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When is racism going too far?

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Not trying to be racist here, but lately been seeing people refering to each other, aswell as groups/profiles with the N word in them. I mean, sure people use it to talk to one another, but when is it going too far? Is their a line it has to cross before you can report it?

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It's pretty well covered in the Community Standards.



Combating intolerance is a cornerstone of Second Life's Community Standards. Actions that marginalize, belittle, or defame individuals or groups inhibit the satisfying exchange of ideas and diminish the Second Life community as a whole. The use of derogatory or demeaning language or images in reference to another Resident's race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is never allowed in Second Life.



AR it.

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N-word ? What N-word ?


... besides ... there's racism that " is not going too far" ? What kind of racism would that be ? ... :robotindifferent:


ETA : The answer to the picture is 'naggers'.

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It goes to far when it offends someone. It doesn't necessarily have to be the target group, individual or belief. There are many people that are against any type of ridicule and strong negative comments against others. Hopefully the posts from Peggy and Rii explain as they had substance instead of the other replies you recieved. I assume you posted this as a serious question and would appreciate replies that would give you opinions from thought. Though one shouldn't assume I did it anyways :)

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Agreed, racism comes in all colors, shapes and forms, but many times people are not aware of other individuals and groups that get treated as such. I just found out recently why when I was growing up and learned about racism, slavery, etc in America that the Irish were held as slaves and were treated in ways that people can't imagine. The reason coming from a well known college professor in my homes state was that the Irish were very proud and didn't want what they went through when they first came to Ameirica to be taught in schools or in books, they wanted to move forward from the experience of their ancestors and not look back. I found that to be an interesting fact because I would think that it would be good for people to let others know what they experienced and how they over came it all, then again maybe it was too painful and moving on was the better choice.

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Racism is a word that, over the years, has become almost useless for defining discrimination.  It's become a buzz word to evoke sympathy..........and that cheapens the meaning to a level that it's insulting to the people who truly experience discrimination solely to their race.  Ethnic groups get lumped into racism.......the Irish are not a race, it's an ethnic group.  The Jews are not a race.  Muslims are not a race (though middle eastern is which is were the vast majority of Muslims live).  All those groups have been discriminated against both in paste and today  But just because the group might be discriminated against does not make it racism.  Discriminating against a person (or group of people) because their skin is black, brown, or yellow is racism.  Discriminating against a person (or group of people) because their ancestry happens to be a foreign country or they practice a belief system other than what someone decides is proper it discrimination.  Both are bad.  Both should be shunned by society.  But they are not "racism".  I've been discriminated against because of my hair color, skin complexion, my birth place, and, to some degree, my religious beliefs..........but I've never been a victim or racism.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Malanya wrote:

It goes to far when it offends someone.

That is one heck of a vague and subjective standard.

I disagree with you and agree with Melanya. In a way, that surprises me.

Melanya's sentence didn't really state this, but clearly a racist thought/comment/whatever can only offend someone if it is made public. We all of us (presumably) have our racial/national/religious affiliations and dislikes. It is part of our wiring to feel that way. It is also part of our wiring to learn to overcome that.

Making one's racial or ethnic or other opinions known in a way that demeans or insults someone or some group goes too far.


ETA the quoted post

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OK, let's get specific here.

This is from a group description in SL.  I am specifically not naming the group but they have been around for several years.  I was quite shocked and stunned when I saw it.  To me this is just wrong on so many levels and I'd be surprised if they haven't been AR'd.  I myself am not quick on the AR trigger and have not AR'd this. 

The group description reads:

"The Nation is an urban themed area which arose from the ashes of the old white dominated society. Here our thugs and bulls rule the streets. All guests are subjected to black rule: White females are kept as pretty ornaments for use, pleasure and breeding; White men are mere cuckolds or pay taxes to the nation. Its a hangout for fun."


Their continued presence just leaves me not knowing what to think. 

So is this Racist?  Or am I being intolerant here?  Can this be "Just for fun?"


P.S. I am not naming them because I don't want to advertise them and I ask if you know who they are that you respect this.  Thank You.


P.P.S. Not meaning to tag you Trinity...Lithium is being onery.  This is meant as a reply to the thread overall.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:


Perrie Juran wrote:

Malanya wrote:

It goes to far when it offends someone.

That is one heck of a vague and subjective standard.

I disagree with you and agree with Melanya. In a way, that surprises me.

Melanya's sentence didn't really state this, but clearly a racist thought/comment/whatever can only
someone if it is made public. We all of us (presumably) have our racial/national/religious affiliations and dislikes. It is part of our wiring to feel that way. It is also part of our wiring to learn to overcome that.

Making one's racial or ethnic or other opinions known in a way that demeans or insults someone or some group goes too far.


ETA the quoted post

"Making one's racial or ethnic or other opinions known in a way that demeans or insults someone or some group goes too far."

This I agree with and perhaps I should have considerred her comment in context.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

OK, let's get specific here.

