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Inventory Help

Gavin Vidor

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This is somewhat avatar related so I figured I would post it here.

Basically, I've been playing for a long while and not until recently I wanted to start being more OCD about my inventory. My problem is I have over 17k items and most are unsorted and unorganized. I was wondering what would be the best way to organize a gigantic inventory? In world? Other PC software? Thanks :)

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You can only organize your inventory from in-world, but you may be able to do it from a mobile viewer if you don't feel like using a full graphical viewer. I use the existing permanent system folders and have set up my own top-level folders of broad categories that I can drop the subfolders into. For things like clothing, subfolders inside the clothing folder are also useful. While you're tidying, go through things like your notecard and object folders and get rid of things you no longer have use for - they both tend to become "junk drawers." You can also start getting rid of redundant landmarks and notecards in folders from places you've bought several items from.

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Gavin Vidor wrote:

This is somewhat avatar related so I figured I would post it here.

Basically, I've been playing for a long while and not until recently I wanted to start being more OCD about my inventory. My problem is I have over 17k items and most are unsorted and unorganized. I was wondering what would be the best way to organize a gigantic inventory? In world? Other PC software? Thanks

I created this thread when I was having trouble. I started out with 120k worth of stuff down to 33k and still have room for improvement. lol

Hope it helps


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Hmm, maybe in a text viewer now that you mention it. It will probably take days inworld, you will get distracted,tired or will just crash or lag out after a while. I have metabolt so that i can use my main to pay my alt without having to go through all the trouble. Just be careful what you do.


Edit: BTW you can be logged into both viewers at the same time i believe.


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I've started this process, myself. I've started with clothing, but you can do it with other things as well.

1) Find a place where you can rez things.

2) Look in your inventory. You'll want to utilize the main system folders for this. If you have too many items in one or more of them to deal with right off - for instance, the objects folder often accumulates quite a bit - you can create outside secondary folders, and move them when you're finished.

3) Create secondary folders appropriate for the items you're sorting. For instance, in my Objects folder, I have subfolders labelled Home, Vehicles, Weapons, HUDs, etc. In each of those subfolders, I have additional subfolders - under Home, I have Bedroom, Livingroom, Bathroom, Outdoors. Then more subfolders if necessary: For Outdoors, I might have Seating, Landscaping, etc., and then under those I might have even MORE subfolders if I need them, or not. It depends how detailed you want to go with it. Then each item is in the subfolder it came it, often renamed something more accessible - "Seasonal Cherry Tree," for instance.

4) Rez (or, for clothing and accessories, wear) the first item. Position it as necessary, and take a snapshot. Save it to your computer. I keep mine in the My Pictures folder. I create folders and subfolders that echo the ones in my inventory inworld, and name the photo the same thing I've named the item folder - so a picture of my cherry tree would be named "Seasonal Cherry Tree."

5) Repeat for the rest of your inventory. Delete items you don't need - textures, landmarks you don't want or have multiples of, unecessary notecards, things you don't really like or won't use, etc.

6) Congratulations! If you've managed to get through this helpful, but admittedly time-consuming process, you have a well-organized, accessible inventory with pictures you can locate easily to decide if that's the item you want to use or wear.

You can leave out the picture part if you wish, especially for things like furniture. I find it helpful, personally, so I don't have to rez the items in order to know what they actually look like, but perhaps I'm odd that way.


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Hmmm that isn't too large an inventory. I LOVE organizing my inventory. First thing I do is get rid of any notecards and LMs I don't need that are stuck in outfit folders by searching for keywords MAIN, FLAGSHIP, STORE, SHOP, PLEASE, READ, IMPORTANT, FAQ, INSTRUCTIONS, TOS, EULA, HELP. By the way, I read the notecards and delete the basic ones, anything more complex I hold onto. I never keep LMs, if I like a store, I just search for it. Then I search for bald hair bases that come with every hair, I only need one. I delete the extras.

I also make subfolders inside of subfolders for all my categories. However, I find that rezzing a box and naming it and putting everything in that category in the box and then opening the box and copying back into inventory is easier than dragging things into folders. As for the categories I REALLY love my subfolders. For example, in the BODY PARTS folder, I have SKINS, and I have folders inside that one PALE, FAIR, GOLDEN TAN, DARK TAN, ETHNIC, FANTASY. I also have a folder for HAIR. I categorize it by color first - BLack, Red, Other. In each color folder, I have Formal and Casual, and in those folders, I have short, medium, long, updos, ponytails, other. And so on.

