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I am extremely confused?

Aston Imari

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According to the answers I am receiving on this forum, there is no need to actually know english, or what the words mean, when you accept the TOS, or by the people who wrote it. According to what I have been told, they could say one thing, and mean an entirely other, despite any factual basis. To which leads me to the question, why put anything in the TOS, besides, you agree to whatever we like, and you must accept that to play here? No need to actually tell people what you want, since by no means must anyone say what they mean, and are only legally bound by what they meant when you say it. Take that English teachers everywhere. Which leads me to my actual question. Would someone please like to go through the TOS, and give an actual accounting for me, of what it means, when you say it? Since by no means does any of it need to actually, factually mean what you have said.

In response to the previous reply, I only have to say, since this is the Community Help forum, I am in need of help. I have read the TOS, and know what is said based on factual meanings behind the words used. But In no way, have any real means to understand anything that was written, according to this logic. I can't even be sure someone telling me what it means, is saying what it means... so I am a bit lost, on how I should go about following it is all. It would help me greatly in figuring out what I am actually allowed, and not allowed to do while a resident in Second Life.

Furthermore, even if I did hire a lawyer, to read the TOS, and explain to me what it means. Also, according to this logic, they could even not know what it means. Since the answer lies within whoever wrote it, which by all accounts, is known to say things that are not actually what they mean.

In response to the other commenter, I have just been told, in another question I asked... Which for some reason has been deleted. That The TOS in no way needs to actually say, anything by definition, what they mean, and are free to speak the language in any manner that suits them. And perhaps you are right, I should contact linden labs ltd. This doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere, and save a few like you, most responses seem to take the premise of, "smart alec." And no need for a translation dear, I am a literary genius. I can assure you when they say one thing, and do an entirely other, I even look up the definitions of the words they have neglected to use properly, and find they seem to not have an intelligible clue about what these words mean, or how they are meant to be used.

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10 answers to this question

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We're residents just like you, not Linden Lab employees. If you want someone to go through the TOS with you line by line, you'd best contact Linden Lab or your lawyer. Nobody here is going to do it. Your post really would be better in the Forums under General Discussion although there was a very long thread on translating the TOS there a while back so have a read of it http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/SL-TOS-Translated/td-p/1357513

Personally, I have no difficulty in understanding the TOS and have never run foul of it in almost seven years. There are certainly some areas that allow Linden Lab some latitude but I'm not aware of any part where it says one thing and means another.

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You keep saying Linden Lab is writing one thing while meaning something else with no statements or facts to back that up. Second Life is owned by Linden Lab and of course it sets the rules and standards that it expects residents to comply with and of course there is some legal jargon. The Community Standards section covering the expected behaviour of residents is easy to understand though and really just common sense to a large degree. Due to the very nature of Second Life and the huge range of activities it covers, Linden Lab must retain some discretion on how it interprets some aspects of the CS. Not everything is black or white.

Many people probably don't read the TOS or merely skip through it. Some of it may go over their heads and they still tick that they've read an understood it.  If you can't understand what is written and need legal clarification, Linden Lab's Contact page is here http://lindenlab.com/contact

EDIT: Just looked at your other posts and I see they have to do with maturity ratings and what sexually explicit means. No idea what post has been removed and the Moderators are unlikely to give a reason.

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Nyll already answered it greatly.

But to add some constructive suggestion: it might be more helpfull to just copy paste the  exact phrases in the TOS that you would like to have explained / understand better.

Or simply formulate a question about if this / that is allowed / forbidden. As it seems, by looking at your other posts, that you have a speciffic problem for which you need clarification.

We have enough experienced users here to possibly answer these questions for you in a simple and understandable way.


For all other cases i stick with Nyll's suggestion to simply contact LL directly.

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If you have autism or OCD, then I can understand why you would feel the need to bang on and on about the Terms of Service, but most people just skim read them, click to "ok" that they've read them, and get on with enjoying their Second Life.

Your original enquiry on these forums was about whether it would be classed as harassment, as per ToS, for someone to click to change the poses in a sex bed you were using in a skybox.

