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Does this message looks familiar? Asking for a free item claiming the original one has been lost

Morgan Blackwood

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Tried to post this before with the user's real name, post disappeared so I'll try again with some censoring :-)

Any of you merchants who received a smilar looking message like the one below? I saw a very similar story on this forum so I just would like to check if there's some kind of scam going on. She contacted us a long time ago asking us to send her an item for free because something went wrong and the item disappeared. There was no trace of her in our transaction history, neither could she provide us with a proof of purchase.

Today we received a message from her again, this time about another item. Again is she claiming something went wrong, only this time she involved "a Linden Labs employee". Not only is the grammar of the employee very weird for a Linden Labs customer service agent, it's practically the same grammar as she is using in her message. Ofcourse there was also no trace of her in the transaction history this time.

(the words between brackets have been replaced by me, just to maintain some privacy :-), I censured her name to "protect" her privacy aswell)

Hello Hun i bought your <itemname> and have been offline for a WILE and it seems SL has gone through a few changes and all kinds of things a Fd up the boots one to me is no trans 2 that could be because i rez it on beta grid i have talked to LL about it and it seems i have to take it up with you heres the convo due to LL TOS i ahd to hide the name of the linden

*IM guessing you ahve not got the MANY notecards i have sent you or you did not care *

 Łxxxx  Fxxxxxx

I would have sent my trans with this but i dont have nor can i find it i have the convo from LL too

  Łxxxx MxxxxxFxxxxx Fxxxxxx  (lilie.fxxxxxx): Hello Mr Linden I keep having a problem with mesh that i buy and the maker and she walys says she cant find my trans what can or do i need to do with this im spending a lot of cash

**** Linden: Please send any chats or notecards stating what you and the creater have talked about. We are having this problem all over SecondLife, we ask that you let the creater know that you are having a problem with finding your history (as they will have the same problem) and see if they will give back what is lost or your having a problem with if they faile to do so you may do a abuse report to see if maybe they are pulling a scam (only do this if you feel they are doing you wrong) If you have any more problems please feel free to contact support and have a wonderful SecondLife **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" />

  Łxxxx MxxxxxFxxxxx Fxxxxxx (lilie.fxxxxxx): Thank you may i send this convo to the maker to see if maybe she might help me?

**** Linden: If it will help as we dont really deal with inworld person to person problems unless as i stated they are wronging you in another way thank you again

 Łxxxx MxxxxxFxxxxx Fxxxxxx (lilie.fxxxxxx):nods ok thank you

Anyone of you received the same message? And if so, what can we do to stop her from scamming merchants?

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If I had any sort of doubt left is now gone. The ims and the notecards I recieved from this person are exactly the same. Same story, same gramar same linden agent fishy thing. I did send a ticket about it i think you should do it too.

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She contacted us again saying this (after I told her I reported her for fraud because I found out she is sending this to multiple merchants) "forgot i bought with a alt not this one mybad im good ty for reporting me for nothing its nice to know everyone is seen as trash in this game"

She is too stupid for words.

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MrSmid wrote:

Hello Hun i bought your <itemname> and have been offline for a WILE and it seems SL has gone through a few changes and all kinds of things a Fd up the boots one to me is no trans 2 that could be because i rez it on beta grid i have talked to LL about it and it seems i have to take it up with you heres the convo due to LL TOS i ahd to hide the name of the linden


*IM guessing you ahve not got the MANY notecards i have sent you or you did not care *





I would have sent my trans with this but i dont have nor can i find it i have the convo from LL too


MxxxxxFxxxxx Fxxxxxx  (lilie.fxxxxxx): Hello Mr Linden I keep having a problem with mesh that i buy and the maker and she walys says she cant find my trans what can or do i need to do with this im spending a lot of cash

I have a hard time understanding what the problem is because I can't read the message. It's not English.


Basically, if you can't find the transaction, and she can't find the transaction number ... there was no transaction.