BTW, before I unpack the boxes I made to create the folders, I make a copy of the box when possible. Once I have everything sorted into folders, I take all the copiable boxes and sort them ... all the subcategories for hair go into appropriate boxes for the hair color, and THOSE boxes go into a box named ALL HAIR. Then I save a copy of the box in inventory, pop one into inventory storage, and leave one rezzed out in world. Not that I'm paranoid about losing things :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

However, i don't do that until I've had a chance to actually try things on or rez items and see if I still like them or want them. Some things I remember LOVING and then I rez them and think WOW that is soooo '07 and in the trash it goes.

When I have the time, I try on hair, clothes, eyes, shapes, etc and delete anything I don't like. That includes things in fat packs. While it irks me to have to pay say, 350L for a pack of 6 or 8 shades of black hair when I only want 1 and would rather just pay for 1, I don't have any issues with deleting the ones I don't wear. Some people are like "I paid for all 8 of those and I don't care if I never wear them, I am not deleting them"

So once I do all that, then its just a matter of keeping up with it. After every shopping trip, dragging boxes and folders where they should go and sorting them so it doesn't get out of hand.

I know it sounds like a lot of work but really, the keyword search takes a half hour and can reduce inventory by thousands in that short time. And when you start opening folders you'll find more notecards and LMs that the first sweet didn't catch.

I delete any photos that are named snapshot because if its something important to me, I name it when I save it to a flash drive or in my inventory.

An hour a day for a week can trim a large inventory down extensively and it gets to be fun I think.

I have a friend who is hmmm 7 or so years old in SL and never lets his inventory get above a few hundred items, everything goes into inventory storage. As for storage devices, my first choice is Closet Queen, my second choice is ProLine, third would be Inventory Butler. I've tried others, never been too thrilled. If you have a lot of textures, getting a Kinex texture organizer is a good idea, though with only 17k in inventory, I'm thinking you might not do much building, most builder friends of mine have ALOT more than that in textures alone.

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I never thought to photograph things. i rez it and look at it and if I don't like it, I delete it, but since everything goes into subfolders, I have a pretty good idea. For instance, Home and Garden -> Landscaping -> Trees And Shrubs -> Spring Flowering Trees -> cherry tree. That's the cool thing about organizing inventory, picking up tips from different people!

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mew ma mew :matte-motes-bashful:


As someone who at one time had clost to 70K, i found the best way was to just delete all those old clothes that you will never wear. Once you start, all the feelings about it start to go away.

Anything else non clothing related that i though still had potential value later, i boxed, and categorized the boxes, then boxed them all into one box for each category :)

Then, basically i started fresh, each outfit i wore was saved as an outfit into the date i wore it, and then moved to the organization folder. Since i rarely wear an outfit more then once, i could potentially box up outfits older then 2 months. I also take a snapshot of each outfit and save it on my hard drive as a dated snapshot that matches the outfit dated name.


So, my advice for organization is to delete most of it, then only organize what you wear. I keep all new aquistions in dated folders to. If you dont wear somethign after a set amout of days has gone by, then just poof that whole folder


Heres a picture of an example from my new avi, 


I find this works like a charm, i just have to browse my picture folder on the hard drive if i get a desire to wear an older outfit.



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start by deleting demos, Lm, notecards, that will take a huge amount of trash out of inventory, then make main folder and subfolders for example HAIR- Brand and stop in that subfolder, when everything is in place, it will be easier to create the small subfolders, like Light Hair or Dark Hair, or any other classification, I do same with clothes, start with the bigger picture, and then when all is in place, make the smaller subfolders, for colour code or whatever system you want to put into place, and ofc delete anything you havent used in a week or two, cause you will never use it

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I got rid of tons of items by typing "demo" into search window and deleting....you can click onto one item....scroll down and hold shif and right click again and it selects everything in between and delete.

"object" is another one, especially if you build things. i figure if i never bothered to name it it must not be important.

Another thing that i used to get my inventory way down was just quit being such a hoarder....i had tons of stuff i never wore, freebies from when i was a noob....tossed it all and got my inventory cut by almost 10K items

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