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Any tips for a newbie?

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I think I signed up last year, but then I gave up quickly because everything was just too confusing and people kept calling me names because I didn't know how to play. =( Well, now I'd like to try again but I still have no idea what to do on here. Where are all the people at? It seems like wherever I go, no one else is around. What are the "hot spots" of Second Life and how can I get virtual money or "Lindens" as you call them without having to pay actual money as I can't afford that? Could I get a virtual job? This is all so complicated and a bit overwhelming. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Where are all the people at?

On the map crowded places show up with lots of green dots, every dot represents another person. Within the search you can always open the map of a place to see if others are there. Also the search has an icon on places that are crowded (just type in something you are interested in and look for places).


how can I get virtual money or "Lindens" as you call them without having to pay actual money as I can't afford that?

As I always say: If a person can afford a pc capable of SL they won't die from spending 10 dollar. But as you already know jobs would be an option to get L$ without transfering RL money. There are different types of jobs. Some can be grouped under "entertainment/club jobs", others are in the business and shop sector and others are freelance jobs. For the first two you need to apply at the specific places, normally by filling out a notecard. There are also jobcenters where you can look for places that hire people.

But be aware that nothing comes for free, most jobs have requirements and that most of them don't pay you much. As long as you have no job and no other option for money, freebies would be a way to improve your avatars look. With a little search and luck you will find some that are quite nice. A look at the marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com  can also help to find cheap or free stuff.

Also, I'm using the Phoenix Viewer since I was recommended that by someone in-game.

There are tons of different viewers, but the Phoenix viewer isn't supported anymore, you should look for a different viewer. If you like the style of the interface Firestorm would be an alternative.


If you need help, you can IM me inworld, I'll answer when I'm online.

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Hi Annie, and welcome back to SL. :matte-motes-smile:  SL is not a game (although there are games *within* SL) thus there are no "starter quests" as in MMORPGs that provide help.  Think of SL as a virtual world - pretty much any place to which you have always wanted to travel (real or fictional), any activity you enjoy from sports activities to book clubs, any interest you may have, etc. you will find in SL.  If you think of SL along the lines of RL - "What kind of clothes do I want to wear; where do I want to go" - it helps leave the concept of "game" behind and entering a "world."

This is a thread on the forums that one of our regular posters recommends for newcomers to SL:


Please feel free to contact me in world as well.

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Some look at SL jobs this way: if you are spending time in SL anyway, you are being paid to play. You are never going to make real world wages in here unless you have a skill comparable to something that deserves it...graphics, scripting, etc. So, SL pay will be scaled to SL economics, where you can buy a new outfit for 25 cents.  ;)

Start out with freebies. You might join the FabFree group and browse its website frequently. It's a chatty group sometimes too so maybe you can make some friends there.

Forum Cartel hangout is a good group to join or place to go too; it's a chatty group sometimes and open to being asked SL questions.

Type things you are interested in into search, and also look on random people's Picks in their avatar profile to find new places to go. Use the Destination Guide and Wanted forum on this website.

Good luck.


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SUP! SUP! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

Well first of all, I suggest getting the basics down and as you spend more time here, you'll find yourself learning more and more each day (I'm almost a year old and still find myself confused so don't feel discouraged and try to see it as "you learn something new everyday" sort of thing!) :)

Then I suggest this heavily: GET A JOB. Don't do it ONLY for money, but see it more as a hobby you enjoy instead or else you'll find yourself bored. I work as a waiter/server and enjoy myself everytime I work. Also, if you do get a job, make sure its something you like. I used to be a host but got bored of only greeting and dancing and when I turned to waiting, I immediately loved the feeling of always being on my toes and having more hands on work without having all the skills that other players use to make a living such as scripting and building. You also make a few new friends and get a little money on the side. ;)

Make friends! This one is harder than it sounds if you want GOOD and CLOSE friends. Go into search and type you interests and hobbies and see it pops up! Look at the amount of people who also visit this sim and your sure to at least find someone who shares your hobbie! You don't need a Huge list of friends, just a few close ones and you'll have fun! (Remember: Quality>Quantity)

I wish you have a fun and enjoyable SL!

Feel free to add me if you want to hang out or need help (Though I'm not fully sure on what I'm doing either, I'm always willing to help!)

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Make friends! This one is harder than it sounds if you want GOOD and CLOSE friends.


Huh? What's so hard about making friends? I clean my f-llist out frequently and still never have less than 200 peepels in it. And the best thing is, I only offered friendship myself maybe 2 or 3 times. Okay, not all of them are very close friends but mostly aquaintences or allies or people you just need to know or they are in my community or sumfink. But still it's pretty easy to find friends if you yourself are interesting and worthy to have as a friend.

I usually delete friends after a certain time of no contact or when they are of no use for me. On the other hand I still keep two dear friends in my list who passed away in RL. Just because I liked them so much.

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Do you have any idea how **bleep** that statement sounds? Can you read? Regardless of my straightforward bluntness and total disregard for politicaly correctness I obviously must be a quite interesting and likeable little person.

So, how come I have 200+ friends? By being a non-involved consumer with no interests and no hobbies? Probably not.


[Edited: Please do not use inappropriate language or offensive language]

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My suggestion to you is Annie, fill out your profile first. Most people look at it for learning a bit more about you. An empty profile can be a turn off , while a profile where you nicely express yourself may bring you more friends, jobs etc...

Good luck & Enjoy your SL

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When I say it's hard to make friends, I mean the ones you can relate to the most and trust rather than finding aquaintences for idle chit-chat. My deepest condolences to your two friends, that was very sweet to save them on your f-list.

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There are some privately funded newbie spots where people who enjoy helping the relatively helpless hang out.  I'll leave it to others to recommend their favorite, but all hold classes on a variety of topics to get you started and usually there is someone around who will help complete newbs with "silly" questions. 

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