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No Slex = Less friends?

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You dont need to be rude. I have dont nothing wrong neither am I left, right nor center, I am me. I never said it was their fault or did I say anythng wrong. If you feel the need to attack me then do so private. I never said anything mean or call out names. I wont have sex so they delete me. So yes that is the reason they delete me. Some have been nice enough to explain why, actually most have. I never called them children either. I said some peoples children.. thats not an insult. I didnt bring any drama nor did I ask for pity. All I did was state my issue as many have and if I can get some land marks. If they feel the need to delete me then they will. I am not crying about it. I wouldnt be a friend so someone so rude to begin with, so you dont have to worry. If you feel the need to pick on someone or "tell it like it is" with out knowing reality please choose someone else. Thank you.

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btw Being a perve isnt a bad thing, and I never said it was. I even stated that I love to flirt. I just said I am not having sex any more so dont put words that are not there. This was a nice thread and I got great advice. Why you decided to come on here and make such a big deal of it only you know. Please choose someone else to hate.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

You dont need to be rude. I have dont nothing wrong neither am I left, right nor center, I am me. I never said it was their fault or did I say anythng wrong. If you feel the need to attack me then do so private. I never said anything mean or call out names. I wont have sex so they delete me. I didnt bring any drama nor did I ask for pity. All I did was state my issue as many have and if I can get some land marks. If they feel the need to delete me then they will. I am not crying about it. I wouldnt be a friend so someone so rude to begin with, so you dont have to worry. If you feel the need to pick on someone or "tell it like it is" with out knowing reality please choose someone else. Thank you.

You're making a slifestyle change, which is awesome, most people need to do that from time to time. Friends come and friends go and most often our friends are our friends because of a shared interest. When we don't share that interest, we part ways. It happens. Nothing wrong with change at all. I still don't understand what the purpose of calling them all pervs, or in your last post, children was for. But hey, I don't have to understand. Since I'm not the first poster in this thread to state you're being dramatic about it, I'm guessing it's not just my perception being off, though. Which makes me feel slightly better. Since I wasn't attacking, just stating the obvious. I probably could have worded that better and it wouldn't seem like as much of an attack, to you.

Regardless, hope you enjoy your new found slife. Let the past stay in the past, it didn't make it to your present for a reason. I wouldn't stew so much on it. It seems like you are. Which is why it's coming off as drama rather than an "oh, haha, lost some friends, oh well, time for a change, got any lms for me?". I'm guessing that's what you're going for. Just seems you're taking the long way round to that objective. Really I wouldn't worry about why they defriended you, it won't change the fact that they did. So, just continue on with your slife. It'll be a lot more fun.


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Some did read my post as drama which I am never.... or at least try not to be. So I had to tell them my direction. Not everyone is built the same and thats the bad thing about text. You never know onces tone. I realize we are on here for different reasons and some of those are for sexual experiences. I am not sulking and I am moving on. Yes it sucks but that means meeting new cool people. I needed to get Lms but ended up getting great advice on redoing my profile and picks place because I am sure some are getting mixed signals. If I came off as rude or drama I apologize. I personally just wanted to know how to find places where one can be flirty fun and sexy with out sex being the main theme. I didnt call them children and they are perverts. There is nothing wrong with being one. I used to be and some still can consider me one from time to time. I dont understand why the negative outlook on being a perve. Anyway thank you for the well wishes and I hope you week goes by well.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

Note I do not know how to delete groups and picks, if anyone can help me out with that, that would be awesome!!! I use firestorm.

To delete a pick, open your profile, go to the picks tab click on the pick you want to remove, and there should be a delete button on top next to the new button. To leave a group, go up top to comm, open the groups, click(once) on the group you want to leave and click the leave button on the righthand side.



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I don't know if this will help or not, but "Some peoples' children" must be a regional thing. I knew exactly what Sephina meant. No, she wasn't calling them children. (Trying to figure out how to explain it.) Basically refering to your parents (no matter your age, you are always their child) and their lack of raising you with proper manners and social skills. (At least in MI that is what it means LOL)

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

Note I do not know how to delete groups and picks, if anyone can help me out with that, that would be awesome!!! I use firestorm.

to leave groups just go to my groups and right click the group in the list and choose leave group.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

So I have decided to not have "fun time" on sl. (Or
Limited) Well it seems like because of this my friends list has minimized and people I would have thought were my friends are dropping like flies. I even was attacked
because of my decision. I was told I should make my avi ugly then or shouldn't dress sexy. Its not like  I dress like a hussy. So now I am looking for places with like minded individuals because apparently I befriended all the close minded pervs. lol

Edit: Spelling, because I havent had my cup of coffee yet.

