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What do you want Second Life to offer you? Health, Wellness, & Alternative Therapies

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I am old timer who has been in and out of Second Life over the past ten years. Holding a special place in my heart, I have always found myself returning to catch up with, in my opinion, the most creative people on the internet. 

As I have grown older, in both RL & SL, many of the reasons I have returned to Second Life have changed. Recently, however, I have started my own wellness programs, in RL, that combine hypnotherapy, alternative healing (e.g. Reiki, Quantum Touch, Alchemical healing etc.), and nutritional and  intuitive consultations. 

I have a dream and goal of providing these services in a professional setting using SecondLife. By offering classes, workshops, coaching and access to alternative therapies online I hope to expand my impact on the world and help people all around the globe reach their goals and achieve success (in SL & RL as we know they are both tied together) . 

Thus I am very curious about the current Second Life community and what you guys are looking to get out of your online lives, and investment in this virtual world. I also would love to hear from you guys to find out if this is something that you think would be of interest to the community of SecondLife.

From my experience I have met nothing but creative, open minded and talented people who use SecondLife as medium for creativity. By offering classes on meditation, hypnosis, energy-healing and more, I want to invent the opportunity to create transformations in your lives by providing access to classes, coaching and alternative therapeutic methods.

I am creating this thread in attempt to gather some research on how I can best start this virtual wellness center and classroom with your needs in mind. Any information, opinions and suggestions would greatly be appreciated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me as well!


Thank you very much!


Rayne Satyr

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Rayne Satyr wrote an intro about pursuing to offer
alternative therapeutic methods in SL.

I dunno : if it walks an' talks like a quack, you duck. :robotindifferent:

Still .. good luck on pursuing your business.

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I'm not sure how to go about setting this up in SL, but I would certainly welcome such a place in SL.  Trying to figure out what vitamins, herbs, etc. to take for one's specific health situation is extremely time-consuming and confusing to many.

My father was diagnosed with Stage IVa throat cancer 6+ years ago.  In addition to traditional treatments he researched what could help his body heal in the way of alternative methods.  I am convinced it is largely due to these althernative methods that he has now been cancer-free for five years; thus my great interest in learning more about this field.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

I'm not sure how to go about setting this up in SL, but I would certainly welcome such a place in SL.  Trying to figure out what vitamins, herbs, etc. to take for one's specific health situation is extremely time-consuming and confusing to many.

My father was diagnosed with Stage IVa throat cancer 6+ years ago.  In addition to traditional treatments he researched what could help his body heal in the way of alternative methods.  I am convinced it is largely due to these althernative methods that he has now been cancer-free for five years; thus my great interest in learning more about this field.

Suggesting to people what vitamins to take is very complicated and can have DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS. I HIGHLY HIGHLY SUGGEST THAT IF YOUR ARE NOT A TRAINED PROFFESSIONAL (ie A doctor) THAT YOU DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Unless you know EXACTLY what medications the person is currently taking and how the vitamins and herbal treatments will react to them then perscribing them to someone is like randomly throwing a granade and hoping it's a dud. ONLY A DOCTOR should do this sepcifically that persons doctor as they have access to that person's medical history and can figure out how that treatment will help/hurt them, IN FACT NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE PERSCRIBING ANYTHING TO ANYONE WITHOUT A MEDICAL LICENSE! EVER!

This might give you an Idea of what I mean


This is on example where you may createa dangerous situation for someone In this case someone taking antidepressents If you were to prescribe saint johns wart to someone taking anti depressents you could cause them seritonin syndrome. "Serotonin syndrome is a potentially life-threatening drug reaction that may occur following therapeutic drug use," -wikipedia read more about it

Yes prescribing herbs you can actually KILL SOMEONE IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE! THIS IS WHY I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU NEVER EVER DO THIS ON SECOND LIFE. Riki and other non-prescription type treatments may be fine but prescriptions should be left to doctors not random residents with no medical degrees or knowledge of the person's medical history.

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

I'm not sure how to go about setting this up in SL, but I would certainly welcome such a place in SL.  Trying to figure out what vitamins, herbs, etc. to take for one's specific health situation is extremely time-consuming and confusing to many.

My father was diagnosed with Stage IVa throat cancer 6+ years ago.  In addition to traditional treatments he researched what could help his body heal in the way of alternative methods.  I am convinced it is largely due to these althernative methods that he has now been cancer-free for five years; thus my great interest in learning more about this field.

