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Bigger than Faceable.? Social Networking Which pays you to "Share" your "Likes" W

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EDIT: Think I should clear up some points before people jump to conclusions.

The video above was the video initially only seen by people who were personally invited to see it only. It is now public. 

I saw it 5 weeks ago after I signed the NDA  because I was invited to see it then I got to learn more. This particular video has now been made "public knowledge"  and that's why I am able to share it in these forums.

Whilst I can appreciate it appears like a "Pyramid Scheme"  to the best of my knowledge, Pyramid Schemes require a payment or exchange of money.  I have not paid anything nor have I been asked to pay anything.

That's not to say I will not be asked to  at some point and if I am, I may have to reconsider my interest if or when that happens. 

Basically, from the videos I have access to, the concept is this;

When we share something on facebook such as when "Like" a product,  that product receives mass exposure by all "Pyramid" exposure it gets in Facebook as one person clicks on a "Like" or a video that a friend of a friend of a friend posted initially and the creators of Facebook gain financially from the advertising of said product. 

Facebook by default is Pyramid Selling only the people doing the Sharing and Liking get nothing whilst the fat cats at the top get it all. 

Rippln works by offering a financial incentive for  anyone that "Likes" or "Shares" information on a product, app, movie...you get the picture.

You would really need to research the concept before you draw any conclusions.

But I can assure you I am old and wise enough not to fall for Pyramid Schemes.  


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Wonder how they think of it being viral before it even released. Sounds like a gamble and a pyramid scheme LOL but for them to claim it is a viral app and hasn't been released nor has gone viral yet is rather odd


Rippln is currently at invite only stage.
Only a lucky few will be picked to join the inner circle over the next 30 days 



If you are in it. How about an invite so I can see whats up lol

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

yes, i think its totally pyramid scheme... yuk

The world is a pyramid scheme :matte-motes-agape:

I think you may be referring to a Ponzi scheme :matte-motes-wink: or perhaps MLM.


Interestingly enough, most social networks reward people for inviting others to their networks. It's a common practice. I does look shady but then again, how do you tell anyone about something if it's a secret?

I would check it out if I had time to commit to it but I don't. Social Media is a real time drain.


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LillyBeth Filth wrote:


EDIT:  But I can assure you I am old and wise enough not to fall for Pyramid Schemes.  


Just curious : so why do words like 'inner circle' and the NDA not alarm you ? :robotindifferent:

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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

yes, i think its totally pyramid scheme... yuk

The world is a pyramid scheme :matte-motes-agape:

I think you may be referring to a Ponzi scheme :matte-motes-wink: or perhaps MLM.


Interestingly enough, most social networks reward people for inviting others to their networks. It's a common practice. I does look shady but then again, how do you tell anyone about something if it's a secret?

I would check it out if I had time to commit to it but I don't. Social Media is a real time drain.


ah yes, i didnt know about the Ponzi scheme but yes, its exactly what i want to mean..

but not only..

it can also be all these "chains" (i dont know how you call this in english, we call them "chaines" in french).. that ask you to resend something to ie 10 friends of you, otherwise a big bad thing will happen, or if you dont do it your wish wont happens etc...



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LillyBeth Filth wrote:


Rippln works by offering a financial incentive for  anyone that "Likes" or "Shares" information on a product, app, movie...you get the picture.



when i clik on a "likes" or "shares" button, its bec i really like it or i want to share this with others.. this is deeply sincere.. and i dont really need financial incentive for this...

i dont need and i certainly dont want either.

And you can be a person of interest for this kind of sites not only for your money.. they wont ask you money... but they will collect your data.. if you are paid for your likes, i bet you have to give some paiments info... not to mention all the cookies that will allow them to know where you hang out on the web and spam your mailbox.... 

this new think may be absolutely wonderful, but no thanks... not my trick at all

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote

when i clik on a "likes" or "shares" button, its bec i really like it or i want to share this with others.. this is deeply sincere.. and i dont really need financial incentive for this...




It seems like it will be a system that will be gamed to death, and if likes are driven by financial gain, then it seems less genuine and people really dont give a craP  about the product or service or even you as a person.. All they will care about is filling their pockets..

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This is a quick list of the issues I personally have with the Rippln service, based on one of their Terms and Conditions. I'm sure there's plenty other things to be wary of.


  • Removed User Content is stored on Rippln servers (no time limit), and can continue to be shared by others. (2dii)
  • User information (registration, IP/traffic info, usage history, user content) can be turned over to law enforcement or government without requirement for court order/subpoena. (2dii)
  • All user content is provided to Rippln with an irrevocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide licence to reproduce, redistribute, publicly display, perform or prepare derivative works, incorporate into other works, and use your user content. (2div)
  • You irrevocably waive all claims of moral rights or attribution regarding your user content (2div)
  • Rippln reserves the right to collect live voice conversations and text conversations from devices where the app is installed. (3a)
  • Rippln collects device and user activity data, and aggregates this with [unspecified] third party data. (3b)
  • All non-public and personally identifiable user information (including that retrieved by Rippln, vs. user-submitted) can be used to facilitate connections between users of the product (as suggestions/recommendations), monitor licence compliance or (as permitted by the customer) advertise. (3bii-x)
  • Rippln provides the facility (with user permission) to 'mine' your address books, Facebook IDs, names, emails, phone numbers, images, geographic locations in order to find contacts. (3c)
  • Data collected from address books can be used to determine if your friends use Rippln already (3c), and recommend that you 'add' them (and that they 'add' you). (3c)
  • Legal action may be carried out against Rippln according to the jurisdiction of the State of California. (5c)
  • IP Protection Action is considered to take place in the jurisdiction of Eastern District of Texas, US. (5di)