No one should be judged for dressing a certain way. Dressing in sexy clothes is not an invitation of any kind, but dressing in these clothes and the verbiage of your profile combined with groups and your feed speak differently than you may think. Your feed actually shows me that you are in need of attention and it doesn't seem to be "flirty". However, that's your business but you did post your business here and I agree with other posters that you seek drama. I don't see your need to post something this personal unless you wanted attention for a few different things. Seems like High School to me. Your original post that I quoted above wraps it up: Look at me, Very limited fun time, ugly avi, to name a few.

If it's in your heart to choose how you lve your sl, then maybe you should choose your words better even in this post. Good luck to your new and hopefully fufilling sl :)

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Morgann Matova wrote:

I don't know if this will help or not, but "Some peoples' children" must be a regional thing. I knew exactly what Sephina meant. No, she wasn't calling them children. (Trying to figure out how to explain it.) Basically refering to your parents (no matter your age, you are always their child) and their lack of raising you with proper manners and social skills. (At least in MI that is what it means LOL)

I understand that explanation perfectly, thanks for explaining the phrase.

However, it's still an insult, and unwarranted one at that. Someone not wanting to be a person's friend because they've ended the one thing that made them friends to begin with, is neither lacking manners or social skills.


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Thats the about texting instead if speaking. I am not into drama nor was I looking for attention. Just explaining my situation and asking for some Lms. If I worded it that some people find it to be dtama it was not my attention. As I stated before I just wanted some Lm. Didnt think all these people would comment. Thats not me bringing drama. I think that some people see drama where there is none. This isnt an emotional post. I changed my profile and as soon as I can get inworld my places and picks are gone. Its been years since Ive looked at those. Anyway if people see drama I dont know where they would see it. And if I offended anyone I apologize.

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You don't have to apologize for anything, it's your right to post. I do think there are situations where people see drama that isn't there, but if you wanted LM's as you say, why all the details of sex, pervs, ugly avs, friends leaving because no more fun time and whatever else you mentioned in your OP? The extra TMI makes it drama to some of us. Just simply saying you were looking for new places to hang out that was not related to sex because you are interested in exploring different places in sl that would be interesting to you would have been a thread about LM's and I am sure you would have received those responses. I don't believe you offended anyone, you just got feedback on the type of thread you made.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

It was a popular thread. You provided quite a lot of entertainment. No need to apologize. Everyone should probably thank you for giving them something interesting to read on the forums.

Ain't that the truth. Better than yet another thread about how folders are so much better than boxes ;)


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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

You dont need to be rude. I have dont nothing wrong neither am I left, right nor center, I am me. I never said it was their fault or did I say anythng wrong. If you feel the need to attack me then do so private. I never said anything mean or call out names. I wont have sex so they delete me. So yes that is the reason they delete me. Some have been nice enough to explain why, actually most have. I never called them children either. I said some peoples children.. thats not an insult. I didnt bring any drama nor did I ask for pity. All I did was state my issue as many have and if I can get some land marks. If they feel the need to delete me then they will. I am not crying about it. I wouldnt be a friend so someone so rude to begin with, so you dont have to worry. If you feel the need to pick on someone or "tell it like it is" with out knowing reality please choose someone else. Thank you.

Imatest wasn't rude, you are posting plain oldfashioned drama and now you get replies. Even though you may think it is not about the dramaz, it is for others. But that is fine, carry on!

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Drama.. yes. I checked the OP's profile and nothing was changed and I recal she wanted to remove picks and redo some things but didn't know how (questionable if you can put them in I would think you can take them out) All the details of friends with benefits and that being the topic, LM's I doubt was as she said what she wanted out of this thread. I don't think threads like this are as interesting as how to improve market place packaging as someone pointed out :) Drama is not entertaining.

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Malanya wrote:

Drama.. yes. I checked the OP's profile and nothing was changed and I recal she wanted to remove picks and redo some things but didn't know how (questionable if you can put them in I would think you can take them out) All the details of friends with benefits and that being the topic, LM's I doubt was as she said what she wanted out of this thread. I don't think threads like this are as interesting as how to improve market place packaging as someone pointed out 
Drama is not entertaining.

it acutuall has changed a but and I havent been inworld as rl has needed me. I am not being drama there is not need to attack me. I did just want lms. Please dont assume who I am as I dont assume what you are about. We just see things differently. I never said you couldnt take them out I just didnt know how since I am new to Firestorm. As soon as I get in inworld I will be doing so. I agree that drama isnt not entertaning so please do not cause it. If you are going to keep being negative towards me please refrain from posting here. Thank you and hope you have a nice day., 

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I felt he was being rude. Each people see things differently. Some people felt I was being drama while otheres not. I can see where some felt I was. I corrected it. Im not on here for drama even though some people feel the need to attack me and my character. You dont know me as most who have commented dont and assumed I was causing drama, That is not what I am about. Far from the truth. I am glad I posted this and got great advice. Now I see maybe I should have worded it better or differently but at the time what I wrote sounded right. Last thing I thought was being dramatic. What I do see is drama are the people coming on here and being rude and assuming mean things about me without knowing who I am. 