Suggesting to people what vitamins to take is very complicated and can have DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS. I HIGHLY HIGHLY SUGGEST THAT IF YOUR ARE NOT A TRAINED PROFFESSIONAL (ie A doctor) THAT YOU DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Unless you know EXACTLY what medications the person is currently taking and how the vitamins and herbal treatments will react to them then perscribing them to someone is like randomly throwing a granade and hoping it's a dud. ONLY A DOCTOR should do this sepcifically that persons doctor as they have access to that person's medical history and can figure out how that treatment will help/hurt them, IN FACT NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE PERSCRIBING ANYTHING TO ANYONE WITHOUT A MEDICAL LICENSE! EVER!


If you were to prescribe saint johns wart to someone taking anti depressents you could cause them seritonin syndrome. "
Serotonin syndrome
is a potentially life-threatening drug reaction that may occur following therapeutic drug use," -wikipedia

Yes prescribing herbs you can actually KILL SOMEONE IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE! THIS IS WHY I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU NEVER EVER DO THIS ON SECOND LIFE. Riki and other non-prescription type treatments may be fine but prescriptions should be left to doctors not random residents with no medical degrees or knowledge of the person's medical history.

Yes, I understand that and agree with it...to a point.  Most if any medical doctors have ANY training in vitamin supplements and many work hand-in-hand with "Big Pharma" to discourage anything but prescribed medication.

Have you looked at the potential side effects, including DEATH, on just about any prescription? Based on that, many people are very concerned about possible long-term side effects of medications.  As someone who is taking a number of medications and is also concerned with possible long-term effects as well as having experienced some immediate side effects from other medications, there needs to be a balance in this discussion.

Of course it would be dangerous for someone to tell another to take XYZ supplements without knowing their medical history; however, many of us know that Vit. C, for example, helps to ward off colds.  It was my understanding that the OP wanted to have a place where people could LEARN.  As in anything, including prescribed medications, it is imperative one takes responsibility for their own research.

As for my father, as I noted, he researched what could help his situation extensively.  With a diagnosis such as his, he was going to do everything he could.  Doctors are actually surprised he survived the cancer, supplements aside, since it was caught very late.  The tumor had grown so large it was starting to block his throat.  Both my parents believe in alternative ways to treat illnesses (nothing wacky or "out there").  My mother has been vegetarian for the last 20 years.  My father was already in good health otherwise prior to his cancer dx and he attributes that to a combination of his lifestyle as well as the vitamin supplements he took regularly.

When he began chemo my father told his oncologist the supplements he was taking.  The oncologist replied: "Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it - it seems to be helping."  His Ear/Nose/Throat Dr. said the same.

Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, eh? ;)

ETA:  On my father's 80th birthday he went skydiving. ;)

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Greetings to you too.

You really kinda hit the nail on the head in your post - SL, at its best, is a concentration of creative minds using a very modern medium. Aside from creating 3d objects, residents make themselves into creative projects - not just their avatars, but also their SL identities and 'lifestyles' are the result of massive doses of imagination. To be honest, I've hardly met anyone who plays SL as themselves, and many, even when you become SL friends, still guard their RL details jealously. One rare exception who comes to mind is Jo from the 30's Berlin project, but she's a pretty exceptional lady in all senses.

I'm pointing out the obvious - you've been here since the start, so you know all of this better than me. What you also must be aware of is that because of the anonymity factor and the main draw of SL - the possibility to create a brand new identity - nobody can be sure of who anyone is. To function in here in the same professional medical capacity as RL, you'd have to be here 'as yourself', offering the means to your clients/patients to check up on your qualifications.

Passing oneself off as Sanguinia, Queen of the Vampyres, is harmless, as nobody sane will ever assume you're actually claiming to be genuine undead royalty in RL too. Playing as the medical officer in a Star Trek RP sim, again, it's highly unlikely that the diagnoses given within the RP would ever be assumed to be valid in RL too - and even if they were, it's the patient who's a twerp, not the 'doctor' doing anything wrong. But to claim to be qualified in Reiki and Alchemical healing (what is that anyway??) and nurtritional science...before anything else, my words would have to be - prove it.

I'm assuming Rayne Satyr isn't your real name. Before I even began to contemplate using your services, I'd need to know your real name and I'd need you to supply me with links which prove beyond all doubt that you're fully qualified in your field. 




