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I could and they would probably be none the wiser. But I screwed things up by being honest about googling their profile pic. It was dumb to do so cuz ultimately in my heart it really didn't matter. I'm just too honest for my own good I guess.

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googling public information should not be a problem, if the other person don´t want their information public, they should retire it from that place.

it would be a problem if you hacked somehow their private information, and made it available to you without their consent.

in terms of losing a relationship, its a hard experience to take, luckily, we are gonna have more possible friendships in the future, some unexpected ones, that are going to make our life more pleasant or interesting, you can cherish that you get to share your life with that person and you were allowed to recieve from that person a good part of his/her life.

not many friendships last forever, enjoy the friendships while they are here, and be happy you get to enjoy them while they last.

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I could see that being upseting. You had no right however it is public information and you broke no laws. Just one of trust. If this was done to be I would be very upset however its something I would get over quickly especially if the friendship was a good one. In the furture if someone wants to keep sl, sl then you should respect that. Yes you can look them up however how is that being respectful of there wishes and how is that showing you are being a good friend. Wish you the best.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

I could see that being upseting. You had no right however it is public information and you broke no laws. Just one of trust. If this was done to be I would be very upset however its something I would get over quickly especially if the friendship was a good one. In the furture if someone wants to keep sl, sl then you should respect that. Yes you can look them up however how is that being respectful of there wishes and how is that showing you are being a good friend. Wish you the best.

If you expect trust and respect in an anonymous virtual world then you are ingenuous to the extreme.

And deserve to be disappointed.

As you surely will be.


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RudolphFarquhar wrote:

Sephina Frostbite wrote:

I could see that being upsetting. You had no right however it is public information and you broke no laws. Just one of trust. If this was done to be I would be very upset however its something I would get over quickly especially if the friendship was a good one. In the future if someone wants to keep sl, sl then you should respect that. Yes you can look them up however how is that being respectful of there wishes and how is that showing you are being a good friend. Wish you the best.

If you expect trust and respect in an anonymous virtual world then you are ingenuous to the extreme.

And deserve to be disappointed.

As you surely will be.


Never said I expected it.  Just said that if it was broken it would be upsetting. Not something I would linger on for days but it would surely make me not want to talk to them for a bit. 

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Divad73 wrote:

I could and they would probably be none the wiser. But I screwed things up by being honest about googling their profile pic. It was dumb to do so cuz ultimately in my heart it really didn't matter. I'm just too honest for my own good I guess.

Your friend is an idiot... you're lucky to have lost them as soon as you did.  Don't stop being honest, just find better friends.


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Innula Zenovka wrote:

I'm wondering whether Google revealed that the friend's "RL" photo was, in fact, an image of some Brazilian porn star, and the OP was tactless enough to mention that.

That is something I don't get.  I've seen so many pictures that were actually of Brazilian porn stars or Models it makes me wonder.  Do people think because they are from Brazil they wont be recognised?

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I think those of you who have responded thus far may have the wrong idea. The way *I* read it said to me:


Friend had a RL pic on their profile, claiming it was their true RL self.

OP got curious and cross referenced it with Google, found out that wasn't the case, wasn't "Friend" in the picture at all.

OP confronted Friend with this discovery.

Friend got defensive about having been found out to be lying about their RL pic.

The End.


Assuming I'm right - OP, I would consider the 'loss' a blessing in disguise. If they are going to lie about something as trivial as a picture, what else would they be willing to lie about...or may have already lied about?

It's totally their option whether to disclose a RL pic or not in their profile.

It's totally their option to use a fake pic in their profile as well.

What's not cool is leading someone to believe, "Hey, yeah. This is me!" and then whining like a child when they are found out.

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Senobia Xenga wrote:

I think those of you who have responded thus far may have the wrong idea. The way *I* read it said to me:


Friend had a RL pic on their profile, claiming it was their true RL self.

OP got curious and cross referenced it with Google, found out that wasn't the case, wasn't "Friend" in the picture at all.

OP confronted Friend with this discovery.

Friend got defensive about having been found out to be lying about their RL pic.

The End.


Assuming I'm right - OP, I would consider the 'loss' a blessing in disguise. If they are going to lie about something as trivial as a picture, what else would they be willing to lie about...or may have already lied about?

It's totally their option whether to disclose a RL pic or not in their profile.

It's totally their option to use a fake pic in their profile as well.

What's not cool is leading someone to believe, "Hey, yeah. This is me!" and then whining like a child when they are found out.

Ah, now if you put it that way then I agree with you totally. Deception is never a good friend.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You didn't confirm which of the two scenarios it was...


But the plus side is, you clearly have people here on the forums willing to have your back , give you support when you need it, and some light banter to make you laugh....


It seems to me you have friends on here you didn't realise you had :)



It's always upsetting any arguments and fall outs with people we spend time with :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

So first if all I just realized (MISSED CONNECTIONS) was probably not the right spot for this topic. Oh well.


The scenerio was I had met a female avi and we started having a friendship on its way to possibly more so far as SL is concerned. Her picture that she had on her public profile. She never claimed it was her. However you place a RL photo on your 1st life information are you claiming that is you? So I copied and did an image search. The same image came up only 3 different times. Those websites one being a fan fiction site. Threw tons of red flags. When I asked her about it. The friendship was abruptly ended. But that was soooo last year. I'm happier with those that want to be friends and actually hold value to that friendship. I'm always looking to talk and make friends. So IM me if you'd like. Take care.

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