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Randall Ahren wrote:

It was a popular thread. You provided quite a lot of entertainment. No need to apologize. Everyone should probably thank you for giving them something interesting to read on the forums.

Thanks for say so. I didnt realize I would cause such a stir from just a simple question. Next time Ill word it better as to not offend people or cause "drama". 

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Malanya wrote:

You don't have to apologize for anything, it's your right to post. I do think there are situations where people see drama that isn't there, but if you wanted LM's as you say, why all the details of sex, pervs, ugly avs, friends leaving because no more fun time and whatever else you mentioned in your OP? The extra TMI makes it drama to some of us. Just simply saying you were looking for new places to hang out that was not related to sex because you are interested in exploring different places in sl that would be interesting to you would have been a thread about LM's and I am sure you would have received those responses. I don't believe you offended anyone, you just got feedback on the type of thread you made.

I didnt really think I was giving any details, just telling people what I am going throuugh. I got good advice to which I am correcting. Next time I need advice Ill stick to the basics but I am not sorry for saying it the way I did. If people dont like my post they could just simply back out of it instead of coming on here accusing me of drama and causing drama. Maybe I made the mistake of saying to much but thats what happens when one feels comfortable with in a community. I dont know why you keep posting like you are angry. You have snipes/anger in your tone or am I gettting the wrong impression? 

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Gadget Portal wrote:

It doesn't matter what you do I SL, be it Slex or building or land baron-ing or DJing or roleplay, if you suddenly start doing it less, you'll have people unfriend you.


I clear my list pretty regularly. Old scripting clients, former DJ contacts, sim managers, RP people, etc. Once I'm to the point of rarely or never interacting with them, they're just taking up space on my screen.

Thank you for posting that. One would think it would be obvious but I didnt think of it. Made me feel better reading that. Hope all is well in sl and rl.

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Raimi Syaka wrote:


I don't do Slex often – rarely actually. I have an “ICE” reputation to maintain. And I still have friends and people that send my avatar friend requests. I don't 100 percent feel that no Slex equals less/no friends. It's basically more that you changed your interest away from Slex (no matter how less you changed it) and their interest remains to be Slex. Therefore, you no longer mesh together well and no longer have the same interests, and they probably feel that there is nothing in common ground anymore to share and moved on. Or they could merely be douche bags and/or not real friends, at all. No way to know for sure unless you ask.


~Raimi, not going to say a word about your profile, groups or feed. 




I dont think they are douche bags. Just merely people who wanted one thing from me and I assumed they wanted a friendship. The only ones I find to be mean are the ones that are being mean about it and attacking me. I have since cleared out my groups and picks and as for my feed I do not believe my pictures are sexual. Yes some are topless but I see them as beauty and art rather then sexual. People see things differently. 

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Saraya Starr wrote:

Caitlin Tobias wrote:

Lucretia Brandenburg wrote:

My impression from the OP is that most of those dumping her like a hot potato are "friends with benefits" or why dump her because they won't be getting a piece of the cookie any more? While say, sending out a group announcement or posting it on adboards would be a bit much, I don't think letting her friends know she's not interesting in bumping pixels anymore constitutes a desire for drama, especially if those friends are used to sticking their hand in the cookie jar ... sort of a warning, get away from that, or the lid is going to smash your fingers.

OK, let me put it this way then: this whole OP is about the dramaz. Losing 'friends'over an  'announcement' or how you want to call it and then wonder wtf happened?

But hey, that could be just me eh?

Ok, I wasn't going to post in this thread, but my thoughts exactly, Caitlin.  I have thought from the OP's first post that this is all about the drama.  For the life of me, I cannot see why you (OP) even felt the need to come post about this at all.


I don't see evidence that Sephina felt a "need" to post. I'm not even sure how a need to post reveals itself. You and I also posted here.

Similarly, I don't see from Sephina the sort of shock or indignation that Caitlin's "wtf" insinuates.

When a curious observation attracts a lot of attention, it can be difficult to see that it may have been little more than a curious observation.

I've not read the whole thread, and so may have missed the mark, but it seems that Sephina has maintained her composure amidst the usual amount of misinterpretation. There may have been attempts to bring drama here, but she seems to be defusing them.

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