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Thank you guys so much for you contribution!! I greatly appreciate concerns and the issues addressed. I suppose a lot of how I am introducing the idea presents room for interpertation.


As fas the nutritional supplement concern addressed I completely agree. With over 5 years in medical field I understand the need for professional medical intervention, and where my place is only as a lid ended hypnotherapist. However the approach I wish to provide are classes on things like gealthy liiving, raw diets, whol food cooking and things that are offered everyday on TV shows and the Internet. Again I left a lot open for interpretation so I greatly appreciate the feedback and concerns.


Confidentiality is a major issue for most people in their lives and that is something that I have design to address. All information on my professional standings such as qualifications and personal information will be public and accessible for those who want a coaching or hypnotherapy consultation. Again this feedback really lets me know what is important to you!


I am gratefulfor your guy's input and would love to hear more suggestions.


- Rika Athena

Rayne Satyr

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I also want to add that if something bad happens that you can be sued for issuing said advice even if its an otc. When I went to med school they were very adamant when telling us on that. NOT even telling a stranger to take tylenol for a headache because if something were to happen they could say it was because of me and sue the pants off of me. 

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Hi again, Rayne :)

I want to clarify my first post as, in my enthusiasm to learn more about wellness, I omitted stating a few points that, in my mind, I was taking for granted.  Carole's post was a reminder of these.

Years ago one of the popular SL schools of the time offered a class in how to deal with stress and anxiety.  When I saw this class offered I was extremely interested because a) I had only seen building classes offered there; certainly nothing of this nature and b) I hold a Masters degree in Mental Health Counseling and have worked as a professional within this field.  At the beginning of the class the instructor introduced herself as a mental health counselor and presented the "ground rules" for the class.  She began by listing her credentials but also acknowledged the anonymity of SL ie. her using an avatar name.  She stated this would be an informational class, meaning she would be sharing information that she had gleaned on the topic over the years as well as annotating the source/s, BUT she made it very clear that, due to the nature of SL, she was not in any way providing therapy or acting in her RL professional role as a counselor, nor could she do so legally due to licensing regularions, etc., but rather as an instructor.  She further discussed the issue of "confidentiality" that is afforded RL clients of a therapist but stressed that, again, due to the nature of SL to be aware that this is not possible within this setting and if anyone within the class chooses to shares personal info/experiences, to think first and make sure you are ok with others knowing this information.

I found it one of the most interesting and useful classes I have taken within SL.  Based on my educational and professional background, it is one to which I would naturally gravitate.  Over the years several people have posted on the forums that they are mental health professionals and would like to offer counseling within SL.  I have always responded to those posts that, as Carole pointed out, due to the nature of SL's anonymity, plus counselors needing to be licensed within the dictates of their state (within the US), that the legality of doing so would forbid such as well as potentially being extremely harmful.  There are many groups within SL that address mental health issues using a "peer support group" model; people sharing with others but no one in a position of "authority."

Something similar to the class I attended is what I envisioned could be possible in SL within your field, Rayne.  A place where you could present classes with the information annotated (ie. you didn't just pluck ideas out of thin air) and stressing that you are not acting in the role of a practitioner of any type, simply presenting documented info that a person could do with as they chose.  I am also speaking in broad terms, not specifics as in telling people they should take xyz supplements, for example.  Because I am interested in wellness and alternative methods of achieving this, I would be an example of someone who would enjoy attending such classes.

During my years in SL I have encountered several sims (and I'm sure there are more) that offer guided meditation (a sign gives instructions on how to activate the audio), offer info on Reiki and simulates how it is implemented, etc.  I know of at least one person who is supposedly a "relationship expert" who holds regular classes and lectures.

The short version of the above is that you would need to operate in an "instructional" manner rather than that of a "practitioner."  Within this framework I think there are excellent possibilities for what you propose.



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There is at least one place that regularly holds "meditation" classes, meetings, whatever you want to call them. I don't know the name, I found it randomly. I think it's a temple.

Anyway, it might be worth checking out, they may be better able to guide you on this.

As for the remainder, I would, if you decide to go forth, encourage anyone who attends to take ALL information given with a grain of salt. Making certain they understand you are NOT a professional(don't care if you are in rl, in sl, you are not, period). I would also make certain any information shared, is general in nature. Don't take personal questions and answer them, it places you in the place of a professional, which you cannot be in sl. Ok, maybe you can, but I highly doubt it. I think there are some rl professions that just can't, and won't work, within the scope of sl. Medical fields would fall under that umbrella for me.