Generally speaking, if your enjoyment of Second Life is compromised, because you feel personally that you are being harassed, you are always at liberty to click the "help" button at the top of the viewer screen inworld and submit an abuse report. Whether Linden Lab will take action does depend very much on how they assess the situation.

Unfortunately there will always be people in any environment who will choose to take their pleasure from spoiling the enjoyment of others, and wherever possible it is advisable to put those people into the land of the non-existence, ie, click "mute/block" to erase their presence. I know in the case of sex beds poses being changed, they will be able to continue to do that, but as has been covered in earlier threads/posts, there are measures that land owners can take, such as allowing avatars on parcels to be invisible to those outside the parcel, ban lines, security orbs. 

My response may not be what you are seeking, but other than this advice to offer you, I can really only give the same advice as others regarding the interpretation and legality of the Terms of Service, and suggest you contact Linden Lab directly.  Or a lawyer. Frankly, though, if a "game"/virtual world/place of leisure/pleasure/employment causes so much anxiety, confusion, and distress, it may be a sign that Second Life just is not for you.  :matte-motes-not-even:

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Let's try this again from a another point of view.

I am a long time resident of SecondLife and a fan of Role Play when I have the time to commit to it. All of us here in SL Answers are residents like you. We have been participating in SL long enough to be able to assist others and do so here in the SL Answers forum. Many of us also help residents in-world as well.

This is my advise to you.

Just go have fun exploring the many various offerings in SecondLife. Stop reading the TOS and simply behave like the person your are in real life. There are analogs of all the things you can experience in real life here as well as things you can only experience in SecondLife.

Be mature enough to recognize that you are always 100% in control of your experience here in SL. If you wander into someplace that is disturbing to you, just leave that place.

Recognize that in Adult regions, Adult topics and depictions of Adult behavior will be present.

Recognize that if you decide to hop onto a pose ball that is not yours, that you can stand up and go elsewhere anytime if you do not like what you are experiencing.

Recognize that there is no such thing as visual privacy unless you pay for it by owning a parcel or region which affords you the ability to set privacy options.

You mention that you have a high degree of understanding of the English language. Well understanding the English language is not just an exercise in definition of the words. It is also having the maturity and ability to allow your mind to explore and enjoy the imagery that an author is presenting in the telling of their tale. This applies to SecondLife creations as well. Look, listen, experience and revel in the creations you encounter here.

You mention that you Role Play. I beg your pardon but you sound like you have no idea what Role Play is. It requires an active imagination and ability to not only blend into a "Themed" environment but also the ability to creatively interact with all the residents of that community within the stated theme. Role play usually very enjoyably "Creative" and "Dramatic" within the language and expected actions of the theme and period it depicts.

As I have shared with you in posts here and privately, Role play [RP] is also completely a community policed activity. You have to be flexible in your encounters in a RP community. If you chose to enter a combat oriented RP environment, expect combative attitudes and taunting and the like. If you choose to enter a RP environment such as a Seaport Village of the 18th century you should be versed in the language and sensitivities of that era. The same goes for Vampire, Science Fiction, and Fantasy RP environments. If you have decided to experience a RP environment that is new to you, 90% of your learning is to just listen to those who are already in that environment.

Stop looking for perceived violations of the TOS everywhere you go.

Let your imagination go free.


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Aston Imari wrote:


Furthermore, even if I did hire a lawyer, to read the TOS, and explain to me what it means. Also, according to this logic, they could even not know what it means. Since the answer lies within whoever wrote it, which by all accounts, is known to say things that are not actually what they mean.

The lawyer will doubtless explain to you that the TOS, to which you agreed, says the English language version is the only agreement between you and LL (para 13.3) and that, ultimately, any dispute about what it means will be resolved by the courts of the City and Country of San Francisco (para 12.2), unless you can agree with LL on an independent arbiter.

So the answer to "what does this mean?" is up to either a judge in San Francisco or to an independent arbiter mutually acceptable to you and LL.

That seems clear enough to me.

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