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Why can't i use SL anymore???

BigBad Bearsfoot

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Hi peeps...

I am having big problems with SL atm and i hope someone can help me, or i will have to quit SL :-(

It all started a few days ago when i crashed for no reason. I could not get online anymore that night. Then the day after (yesterday) i was online for about 8 hours and then it happened again. And today it just got worse for me. Was online for about 15-20 minutes and then crashed again.

I will explain what happens:

I am online talking to friends using voice. All of a sudden they don't hear me anymore and if i type, it won't reach the screen for either me, nor them. After a short time i can't walk... Only spin around on the same spot. And then it says "ding" and the little box comes up telling me that i have been logged off and i can chose to view IM and chat or quit.

Then i try to log back on. It hangs for a long time "Requesting region capabilities attempt 1" then "attempt 2" then "attempt 3" and then finally it works its way into SL... Sort of. Because when i get back in it says that my clothing is still being downloaded. I click okay and i can't walk, type in local or IMs, Teleport or see my friends and groups etc. Then after a while the "ding" comes back and i am once again left with the choice to see IM and chat or quit.

I try again and again. But the same things happen. Sometimes it looks like it is working and i can IM my friends and TP but not for more than at the max 10 minutes. Then it happens again.

I have tried it all... Logging in at my home, logging in at "smith" or "aich" but nothing.

I have also tried removing cache from my computer, restarting my computer and router, reinstalling firestorm, logging on with singularity. Everything i have been able to read up on.

The strangest thing is that i have been using SL almost dayly since 2009 with no problem and i have always logged on at the first region capabilities attempt. That makes me convinced that it has nothing to do with firewall.

My internet speed is 3,59Mbit download and 0,13Mbit upload. My router is wireless but it is conected to my desktop using cable so that should not be the problem.

I am running windows xp on a very old computer but the system requierments should be good... Or else it would not do this from day to day, right???

Sorry for the long post but i think it would be best to let you know more or less excactly how it is acting up.

I really hope that anyone who can help me???

Kind regards


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BigBad Bearsfoot wrote:

Hi peeps...

I am having big problems with SL atm and i hope someone can help me, or i will have to quit SL :-(

It all started a few days ago when i crashed for no reason. I could not get online anymore that night. Then the day after (yesterday) i was online for about 8 hours and then it happened again. And today it just got worse for me. Was online for about 15-20 minutes and then crashed again.

I will explain what happens:

I am online talking to friends using voice. All of a sudden they don't hear me anymore and if i type, it won't reach the screen for either me, nor them. After a short time i can't walk... Only spin around on the same spot. And then it says "ding" and the little box comes up telling me that i have been logged off and i can chose to view IM and chat or quit.

Then i try to log back on. It hangs for a long time "Requesting region capabilities attempt 1" then "attempt 2" then "attempt 3" and then finally it works its way into SL... Sort of. Because when i get back in it says that my clothing is still being downloaded. I click okay and i can't walk, type in local or IMs, Teleport or see my friends and groups etc. Then after a while the "ding" comes back and i am once again left with the choice to see IM and chat or quit.

I try again and again. But the same things happen. Sometimes it looks like it is working and i can IM my friends and TP but not for more than at the max 10 minutes. Then it happens again.

I have tried it all... Logging in at my home, logging in at "smith" or "aich" but nothing.

I have also tried removing cache from my computer, restarting my computer and router, reinstalling firestorm, logging on with singularity. Everything i have been able to read up on.

The strangest thing is that i have been using SL almost dayly since 2009 with no problem and i have always logged on at the first region capabilities attempt. That makes me convinced that it has nothing to do with firewall.

My internet speed is 3,59Mbit download and 0,13Mbit upload. My router is wireless but it is conected to my desktop using cable so that should not be the problem.

I am running windows xp on a very old computer but the system requierments should be good... Or else it would not do this from day to day, right???

Sorry for the long post but i think it would be best to let you know more or less excactly how it is acting up.

I really hope that anyone who can help me???

Kind regards


Everything you're describing is symptomatic of a connection problem. Are those numbers for speed what you've been typically getting when things were running well or did you just measure them recently? Because the problem I see is that your upload speed is horrible. SL isn't like the typical web application that needs almost no upload capability; it relies on a constant two-way communication between your viewer and the servers. If that two-way communication breaks down you'll get exactly the logout you're seeing. The fact that you're sending voice is doing no you no favors either, under the circumstances.

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Here is an article about handling problems like those you have been having:

Your problem sounds like a connection problem, but that could be in your router or modem as well as in your ISP.  I have seen router failures give problems like that and give no problem with running a browser,  (SL uses ports that browsers do not use.)  You can test that issue  by connecting your computer directly to the modem--be sure your computer Firewall is working first.