I don't think it's a deliberate scam as much as it is an occasional player who can't remember what he/she's doing from log-in to log-in.  Maybe someone who logs in with an alt and doesn't remember which account actually bought the stuff. 

Maybe they have been playing while chemically enhanced?

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I have been contacted by the same avatar too. She said she buys my full perm mesh templates and that they wernt delivered. She can't produce transaction history or order numbers. She is very persistant and will continue with the lies until you give in or block her. I apologize for typos. Replying from my phone.

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There seems to be more than one avatar doing this, most likely the same person between them. I have had two more contact me, both with "issues" they have had with my full perm mesh, requesting another copy to "fix" the issue.


These scammers will either 1) tell you the item wasn't delivered 2) contact you repeatedly about an issue, but refuse to tp to you or send a screenshot of the issue


Both cases the avatar is exteremely persistant, and start to belittle you if you don't give into their demands. They will come up with some bogus chat log between them and a "linden" saying that this is happening to a lot of people. You can tell the log is fake because it is riddled with spelling and gramatical errors. The people who are doing the scamming aren't native english speakers from what I can tell.


All I have to say is please please please check transaction history if ANYONE requests refunds/redeliveries. It takes a few minutes of time but can save you from being scammed.

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my standard response to someone that tries this with me ... if i look and can not find the transaction history, and they get insistant... is that they need to file a report with LL because their money did not come to me and LL will research it and if they are in error they will get back to you...since i do not have it .. not my problem ... i never have a problem resending an item and i let them know i will continue to keep an eye out for their transaction to come thru, but that if its not thru on my end... its between them and Linden Labs. .... they usually do not try to contact again.  :)

Just remember, because you are a business owner.. does not mean they can threaten and walk all over you or say they are going to turn your name to mud if you do not do what they want.. in the end.. if they truely have an issue, either you know about it, or LL will fix it.

Keep your tone polite, but stand your ground. LL may bite at sometimes, but in the end they usually are fair. And customers who have been able to "recover" lindens from "lost" transactions have thanked me for offering them a solution and sending them to LL.

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i have seen this before but I did a lot more digging then I guess most have I keep all emails from the marketplace and when I first seen this I thought like you all because I could not find there trans I got mad then I went and looked in my email and yes I did have a MP email with there name on it. There are many things going on in secondlife and things are not going right maybe the fake linden chat was wrong but with how most sellers act I might have done the same and if many things are going wrong then they might have sent out the same card over and over. I'm only saying

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AliceChance wrote:

i have seen this before but I did a lot more digging then I guess most have I keep all emails from the marketplace and when I first seen this I thought like you all because I could not find there trans I got mad then I went and looked in my email and yes I did have a MP email with there name on it. There are many things going on in secondlife and things are not going right maybe the fake linden chat was wrong but with how most sellers act I might have done the same and if many things are going wrong then they might have sent out the same card over and over. I'm only saying

Funny thing, Alice, I don't see a marketplace store for you, just a blank page.  I don't see any mention of your alleged store in your profile, either. 

Kinda thought that might be the case. LOL

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Well when GaiaRex posts here I will. Well I might, since the insights you provided in your very first post in the forum here did not really add anything to the discussion other than to reveal that if you actually do have a store, you apparently do not keep transaction records.


Also you ignore the fact that several merchants -- merchants that do keep transaction records -- got essentially this same message from several different avatars. 



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Well if this will make you happy and I do have a MP shop {GC} you are welcome to take a look but please don't diss on me because I posted under the acc that I was longed in as at the time you seem to just jump and judge people with out taking time to really hear them out here I will even make it better for you and leave the link for me at the end of this I hope you have a wonderful day

PS all my MP go to my email and yes I KEEP them all because I am new I don't want to lose anything that might be important and I do keep with all the good and bad things going on in secondlife I hear what people say and try to keep up with the grid also



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