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Why dont creative groups do this?

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Creative croups such as photography, design, build etc, should require members to contribute something atleast twice a month as mandatory to risk ejection, it would also keep us interested in participating and look forward to it, especially lazy and uninitaited people like me who need to be prodded to do things, alot of RL talent gone to waste due to lack of motivation and and no push.

A decent cash prize would help too.

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bebejee wrote:

Creative croups such as photography, design, build etc, should require members to contribute something atleast twice a month as mandatory to risk ejection, it would also keep us interested in participating and look forward to it, especially lazy and uninitaited people like me who need to be prodded to do things, alot of RL talent gone to waste due to lack of motivation and and no push.

A decent cash prize would help too.

Maybe you could offer to monitor group discussion 24/7 and keep a running tally of how often people contribute, and also to provide the cash prize. 

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 In general, groups in SL are used to promote events, products, or shops. Some groups are very active in regard to group chat and being friendly, others are strictly for promotion. Some LOVE chatty groups, others can't stand them, others tolerate it. Visual and performing artists, DJs, designers, and venues often have an active fan base but the majority of groups, whether "creative" or not are used for promotion, and have enough rules without someone insisting  members be creative or else.

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Not true bebejee.  There are some incredibly popular and active groups.  But as Pamela (and you yourself) point out, it takes effort to make things happen.  And that brings us back to the old adage – “if not you – who?” 

Only you can judge if the effort is worth it.  But seriously – give it a try.  If you don’t want to start your own group, be active in the next one you join.  I’m a constant bother in several.  And no one seems to mind.

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I know a very good solution for your control freak tendencies, bebejee: create your own group like that.

There's a reason groups who do that tend to quickly die off, and that's because people don't want to have to spend all their time just pleasing idiots who think they can boss them around. We already do enough of that in our RL jobs.

Maybe if you paid them, and paid them well (think 10k L$ an hour for 10 hours a day) they'll be willing to let you boss them around in SL.

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bebejee wrote:

Creative croups such as photography, design, build etc, should require members to contribute something atleast twice a month as mandatory to risk ejection, it would also keep us interested in participating and look forward to it, especially lazy and uninitaited people like me who need to be prodded to do things, alot of RL talent gone to waste due to lack of motivation and and no push.

A decent cash prize would help too.

Creative people are too busy creating and don't want to be interruptted constantly by group chat.  If you are not creatiing and feel you are wasting your talent and need motivation, then you should hire a drama mama to nag you in your own group about that.  :smileywink:

Group Mamma: Hey you, yeah I see you.  Get up off your lazy a$$ and go out and get me 20 artistic photos and don't come back until you do.  You come back without them there will be no dessert for you!  Just wait till your father comes home and I tell him what a lazy no accounting kid he has.


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bebejee wrote:

I'm getting the impression that group scene is not that popular on SL or worth the effort.

It depends on the group really. If it's a social group that mostly chats, it's very popular. IMO work groups are probably not the best in SL. Think about it, it's anonymous. How much trust can you really have? Besides that, it's a game i.e. form of entertainment. How much commitment do you expect?


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bebejee wrote:

Creative croups such as photography, design, build etc, should require members to contribute something atleast twice a month as mandatory to risk ejection, it would also keep us interested in participating and look forward to it,
especially lazy and uninitaited people
like me
who need to be prodded to do things, alot of RL talent gone to waste due to lack of motivation and and no push.

A decent cash prize would help too.

Okay, read what you wrote. Basically, you said, "Everyone should be required to do so and so because I, personally, am a slackabones." This is not exactly an inspirational plan for many people.

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Two of the posters have responded as if I attacked them personally LOL!

Thanks to all the rest for their civil replies, I'm relatively new and still learning so I didnt know how things work here for groups etc. and that some can be annoying and no one would like them ordering or demanding stuff. Never imagined it would ruffle some feathers.

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Generally speaking, people do not like rules, and here where the motto is "Your world, your imagination" rules that dictate how that imagination should be used (particularly) for creative endeavors are especially loathed.  Flogging a muse is just going to make her surly. I don't think anyone took it as a personal attack, maybe as an attack on one of the basic tenets of SL.

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bebejee wrote:

Two of the posters have responded as if I attacked them personally LOL!

Thanks to all the rest for their civil replies, I'm relatively new and still learning so I didnt know how things work here for groups etc. and that some can be annoying and no one would like them ordering or demanding stuff. Never imagined it would ruffle some feathers.

Really, what the huge majority of people in SL are doing, outside of Merchants and others who earn a living here, is spending our discretionary time here.  There is well over one million, three hundred eighty seven thousand, two hundred and seventy five other things we could be doing.

So because our time here is discretionary it is often not practical nor possible for many to make the kind of commitment you are asking for.

There are groups that do require active participation.  I am in one.  Because it is something I enjoy doing.  If I stopped participating I'd be removed from the group.  It's the groups rules.  I accepted that when I joined.  It is simply what is necessary for managing the group.

I understand how some people need an additional hook to get off their butts to get something done.  That is why people join things like Weight Watchers.  But ultimately you have to discipline yourself.

When I was trying to improve my writing skills (yes at one time they were far worse than they are now), I joined a Forum that required a DAILY posting to be able to participate.  It did help get me off my butt.  But in the end, the motivation and discipline came from me.

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There was once such a group/project back in 2005 that I was a part of. The group leader owned a few mainland regions next to each other. A large part of the land was devoted to a huge ongoing build that had many contrbutors. The general concept was an abstract virtual environment which allowed for some varied and interesting work from a diverse selection of builders, scripters and designers. The project culminated in 2006 when lots of small sections of the build were copied and displayed at Burning Life where we provided a landmark to the finished piece that was too big to display at the exhibition in it's entirety. Am really annoyed I can't find any pictures....but that was 4 computers ago,so not holding out much hope

There also used to be a cool speed building group where we would compete one on one or in small teams to meet a design brief in a restricted amount of time. That was allot of fun!

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I've actually left groups where they started demanding we spend x amount of time per day on mindless stuff just so we could stay members.

And it was mindless stuff, these were roleplay groups that demanded we send in roleplay logs of on average 2 hours a day as a condition of being a member of the group which would then be graded (yes kids, teacher is checking your work) and you'd still get ejected if it wasn't good enough.
Of course during the hours I was usually online there were very few others in the group owned sim (they were online, just elsewhere) except weekends, so I'd have to roleplay solo, emoting volumes in exquisite detail and hope a moderator found them "good enough".
And then I got hit with a long term illness that restricted my time seriously, so I couldn't even be online that much most days.

Lost a lot of good friends because I could not do the mindless chores the group demanded from me, so nice...

But if that's the kind of treatment you want, go right ahead.

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