I also don't recommend doing it all yourself. Then you've turned it from what I believe your goal is, to something entirely different. You, instructing people, is not the same as sharing information on general health and wellness. The latter, I find to be a plus, for such groups. The former, however, is, imo, better reserved for one on one instruction or treatment(again, something you cannot legally do in sl, I don't believe). Alternative therapy access is not something you can legally do within sl, either. So I'd scratch that off the list. Talking about it, is one thing, offering it, whole different ball of yarn.

Fantastic idea, depending on how you bring it to fruition. I know there have been, and probably still are, a number of places just like you describe. I'm not certain how well they do, or have done, but I know they exist. Do a search and wander around the grid some. You might find you can better help by joining one of the already created places. Or you may find that they can give you better insight as to what the attendees are really there to do, learn, whatever.

My biggest point, and it will make me seem like a cheap **bleep**, but I don't care, is to not charge for these "services". It's not a service you can actually do legally as a professional and as such, I don't think you should charge. Sharing information should never cost, even pennies. Considering there are places something like this can be done without it costing you money, there ought to be no cost for attendees. If you choose to spend money to bring about this enlightenment to sl, it should be on your own dime. If people appreciate, they'll be willing to help out of their own accord. If you ask, you'll turn people away that may otherwise benefit from the information.

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I saw an avatar today on a region that claimed in her profile she was a licensed psychiatrist and she charged 19,000L for text for an hour and 25,000L for an hour of Skype. This person had no picks, nothing about herself except the pricing and the brief summary that I wrote above.. Her profile stated that she would provide credentials (I assume after payment) and she specialized in relationships. I was quite puzzled as to how she can "prove" her credentials when really anyone can make documents or websites to appear valid.

I think the wellness and help groups would be very interesting as well as the regions with meditation and Reiki Groups that are formed for specific topics for any illness type is also very beneficial I feel for others to connect and share their story and receive helpful information and also support from group members.

If you can think of the Reiki region can you shoot me a PM? I would like to see it :)

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Malanya wrote:

I saw an avatar today on a region that claimed in her profile she was a licensed psychiatrist and she charged 19,000L for text for an hour and 25,000L for an hour of Skype. This person had no picks, nothing about herself except the pricing and the brief summary that I wrote above.. Her profile stated that she would provide credentials (I assume after payment) and she specialized in relationships. I was quite puzzled as to how she can "prove" her credentials when really anyone can make documents or websites to appear valid.

I think the wellness and help groups would be very interesting as well as the regions with meditation and Reiki Groups that are formed for specific topics for any illness type is also very beneficial I feel for others to connect and share their story and receive helpful information and also support from group members.

If you can think of the Reiki region can you shoot me a PM? I would like to see it

Will do on the Reiki, Malanya.  It was one of those places that a friend took me to a year or so ago and now I can't recall the name...lol.  I will check to see if I lm'd it and if I can't find it on my own will ask my friend.

I am speechless over the "psychiatrist" profile you saw online.  While I was still in grad. school the internet was just starting to come into its own, going from straight hypertext (ie. just seeing text online and being able to jump from one highlighted word to another) to the emergence of internet browsers, the first two I ever used being Netscape and the AOL Webcrawler.

Anyway...discussion came up in some of my classes re: the possibility of offering counseling online.  I still have articles I clipped out of professional journals of the time discussing this.  It was thought-provoking since it could reach a segment of the population who wouldn't or couldn't present in person for counseling, agoraphobia being one example, but the stumbling block was the ability for confidentiality.  I haven't really looked into where this currently stands in the mental health community but I will say categorically that, imo, the person you reference is either a huge scam artist or woefully unaware of licensing requirements.  Especially representing herself as a "psychiatrist" which is a medical doctor specialty requiring all the education of a general practitioner plus "x" number of years of additional study/residency to be a psychiatrist makes me 99% dubious.  I hope no one has been scammed by this person.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

I'm not sure how to go about setting this up in SL, but I would certainly welcome such a place in SL.  Trying to figure out what vitamins, herbs, etc. to take for one's specific health situation is extremely time-consuming and confusing to many.

My father was diagnosed with Stage IVa throat cancer 6+ years ago.  In addition to traditional treatments he researched what could help his body heal in the way of alternative methods.  I am convinced it is largely due to these althernative methods that he has now been cancer-free for five years; thus my great interest in learning more about this field.

