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The SL Enquirer Avie Poll: What was your funniest mistake in SL?


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Glossom wrote:

Question: What was your funniest mistake in Second life?

 I would like to know your funny accidents and mistakes in SL, either with objects or with people. The funniest responses will be included in an article to be published on the SL Enquirer website at


Thank you for your participation.

Glossom Resident

You may want to get an interview with these people, they surely made some epic mistakes, albeit not funny enough perhaps:


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Oh I have one I think, I hope it helps you and is what you are looking for. I was a total newbie back then^^ In the beginning of my sl i was desperately trying to get lindens and i didnt know how to. A friend helped  me to search for places where there were contests going on with money prizes so i arrived at this club, it was packed up but the prize was very high  but  i thought i would stand a chance. it was a pretty great place and everybody was having fun. I joined the contest and everything was great until the vote opened when out of the blue the contest board disappears. I got a weird feeling that i had messed up but wasn't quite sure of it. The same fun people got suddenly all mad and complaining with the host and manager, everybody asking where is the board?

Everybody was confused but i started to panic when i realized that i had moved the board high in the sky (now i know that the manager must have set it mmovable for everyone, but at that time i didnt realise). The worst part was to admit to the club owner that i had messed up big time. I got the courage to do it and very soon peace was restored and the contest went on. Apologies were exchanged and everybody got happy again. As to me i still laugh when i remember that episode but every time i hit a contest board i am very careful just in case it won't happen again.

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In my very early business life in SL, I rented out skyboxes and I wrote a system whereby tenants could change the décor from menus. The skyboxes I made and rented had two low walls and, in the décor system, I included the ability to remove each wall. The walls didn't actually get removed. They were made totally transparent and phantom.

One day I got an IM from a tenant, saying that he'd just fallen through skybox floor and ended up on the ground. I checked the décor system and found that, for some unknown reason, I'd included a button to make the floor phantom. I still laugh when I think of the tenants playing with the décor system and thinking, "I wonder this button does". :D

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The other thing that still makes me laugh when I remember it was also when I rented out skyboxes.

I'd rented one out to a guy and, a minute later, I needed to fly up to another skybox above that one. For speed, I put on my carbon rod, which moves to so quickly that you can actually go through a thin solid wall before the wall has a chance to stop you. So I flew up and I inadvertently came up under the skybox I'd just rented out a minute earlier. In fact, I wasn't wholly under it. I only came to a stop when my head and shoulders were up through the floor - in the bedroom - at the foot of the bed, and facing it. In the space of the minute since I'd rented the skybox out, the new tenant was on the bed and giving his girlfriend a good seeing to - both stark naked. Fortunately, they only had eyes for each other, and they never saw me before I hurriedly got out of there.

What makes me laugh, though, is imagining being on the bed, in action with my girlfriend, and seeing a strange head and shoulders come up through the floor and look at us :D

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Something similar to Phil's second story happened to me. I was fairly new to SL, and still learning how to use everything. I was playing with the local map, putting my cursor over the dots and looking at the Avie names when I accidentally "clicked" and found myself standing in the bedroom of a couple who were, well, busy! I was absolutely mortified! I made my apologies and TP'd out of there as quickly as possible! Thank goodness they were understanding, laughed, and actually ended up becoming good friends! We still joke about how we met! LOL! :matte-motes-big-grin:

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I think I working on that.  All such things remain ineffable anyway.  I may be due for another holiday from SL, to be honest.  The flame wars are the least of it - the number of people that seem to think a stream of abuse is a valid response to negative comments seems to have reached critical mass.  (Not here; did you see the wannabe landlord that had a go at iCade (thread deleted), and the mesh-commissioner slanging-off Sassy (IBTL if you hurry), both in inworld employment?  If that's what professionalism - lol, and mesh for that matter - has become in SL I think it's time to wander away again).

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There isn't much professionalism in SL. There's probably some who act professionally, but the vast majority are just hobbyists. Businesswise, I've only ever ben a hobbyist here, even though it's paid me very well.

So I don't think that a lack of professionalism in SL is a good reason to take a break from it. It's to be expected. It's a place for business hobbyists.

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Glossom wrote:

So funny
. We all were newbies before and been through embarrassing situations like that.. Isn't Second Life a fun place? 

It is a fun place indeed^^ ok i learned over the years there are many people who take this game too seriously, but with most you can have a nice time :) i wish you good luck with your project!

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My funniest moment happened about an hour after I first rezzed my avatar. Imagine this...

I am sitting in my college library plugged into the system (yep, before WiFi) when I go through enrollment and then a lengthy building showing me how to walk, fly, and click on things. When I get to the end there is a sign saying click this, this, and this to get the world map and start exploring! Sounds easy and innocent enough, so I click a random point on the map, hear my first whhhoooosh-clink of the teleport and am whisked away.... where I land on a huge open sandbar with one small building in the middle. There stands another avatar - a male - who looks at me and walks up. "Yaaaaa!" I think, and have the following conversation:


  • Me: Hello!
  • Them: Hello! How are you?
  • Me: I am great! I am new in Second Life [notice I didn't know the shorthand SL yet!]. Can you tell me what there is to do here?
  • Them: Welcome to SL [What the frick is SL? Oh, he meant Second Life!]! This is a gay beach for men. Were you looking for a place like this?
  • Me: Oh no! I am sorry, I am a girl! Thank you!
  • Them: No problem. [I didn't read that because I was clicking like mad at the map and trying to remember how to teleport!] Have a great day!

And that is why I think SL is filled with gay men to this day! LOL! :)

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My funniest mistake can not be discussed here.  I'd need to write about it in the adult forums.

My first mistake was when I was TPed to a starting sim when I first got my account.  I followed directions to step off the TP  point so I wouldn't block others but since I really didn't know how to walk very well I ended up blocked by a tree.  I couldn't figure out how to move around the tree so ended up clicking on the home button which took me to a nice lodge.  I eventually found my way to another beginner location and read up on how to walk, fly and touch things.

Another incident involved my sister, who I had talked into trying SL.  I had shown her some of the free shops where she had gotten a pair of shoes that made a clip-clop sound when she walked.  Problem was they continued to clip-clop even when she was standing still.  It was so irritating she removed them but decided to go shoe shopping.  She somehow ended up in a dance club and sent me the TP. We had fun there for awhile ...


until we tried to stop dancing and couldn't figure out how.  We had clicked on the floor to start dancing but when we tried to walk out we just kept dancing.  I tried to stop the animation but no luck.  We finally dance-walked our way out the door hoping we could stop once we were outside.  We probably looked really weird but out in the plaza we were still dancing.  Finally we gave up on shoe shopping and just TPed back to my house where the stop animation worked.


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