sharp and not that much. Now because all seems so sharp and different. it's like the things lost from their dimention , they look more thin , as someone draw sharp lines with pen. they not a bit  "creamy " and softer as once .basically looks very thin, sharp and with less dimention. not blending as good with one a nother. I can make advanced lighting model on and it's a bit more with dimention as i want,. but the price for it  is bad lighting and doll colors.  Also  a few more things which bothers and also started since the update. : Things which are rezzing look as hot pink stains on the screen without texture. until they completely rezz and then it's ok,  If making sunset or sunrise lighting  and looking  at the sea from any direction , so in the most far point of the sea, off sim, there is white line to the width of the sea,  If going far with my camera from avatars , i see their faces deformed and the avatar  edges very jaggy.  All these  problems are new since i updated. and everything was fine before.  Anyone has an idea what to make to improve or solve these problems? and how can i make my view more as once and less sharp and softer with more dimention   but with the lighting as in advanced lighting model off ?  Sorry for so long message, just trying my luck last time with explaining my best. thank you :)

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You can access the windlight settings (which are specific enviroment settings) through World-> Environment settings - https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewerhelp:Environment_Settings.

Unfortunately many of the most useful settings for fine tuning the viewer are hidden away as difficult to find Debug Settings.  Many TPVs or viewer skins expose settings such as Depth of Field (see https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Depth_of_field), which may be what you need to affect the degree of sharpness of what to see.

There is also an excellent, brief guide to all the various settings associated with Lighting and Shadows at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Lighting-and-shadows/ta-p/997819 .

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I'd just add that if you can arrive at tolerable settings with Advanced Lighting enabled, it's a big win over disabling that feature. It may never be exactly the same as what you liked before, but it enables important new rendering features that are not going away and can never be seen without it. I'm thinking of Materials (normalmaps and specularmaps -- sort of the old "bump" and "shine" brought up-to-date) and, particularly, Alpha-masking, by which creators can completely overcome the flickering "alpha-sorting" effect that destroys immersion so completely. (Of course, it all looks better with Shadows enabled, too, another feature for which Advanced Lighting is a prerequisite, but that demands some GPU horsepower.)

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Thanks all for your help :)....I seen the depth of field can be used only if advanced lighting model is on.

basically with advanced lighting model is off the view looks flat , thin but the ligthing is good, similar to what i had once.. When this option on on it have more dimention and realisem . but then the lighting and colors become bad and doll...too dark too. on viewer  version 3.5.3 i had good ligthing and still a view with dimention, it was perfect. so oh well i guess i will just have to use to it now, hopefully maybe in the future it will improve. or just try other viewer. 

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Some winflight settings look better than others with Advanced Lighting turned on.

Go to World > Enviromnent Editor > Sky presets > New Sky Preset.

Give your new preset a name that you'll remember.

Click the Lighting tab

Click the "Ambient" box and play with the colours - you'll want to choose a lighter one than you have already.  You can also raise Scene Gamma to lighten the overall view. 

Once you're happy with the level of brightness, tick the box "Make this my new sky preset" and Save.

Next time, you can just select your new preset from the dropdown menu in World > Environment Editor > Environment Settings.


One of the big advantages of raising the Ambient light is it negates the need to wear a facelight.

But contrarywise, if you enable shadows as well, you'll want to lower the ambient light and raise the sun/moon light. 

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