This is from a group description in SL.  I am specifically not naming the group but they have been around for several years.  I was quite shocked and stunned when I saw it.  To me this is just wrong on so many levels and I'd be surprised if they haven't been AR'd.  I myself am not quick on the AR trigger and have not AR'd this. 

The group description reads:

"The Nation is an urban themed area which arose from the ashes of the old white dominated society. Here our thugs and bulls rule the streets. All guests are subjected to black rule: White females are kept as pretty ornaments for use, pleasure and breeding; White men are mere cuckolds or pay taxes to the nation. Its a hangout for fun."


Their continued presence just leaves me not knowing what to think. 

So is this Racist?  Or am I being intolerant here?  Can this be "Just for fun?"


Yes. It is. You can argue the "well we deserve to demean them because look what they did/are doing to us" until you're blue in the face (God only knows they've been doing that in the Balkans for about 800 years) but fact is, it's racist.


Edited to make the 'we/them' more clear.

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Carl Thibodeaux wrote:

Not trying to be racist here, but lately been seeing people refering to each other, aswell as groups/profiles with the N word in them. I mean, sure people use it to talk to one another, but when is it going too far? Is their a line it has to cross before you can report it?

Looks like the world of warcraft riff-raff made it to SL.


any use of that word is too far for me and the person will just be blocked. You can't stop them, but yea, you can turn it off on your own end.

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See this is what i mean about the replies to "certain" people LOL. But considering the source and I have no respect for certain posters I don't care, I care about the people that are looking for answers and new memebers who in numerous threads when they get rude replies that say they will never come back here again. Sad.


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That's true and a great point, it has been a buzzword as you put it for a long time. It seems that the term bullying is following in the same path as it's being used for sympathy and for martyr type people who like to play the victim when bullying is a serious issue especially amongst children and young adults. In many cases they don't have choices adults have to remove themselves from certain situations and they may not have a loud enough voice to overcome fears and threats.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Racism is a word that, over the years, has become almost useless for defining discrimination.  It's become a buzz word to evoke sympathy..........and that cheapens the meaning to a level that it's insulting to the people who truly experience discrimination solely to their race.  Ethnic groups get lumped into racism.......the Irish are not a race, it's an ethnic group.  The Jews are not a race.  Muslims are not a race (though middle eastern is which is were the vast majority of Muslims live).  All those groups have been discriminated against both in paste and today  But just because the group might be discriminated against does not make it racism.  Discriminating against a person (or group of people) because their skin is black, brown, or yellow is racism.  Discriminating against a person (or group of people) because their ancestry happens to be a foreign country or they practice a belief system other than what someone decides is proper it discrimination.  Both are bad.  Both should be shunned by society.  But they are not "racism".  I've been discriminated against because of my hair color, skin complexion, my birth place, and, to some degree, my religious beliefs..........but I've never been a victim or racism.

ok, Peggy, i understand what you are saying, and i know that in US this word is used for almost anything and not for  its real meaning.

But i live in France, and here this word has still is meaning. 

Racism is "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races:" according to Oxford dictionnary

So again, for me, as ive been an active antiracist millitant (not only) for 15 years (even if im less active since the last 10 years) racism is racism, from level A till level Z. 

As i said the question doesnt make sense. if somth is racism, its racism.. You are women, noone ask you at what level you are and at what level you start to be one.

About ethnicity and race. Race has been wrongly used since the start and this why the word itself "racism" isnt exact and why pp use now the word "ethnicity" instead "race". Race is the fact to catorize pp according some criterias morphologics or culturals. Ethnicity is exactly same (well not exactly but is a better definition with more shades). So yes we can say racism is about ethnicity (the term "race was wrong at the start but they never changed it then). So, "Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial." (Wikipedia).

Now i agree, islam and judaism are a religion, not a race neither an ethnie. However here in europe, racism is against arabs not forcelly against islam (even if the result is same). So here its about ethnie. 

Then if you look at the racism definition and so a the race definition, you ll see this one has the criteria "cutural" so if religion is not a cultural thing, well, nothing is cultural then lol.

So i understand that in US the term is so used for anything that things have to be put again where they have to be. But you cant only define it according to a word (race) that was wrong at the start and till nowadays, scientists doesnt agree about the real meaning of it. This is why here, we prefer to use ethnicity since this one has been clearly defined by science.

About discriminations. I agree they may have a different target than racism... but i guess you have already understood that for me it doesnt make difference. i fight agains all of them, (xenophoby, homophoby, sexism and a  lot of other words with a "phoby" at the end lol). for me we are all humans from the same planet, no one is superior to others because of one's essence.

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Malanya wrote:

See this is what i mean about the replies to "certain" people LOL. But considering the source and I have no respect for certain posters I don't care, I care about the people that are looking for answers and new memebers who in numerous threads when they get rude replies that say they will never come back here again. Sad.


if this is directed to me Malanya, id like you explain me better ....

was my answer rude ?

is the fact i tell that for me racism remains racism, whatever the level, something rude ?

Honnestly, even after have read my post several times, (since i english is not my native language, i could have phrase it no correctly) i still dont see where it can be seen as rude... 

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