Suggesting to people what vitamins to take is very complicated and can have DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS. I HIGHLY HIGHLY SUGGEST THAT IF YOUR ARE NOT A TRAINED PROFFESSIONAL (ie A doctor) THAT YOU DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Unless you know EXACTLY what medications the person is currently taking and how the vitamins and herbal treatments will react to them then perscribing them to someone is like randomly throwing a granade and hoping it's a dud. ONLY A DOCTOR should do this sepcifically that persons doctor as they have access to that person's medical history and can figure out how that treatment will help/hurt them, IN FACT NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE PERSCRIBING ANYTHING TO ANYONE WITHOUT A MEDICAL LICENSE! EVER!


If you were to prescribe saint johns wart to someone taking anti depressents you could cause them seritonin syndrome. "
Serotonin syndrome
is a potentially life-threatening drug reaction that may occur following therapeutic drug use," -wikipedia

Yes prescribing herbs you can actually KILL SOMEONE IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE! THIS IS WHY I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU NEVER EVER DO THIS ON SECOND LIFE. Riki and other non-prescription type treatments may be fine but prescriptions should be left to doctors not random residents with no medical degrees or knowledge of the person's medical history.

Yes, I understand that and agree with it...to a point.  Most if any medical doctors have ANY training in vitamin supplements and many work hand-in-hand with "Big Pharma" to discourage anything but prescribed medication.

Have you looked at the potential side effects, including DEATH, on just about
prescription? Based on that, many people are very concerned about possible long-term side effects of medications.  As someone who is taking a number of medications and is also concerned with possible long-term effects as well as having experienced some immediate side effects from other medications, there needs to be a balance in this discussion.

Of course it would be dangerous for someone to tell another to take XYZ supplements without knowing their medical history; however, many of us know that Vit. C, for example, helps to ward off colds.  It was my understanding that the OP wanted to have a place where people could LEARN.  As in anything, including prescribed medications, it is imperative one takes responsibility for their own research.

As for my father, as I noted, he researched what could help his situation extensively.  With a diagnosis such as his, he was going to do everything he could.  Doctors are actually surprised he survived the cancer, supplements aside, since it was caught very late.  The tumor had grown so large it was starting to block his throat.  Both my parents believe in alternative ways to treat illnesses (nothing wacky or "out there").  My mother has been vegetarian for the last 20 years.  My father was already in good health otherwise prior to his cancer dx and he attributes that to a combination of his lifestyle as well as the vitamin supplements he took regularly.

When he began chemo my father told his oncologist the supplements he was taking.  The oncologist replied: "Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it - it seems to be helping."  His Ear/Nose/Throat Dr. said the same.

Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, eh?

ETA:  On my father's 80th birthday he went skydiving.

It's wonderful that it worked for your father but I still HIGHLY suggest not perscribing ANYTHING to anyone over SL. Someone doing there own research is fine and there's nothing wrong with it. I think the fact that you think vitamin C cures cold (which is like the chicken soup cures colds wives tale) says a  lot about weither you're in a place to prescribe people medication. Studies show it has little to no effect on treating the common cold. go ahead google it. Yes Meications prescribed by doctors Have side effects and a doctor has years of training to know the likely hood of those side effects happeniing. Do they still sometimes happen? Of course. But by having medical knowledge on it you can reduce the chances of it. Having none and prescribing something? It's like taking a shot in the dark and hoping it lands. Sometimes it will sometimes it WILL KILL SOMEONE and you literally have no idea which will happen! I suppose my question is do you want to be legally liable for that? Because by prescribing anything or suggesting anyone take ANYTHING you are.

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I just thought of something else...there is a center in SL that advocates something to do with medical history and walks one through the process.  I saw it in a SL video that portrays a woman who has just been diagnosed with cancer and how SL activities plus an inworld community of cancer patients and survivors helped her during her healing journey.

Another one of those things I'll need to check on in world; I am pretty sure I have a note card with the information on it.


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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

I'm not sure how to go about setting this up in SL, but I would certainly welcome such a place in SL.  Trying to figure out what vitamins, herbs, etc. to take for one's specific health situation is extremely time-consuming and confusing to many.

My father was diagnosed with Stage IVa throat cancer 6+ years ago.  In addition to traditional treatments he researched what could help his body heal in the way of alternative methods.  I am convinced it is largely due to these althernative methods that he has now been cancer-free for five years; thus my great interest in learning more about this field.