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Your Internet connection is not a static thing. The Internet is continually being rebuilt and changed. There is an on going change over from IPv4 to IPv6. That change requires that nearly all of the equipment used to run the net be changed out. Various ISP's and back bone providers are at different stages of the change out. Every day, even every hour, the internet changes.

You can test to see what is happening with your connection to SL. Read: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection.

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BigBad Bearsfoot wrote:

Thank you for taking your time to read it all and answering...

The connection has always been like this... But maybe i should call my provider and see if they can boost it somehow...

I just find it odd that it started doing this after 4 years of SL :-/

Theresa is right. 

And, yes, you should contact your internet service provider.

Its not at all odd that it should start doing this after several years of SL.  After all, more and more people have been signing up to join broadband, and so what you are getting is a more and more diluted service.  You may find that at certain times of the day you can stay connected for longer than at other times - this will coincide with times that people finish work or school and are making merry with the internet, Facebooking or whatever they do. 

You might even need a new modem after all these years! Nothing lasts forever. Anyway, have a chat with the ISP and say your service has slowed down, they will do some speed tests and troubleshoot further for you.

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all the situations you described are the same to me! Completely equal!

Incredible: you are my mirror in the same trouble!

Before november 30th, past year, I had an ADSL5Mb ISP. Second Life was wonderful. But, after 20 days without internet connection, I decided to move to a new ISP. Since, december, 20th, I have a cable 10Mb ISP.

That was my hell.

I cant do anything I was used to do, such as fly, sail, race with motorcycle. When I cross regions border, I crash. I know that crashes while flying is common in SL, but before I was able to fly for hours and cross a lot of border until crash. Now, I cant cross more the 3 or 4 and my viewer crashes. Voice is a hell too! Almost impossible to talk without crashes.

My hardware configuration is the same! Absolutely the same! The only change was my ISP.

I am reading carefuly all the comments here and its points to:

1) Low upload

2) Bad router quality

3) ISP doing traffic shapping

4) Too may people this time of the year (Holidays, new computers, etc)

I will try to talk to my ISP first. After, buy a high top router. If nothing solve the problem, I will consider to back to my old ISP.

Good luck for us!


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3,59Mbit download and 0,13Mbit upload


According to typical ADSL standards you should have an upload speed of roundabout 0.35Mb. That's not great but should be ok-ish as long as you don't use stupid voice crap. THat's a killer on a slow connection like yours, almost as bad as if you're downloading a movie while busy in SL. Upload speed of 0.13 is unacceptable. There is definately something wrong at the local exchange. Complain at your ISP! Ask them to redesign your port, not just resetting it. And check your router/modem stats. Maybe it's time to invest in a newer and better one.

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Greetings...In case you have not already done so.... check  your PC for overheating problems.....dusty/dirty cooling fan blades or  heatsinks on the main cpu and or on the Video card/chip if applicable.

You never did mention if you have dedicated Graphics card or not.

Good luck ...hope you can solve it soon :)

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Thank you.

I do not have a dedicated graphic card, but I never had problems with it.

My problem started after change for a new ISP. I do not know if this time of year (holidays, more people connected) are causing my problems or my ISP has problems with Second Life.

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Again a major thank you to you all... I am getting a lot of leads to follow... I am so sorry that you also have problems, Red.

I have not gotten as far as calling my provider yet because of busy rl, but i can answer you that it is not the heating or graphix card... I have been spending time on sl using a mobile usb dongle internet thingy and have not crashed once... Even thou that kind of solutions is highly unstable but i can DJ and spend time in sl with no problems when i use that one... So it must be my connection...

But once again thank you all...

Catch ya in world ;-)

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My old connection is a normal wireless router from where my desktop computer was connected via cable... And that is the connection that is causing me problems... Now i am using one of those usb dongles with 3g and getting no problems... I am calling my provider today to see what the problem is...

I'll keep you updated...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay people i promised you some response. I have had the new connection up and running for a while now and have not crashed once. I can still get a lot of lag but i have found out that most of the lag is when my stoneage computer is opening something like an ad from my antivirus etc.

My new connection runs a speed of 11.79mbt download and 0.78mbt upload now... Even thou i only pay for a 10mbt speed :-P

Thanks for your help guys and i hope this will help others along the way...

Be good ;-)


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I solved my problem too! :-)

The problem was tha capacity of the router to send UDP packages as fast as Second Life was asking. My router was very bad, so Second Life was "understanding" I had connections problems and was logging me out all the time!

Second Life NEEDS a good UDP upstream response to keep you alive and connected.

My ISP gave me a new router, more strong and efficient!  All problems disappeared! :-)

I can fly again!


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