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Oh and the Winter DMCA fest begins.... -.-


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Over the last 3 years I've noticed that these stores on marketplace trying to sell full permission creators stuff as full perm, or full perm items that are really just an empty box raise in the winter time. I've written so many DMCA's over the past week it'd ridiculous. They saving up stolen lindens for Christmas? What does LL do with those lindens? Do they let the theif transfer them out to paypal? And why LL WHYYY only make "new" merchants add payment info? Why not make ALL merchants new and old add payment info.... -.- Rant End. :)

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Personally, I think it's rubbish to let anyone have an MP store who doesn't also have an in world store. That is, they must either have a payment on file or be a premium member AND have an in world store. Everyone on MP, not just the new kids on the block. That would not only get rid of a lot of MP thieves, it would help the in world economy. Boycott MP only stores!

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Lol I don't agree with this at all. When you are legit designer just starting out you may not be able to afford to have an in world store. I had AngelRED Couture only on the marketplace for the first few months until I could afford land. I don't see what having an in world store has to do with anything really but yes, everyone should have to either be premium, pay some sort of merchant fee, or have payment info up. 

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Also, let me add that I pay about $75 real dollars a week for my sim/in world store. If I didnt love my inworld store so much and if anything happened in my RL where I could really use that extra $300 a month I would drop my in world store in a heart beat. Most people shop on the marketplace as it is. There is nothing wrong with just having a MP store. If you can still make your income from it, it can actually be a very smart move for some.

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There USED to be plenty of $25 linden a week shops here and there. 10 - 25 prims. If LL WAS to instigate a 'you must have a store' policy, folks could get one of those -- and there would again be a MARKET for those. That being said there are plenty of perfectly honest and respectiable merchants that do not have an inworld store. The Lab has over time made the Marketplace king of shopping. They get a cut of the payments that way. So it is NOT to their advantage to close any Marketplace stores or require more than is already required.


IF they were intent on cutting down on theif, they would have addressed that YEARS ago :D.   Obviously they do not care.

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Only one problem with your logic re. everyone having an inworld store, most people shop on MP now and to pay for the expense of land so the odd person can see the items inworld is silly.

That being said, i have an inworld shop, it is not the sole reason i pay for my island, its for personal reasons and if i got rid of the shop i would still have my island..

I am lucky if i get 3 visitors a day in my shop (inworld), sales are pretty well non existent , i use the Singularity viewer and in search with that viewer i'm on the second page , i could 'nt understand why i get hardly any visitors.

I decided to use firestorn search and see where i was with that one, i had to scroll down the search page a long, long ,long way before i found my shop.

I imagine the SL viewer search is the same, so with most people using MP now and search against me, an inworld shop does not pay, and to have it just so people in MP can see a product inworld is a huge expense for some.

That is the benefit of MP, someone can have a shop and not have the expense of having to rent land,

LL created this MP mess by having this web market,my thinking is there should be no MP and only inworld shops.


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Isabelle Mavendorf wrote:

Personally, I think it's rubbish to let anyone have an MP store who doesn't also have an in world store. That is, they must either have a payment on file or be a premium member AND have an in world store. Everyone on MP, not just the new kids on the block. That would not only get rid of a lot of MP thieves, it would help the in world economy. Boycott MP only stores!

Why?  Were DMCA problems any fewer when the magic boxes required people to have some place to rez the box?  I don't remember it being better.


Requiring all users to have verified payment information before they can open up a marketplace shop, or place items into search in-world might slow down the infringement. 

How would you define an "in-world store" ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont think inworld store will fix the main issue here. In my case I had all my adds and display used in a store thatells empty boxes. I flaged the items an reflag them when they were back up. Filed a ticket and report abuse. Took LL 4 days otal to take the items down, only to have them back up again. I find to file a DMCA really slow proces. For me I live very far away from USA an so mail take up to 20 days to reach destination and I dont have a fax machinr. The answer i got with the ticket is like its out from an old comedy movie. They either think one is retarded or they dont read it at all. I feel the process should to denounce this kind of residents. At one point i even think these stores are up.with the only hope.that original creators buy the items.to review them, since you can see they are selling empty boxes.

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