Suggesting to people what vitamins to take is very complicated and can have DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS. I HIGHLY HIGHLY SUGGEST THAT IF YOUR ARE NOT A TRAINED PROFFESSIONAL (ie A doctor) THAT YOU DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Unless you know EXACTLY what medications the person is currently taking and how the vitamins and herbal treatments will react to them then perscribing them to someone is like randomly throwing a granade and hoping it's a dud. ONLY A DOCTOR should do this sepcifically that persons doctor as they have access to that person's medical history and can figure out how that treatment will help/hurt them, IN FACT NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE PERSCRIBING ANYTHING TO ANYONE WITHOUT A MEDICAL LICENSE! EVER!


If you were to prescribe saint johns wart to someone taking anti depressents you could cause them seritonin syndrome. "
Serotonin syndrome
is a potentially life-threatening drug reaction that may occur following therapeutic drug use," -wikipedia

Yes prescribing herbs you can actually KILL SOMEONE IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE! THIS IS WHY I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU NEVER EVER DO THIS ON SECOND LIFE. Riki and other non-prescription type treatments may be fine but prescriptions should be left to doctors not random residents with no medical degrees or knowledge of the person's medical history.

Yes, I understand that and agree with it...to a point.  Most if any medical doctors have ANY training in vitamin supplements and many work hand-in-hand with "Big Pharma" to discourage anything but prescribed medication.

Have you looked at the potential side effects, including DEATH, on just about
prescription? Based on that, many people are very concerned about possible long-term side effects of medications.  As someone who is taking a number of medications and is also concerned with possible long-term effects as well as having experienced some immediate side effects from other medications, there needs to be a balance in this discussion.

Of course it would be dangerous for someone to tell another to take XYZ supplements without knowing their medical history; however, many of us know that Vit. C, for example, helps to ward off colds.  It was my understanding that the OP wanted to have a place where people could LEARN.  As in anything, including prescribed medications, it is imperative one takes responsibility for their own research.

As for my father, as I noted, he researched what could help his situation extensively.  With a diagnosis such as his, he was going to do everything he could.  Doctors are actually surprised he survived the cancer, supplements aside, since it was caught very late.  The tumor had grown so large it was starting to block his throat.  Both my parents believe in alternative ways to treat illnesses (nothing wacky or "out there").  My mother has been vegetarian for the last 20 years.  My father was already in good health otherwise prior to his cancer dx and he attributes that to a combination of his lifestyle as well as the vitamin supplements he took regularly.

When he began chemo my father told his oncologist the supplements he was taking.  The oncologist replied: "Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it - it seems to be helping."  His Ear/Nose/Throat Dr. said the same.

Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, eh?

ETA:  On my father's 80th birthday he went skydiving.

It's wonderful that it worked for your father but I still HIGHLY suggest not perscribing ANYTHING to anyone over SL. Someone doing there own research is fine and there's nothing wrong with it. I think the fact that you think vitamin C cures cold (which is like the chicken soup cures colds wives tale) says a  lot about weither you're in a place to prescribe people medication. Studies show it has little to no effect on treating the common cold. go ahead google it. Yes Meications prescribed by doctors Have side effects and a doctor has years of training to know the likely hood of those side effects happeniing. Do they still sometimes happen? Of course. But by having medical knowledge on it you can reduce the chances of it. Having none and prescribing something? It's like taking a shot in the dark and hoping it lands. Sometimes it will sometimes it WILL KILL SOMEONE and you literally have no idea which will happen! I suppose my question is do you want to be legally liable for that? Because by prescribing anything or suggesting anyone take ANYTHING you are.

Have I prescribed anyone to take anything???  I think your personal bias and lack of knowledge of alternative methods to healing is showing through.  You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. 

I am personally working to get off or greatly reduce the amount of prescribed medication I am taking because, frankly, I am quite concerned with long-term effects.

A couple of anecdotes:

I have been going to a particular specialist for close to 20 years.  One of the meds he prescribed is known to be exceptionally hard on the liver.  I presented my concerns to him after a GP I went to was concerned about me being on that medication which prompted me to do my own research.  The specialist said if I was going to have a problem with the medication it would have already happened and I would know if my liver was being harmed because the whites of my eyes would get yellow.  I felt that was a bit of a cavalier answer but nevertheless continued to take the medication due to having built some trust in him.

