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Second Life Anniversary Gift - Bear Avatar - GONE~!


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That's weird. I missed SL10B this year so I never got this one.

But I just did a search for 'bear' under the complete avatars category of marketplace and it came back with a LOT of results. So you should be able to find a nice replacement.

 That is gone is suspicious and maybe somebody else who had/has it can figure things out. But for your project you should be able to keep to your schedule with a quick replacing bear.


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SodaGnome wrote:

I had it on 3 avatars and with the viewer upgrades the bear is gone gone gone from inventory! Sucks the bear was going to be in next movie and also in a movie about goldilocks. NO bear RUINS my machinima! 

                                                                        FUN WITH A DOUBLE ENTENDRE


                                                                                             Is it done yet?


Two items no longer available in Second Life.


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I have the SL10B bear in my inventory and have just worn it.  I'm running the latest Firestorm, but haven't checked it in the official viewer.  If it's missing from your inventory, then, at the risk of telling something you're already well aware of, I can only suggest to clear cache and try again.  I can't give you mine because it's no transfer.

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I just checked and mine is still over in the park toasting his marshmallow. He's no copy/no trans, unfortunately.

I invited Maddy over to take a picture of him. I should have realized the fire would bring out her pyro side.



She calls this picture "Delivering the Bear Directly to Hell" on her flickr. I think she meant it as a tribute to all the MP merchants who enjoyed the silky-smooth change to Direct Delivery so much. 


Edited to correct pic title

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SodaGnome wrote:

I don't know what that little blue thing is but this is the sl bear avatar!



Oh that's right, you meant the SL10 bear. Karen's picture threw me off. That little blue bear was created for the roll-out of Direct Delivery; he's using a bunch of burning boxes for his campfire.

The original roll-out, not the much later one that actually worked.

I do remember the SL10 bear but I never got one, sorry.

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SodaGnome wrote:

I noticed if you take off the item it dispeaars from main inventory - but the copies remain in the received folder. Never thought to look there. 

That shouldn't happen. What process are you using to 'take it off'?

Detach or Drop?

Wear or Detatch will keep an item in invenctory and just display or not display it inworld.

Dragging an item from inventory to the world takes it, or makes a copy and takes that - into the SL world.

Drop takes a worn item, and drops it inworld - THAT will remove it from inventory. Maybe even if it was copy (I forget).


There are very few uses for drop. So few that I feel it should removed from the standard right click menu and placed into the advanced menu, or from script calls only... It is not something people have a use for on a regular basis - and gums up the UI by being on a core interface element.


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

You can't drop worn mesh inworld.  Everytime I've tried I get a message saying this.

Did not realize this was a mesh item - often browse this forum with images disabled... :)

But again - though not a question for THIS case, is that no-dropping true for unrigged mesh as well, or just rigged mesh. Is this a rigged mesh avatar then?

As for this case - I could see it getting lost from rezzing it inworld rather than wearing it, but otherwise it shouldn't get zapped by being worn.

I have a few thankfully copy items that delete themselves if rezzed... and one that deletes itself if you link anything to it or it to anything... taking the linked things with it into 'nowhere land'.


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I don't know much about mesh but sure seems like an odd item. Only lives in received folder? I gave up using the bear in the movie chase scene I had originally planned cause I thought it was lost forever so I did that with monster avatar instead but found a use for the bear in the next scene at buddhist place. He is right at home in the nature scenes there. :)Here's a screen cap of his appearance in my movie editor. Hopefully get this bear up on youtube in 4 days.



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SodaGnome wrote:

Thanks Viktoria! There was a copy in the received items section!!!!!!!!!!!

I noticed if you take off the item it dispeaars from main inventory - but the copies remain in the received folder. Never thought to look there. 

Originally LL was going to make it so that rezzing and wearing would not work from Received Items, so that this kind of problem wouldn't come up. I wonder why they changed their minds.

Anyway, yeah, links will show up in the current outfit folder, and in saved outfits too, but the originals stay hidden from find until you move them out of received.

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