Source: http://docs.rippln.com/tandc.html


Bolded is stuff of particular note, especially to anyone who creates content (including bloggers, photographers, SL brands). I should add that I don't understand the relevance of the last two bulletpoints (I'm not a US national), they just seem strange.

Essentially, this is the same trick Facebook and Pinterest are pulling (it's popular at the moment). If you're not the customer, you're the product.

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

  • Legal action may be carried out against Rippln according to the jurisdiction of the State of California. (5c)
  • IP Protection Action is considered to take place in the jurisdiction of Eastern District of Texas, US. (5di)




... the last two bulletpoints (I'm not a US national), they just seem strange.

Not really. Just words to keep you legally busy if objecting to the prior lines you wrote.

Those lines mean you can only 'object' to their terms and conditions by legal procedures of these jurisdictions.

Legal action you must take to court in Cali and you can invoke / appeal for IP Protection Action (disallowing the company to mine your data for 3rd parties ) in Texas.

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Wouldn't that company need your ID and payment info to be able to pay you? And then what would they do with that?

Although if they marketed that information or posted it on the web it wouldn't be so different from what those fun games and apps already do on Facebook, which is one reason I'm not on there.


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Melita Magic wrote:

Wouldn't that company need your ID and payment info to be able to pay you? And then what would they do with that?

Ding ding ding! We has a winner.

Your payment/RL contact info + your shopping habits = liquid GOLD to advertisers.

In conjunction with Bullet 5 of my post ("Rippln collects device and user activity data, and aggregates this with [unspecified] third party data. (3b)"), this allows Rippln to work with syndicated advertising platforms to FURTHER expand what those advertisers might know about you already. Ads served to you from another service can be connected to your preferences in Rippln, and joined with your RL or payment information. This allows Rippln to build a full 'portfolio' of your interests, almost guaranteed to be tied to an RL name and bank account. The correlation would be so strong that they could probably out-price just about any other platforms guesses at your spending habits, making it incredibly lucrative to resell this information.

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TDD123 wrote:

Not really. Just words to keep you legally busy if objecting to the prior lines you wrote.

Those lines mean you can only 'object' to their terms and conditions by legal procedures of these jurisdictions.

Legal action you must take to court in Cali and you can invoke / appeal for IP Protection Action (disallowing the company to mine your data for 3rd parties ) in Texas.

 Thanks! This sounded like 'Legal tourism' to me, choosing jurisdictions with the most favourable (to them) laws, and as such brought up a red flag. I don't know if the two jurisdictions are friendly/unfriendly to people making these types of claims against companies, but would be interested in their reasoning either way.

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This is a quick list of the issues I have:



That little thumb-up thingy is already being gamed on Facebook. I hear radio ads all the time saying things like "Like us on Facebook and get a coupon worth two dollars off on your next purchase!".  In other words, "Help us create a completely articial group of people who appear to think our product is just the cat's pajamas".

The whole 'Like' thing bugs me. Not a lot, because I'm not 'in the Book', but it bugs me when I'm reminded of it. This outfit looks totally creepy, I agree.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote

when i clik on a "likes" or "shares" button, its bec i really like it or i want to share this with others.. this is deeply sincere.. and i dont really need financial incentive for this...




It seems like it will be a system that will be gamed to death, and if likes are driven by financial gain, then it seems less genuine and people really dont give a craP  about the product or service or even you as a person.. All they will care about is filling their pockets..

I haven't watched the video so I don't know the details but, from what I've in this thread, it does look like the whole scheme is gaming. I.e. it's been created as a method of gaming. But who or what it's gaming, I don't know because that's in the details :)

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

yes, i think its totally pyramid scheme... yuk

The world is a pyramid scheme :matte-motes-agape:

I think you may be referring to a Ponzi scheme :matte-motes-wink: or perhaps MLM.


Interestingly enough, most social networks reward people for inviting others to their networks. It's a common practice. I does look shady but then again, how do you tell anyone about something if it's a secret?

I would check it out if I had time to commit to it but I don't. Social Media is a real time drain.


ah yes, i didnt know about the Ponzi scheme but yes, its exactly what i want to mean..

but not only..

it can also be all these "chains" (i dont know how you call this in english, we call them "chaines" in french).. that ask you to resend something to ie 10 friends of you, otherwise a big bad thing will happen, or if you dont do it your wish wont happens etc...



They call them the same here, chain letters.

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