Two years ago (after taking this med for 18 years) routine blood tests showed my liver function off the charts, I mean like quadrupled from what the norm should be.  I totally freaked out.  My father suggested a supplement to take that supports the liver.  I contacted my specialist, told him my blood results and he yanked me off the med cold turkey.  I also began taking the suggested supplement (which I won't name to avoid your contention I am "prescribing" anything).  I had the blood tests re-run a month later and I was back in normal range and have been so ever since.  I also continue taking the supplement.  Interestingly, a good friend of mine had a health scare about a year ago that also involved her liver.  Her doctor told her to cut back on alcohol AND to start taking the same supplements I'm taking!

Second personal anecdote:  When I first became so ill that I had to go on disability the same specialist noted above put me on 9...yes NINE...separate medications, some of which I later learned were duplicates, meaning two different drugs that treated the same symptom.  I was so ill back then that I didn't have the energy to do my normal research.  Once I started getting better, I had him take me off the duplicates and, over time, am now down to three medications.  When I was well enough to research one of the three remaining meds - every single bit of information on the drug, including the medication insert - states this particular medication should ONLY be used on a short-term basis and gives two weeks as the longest time frame.  I have been on it for about five YEARS!!!  It is also an extremely addicting medication.  If I happen to miss one day of taking it I start having awful withdrawal symptoms.  There are entire books written about how to safely wean off this med, plus a female physician in England who has written many of these books and gives lectures to the medical community and patients, educating them about this med. and providing info on how to safely get off it.  I have seen some of these on YouTube.

When I was prescribed this med initially I asked my Dr. if there were any possible issues with this drug, side effects, etc.  I do this when any new medication is prescribed.  He said I should do fine on it.  I have talked to other people who live with a similar condition as I and when they hear about this they say that Dr. (who is a renowned specialist in my area) should be sued for malpractice for first prescribing nine meds simultaneously (which I am now convinced did more harm than good) as well as for prescribing the other med for a long period of time.

As my examples above indicate, many doctors prescribe some very strong medications without warning their patients of possible issues.  Anything one ingests, including food and drink, can be problematic.  Based on my personal experiences plus that of my family, I am more prone in my later years to find healthy alternatives for medications if at all possible.  Again, that is MY personal choice. 

Edit: Clarification

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:


It's wonderful that it worked for your father but I still HIGHLY suggest not perscribing ANYTHING to anyone over SL. Someone doing there own research is fine and there's nothing wrong with it. I think the fact that you think vitamin C cures cold (which is like the chicken soup cures colds wives tale) says a  lot about weither you're in a place to prescribe people medication. Studies show it has little to no effect on treating the common cold. go ahead google it. Yes Meications prescribed by doctors Have side effects and a doctor has years of training to know the likely hood of those side effects happeniing. Do they still sometimes happen? Of course. But by having medical knowledge on it you can reduce the chances of it. Having none and prescribing something? It's like taking a shot in the dark and hoping it lands. Sometimes it will sometimes it WILL KILL SOMEONE and you literally have no idea which will happen! I suppose my question is do you want to be legally liable for that? Because by prescribing anything or suggesting anyone take ANYTHING you are.

Czari was not prescribing anything just sharing some information. It's true that Doctors don't care much about supplements and they support pharmaceutical companies. Supplements, herbs, amino acids.. the list is long, have shown improvement with many conditions.

I believe she also gave the OP a very educated answer regarding the way her presence would seem to work best in sl given what she wanted to accomplish.


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I found the videos I referenced about some area in SL that offers information about, as far as I can tell from the videos, medical records.  The videos are located here:


The center in question is apparently called Southern Tier Healthlink.  I need to go check that out to see what they offer and how they do so.

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Thank you so much again for all your contribution guys!


The link to health link was awesome! That is exactly the modle I hope to implement. The connection to a source of virtual information and community in the aims to educate people about wellness and health.


Again, there will be no diagnosing, prescribing through the wellness program I am building.


Alot like the health link, my goal is to intertwine my professional real life business with the world of secondlife. A rich an immersive virtual world that has really given creative freedom to thousands of people.


I am planning on having many free courses, and will definitely post links to the land an events soon. Any more suggestions are greatly appreciated and thank you so much for the concerns most of you are bringing up, I want to provide a safe and public space for self improvement an transformation!


- Rika Athena

Rayne Satyr

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