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Please fill in my survey, you would help me very hard!


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This post was pulled yesterday, dunno why OP is reposting it in the wrong forum.

Majority of the questions are pretty irrelevant and show a lack of understanding of the driving forces in the SL economy (I know I saw one asking about food and drink, and lol loans?).

As someone who got a highscore with fancy certificate for a research project completed entirely within SL (so it can be done, Syo!), the odds of accomplishing anything using a fire and forget survey is improbable/impossible. It took me something like six hundred hours of work, and I didn't manage to annoy anyone!


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indeed the survey is unclear in many questions asked. There doesn't seem to be a certain background/goal to the questions (direction, whay is the survey trying to find out?) just random questions (direction wise). Also the answers you can choose from are in many cases too limited.

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It was hard. I'll add some details, in case they're of use to you.

My final report was something like 450 pages when printed onto A4, and I had to fight against my lecturer (who didn't believe SL had value in eCommerce). My case was eventually proven with a portfolio of commercial viability, based on projects I'd completed in my own time for RL-registered businesses within SL ('Hobby'-style businesses being easily derided by my fossil of a guidance worker). As I'm sure you know, the OP is basically a textbook case of how not to do it.

I did however graduate university at the very top of my class, and scored the highest faculty grade in the thesis portion of my degree, so it was worthwhile (plus the ability to gloat to academic staff).

Regarding topic, it greatly depends on the scope of your chosen class. Mine was focused on eCommerce and large data-set analysis, with a side order of systems design; things that SL is quite excellent at. I used the necessity to 'prove' my case that SL was a viable platform in my research, and drove the point home with a lot of heavy reading.references. There is a lot of published material about the SL economy (and much more about virtual economies in general), and making use of it is a great way to add concrete the the thesis foundations.

I would imagine that most technical fields can have some direct interest in SL (psychology, marketing, computing, sociology, genetics/memetics, biology, physics/space/atomics), but also that atypical fields of study can find great uses for SL as a platform. I used it extensively for food science and graphical/interface design, and I've seen it used for even more unusual subjects.

Good luck of course, Syo. The final year is the hardest, but also by-far the most rewarding and informative.

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Thank you Freya for that insight in your work :)


To the OP: I agree with what has been said already. I did your survey but at 2-3 points I had the feeling you haven't been in SL much. I sense that, because of the way some questions appear. There topic may be fitting SL somewhat, but the details give the impression there is someone asking who hasn't own experiances about this.

This mostly happend around questions regarding money, billboards and some of the shoppingquestions.

A few examples, which poke out the most:

1. In one question you ask about products brought and you mention a pretty general row of categories. At first I wasn't sure if this question is still about SL or not, mainly because the categories seem to be chosen so randomly and (that was the most poking) you put food as a category. Why?

2. You ask about loans and if someone spends more money than they earn in SL. Here you are lacking of clarification and again, I don't have the feeling you have been spend time inworld. Its not clear if those questions are about RL or SL.

3. The billboard questions should be more specific, if they are relevant for your research topic.

All in all it would be nice to know what your survey is supposed to find out.

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Just completed the survey, just out of curiousity. That was really the worst survey ever. Has the surveyist ever logged in SL? Apart from the stupidity of some non-sensical questions there are some downright bizarre surreal ones.

Do I agree that taking out a loan in SL is easy?

Can I convert  my  L$ into real money?


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I just completed the survey but I think OP needs to log on more to better understand how SL works. I've been here since 2008 and I've not once seen any kind of billboard. I also don't think there are any banking or loan services on SL but I could be wrong since I've never looked for that kind of service before. It seems pointless to me though since you would essentially be trusting another user like yourself to handle your money and I imagine that to more often than not end badly.

Food and water on SL is completely useless in any scenario other than roleplaying. It's not like your avatar needs it in order to "live" or some kind of imaginary health will deteriorate over time.

Also when they refer to "buying things" on SL, I am not sure if they mean with real money or with linden dollars becuase they did not specify. I earn enough Lindens from my store to be able to pay my land tier and support my shopping habit so I've not needed to actually "buy" lindens in a while now. But I just assumed they meant lindens so I went with that.

The end of the survey with the strongly agree/agree/disagree/etc options was weird because the last question at the end was not a statement about opinion but rather fact. Linden dollars CAN be converted into real world currency just like any other currency exchange. It's not something that is agreed or disagreed about, it's fact. ;o

Anyway OP, hope the survey and feedback helps you.

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Jade Glazner wrote:

I just completed the survey but I think OP needs to log on more to better understand how SL works.

I finally glanced at the Survey.

Log on more?  I don't think the OP has ever logged in period.

The OP is absolutely clueless about SL.

This may rate as the worst Survey I have ever seen about SL.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Jade Glazner wrote:

I just completed the survey but I think OP needs to log on more to better understand how SL works.

I finally glanced at the Survey.

Log on more?  I don't think the OP has ever logged in period.

The OP is absolutely clueless about SL.

This may rate as the worst Survey I have ever seen about SL.

And he keeps reposting it to different forum parts without paying any attention to the answers he gets.

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Ashy Calcutt wrote:

Just took the survey only thing that kinda gets me is a loan in sl..  I been in sl for going on 4 years..  Never heard of a loan unless your friends lend you money but from a Financial institution  .Nope

WellI know a few years ago there were like inworld banks. But a bunch of them financial crashed when it was found out that they didn't have the money that people deposited when the people asked for them back. but that was years ago I think.

Infact to qoute LL

What is the reason for this policy?

There are several reasons that an inworld banking policy is necessary:

  • Legal risks raised by such activity.
  • Before this policy was enacted, several of these "banks" defaulted on their obligations.
  • Unsustainably high interest rates offered by many of these banks make it likely that others will default as well, which will have a negative effect on Second Life's virtual economy.
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I filled out the survey, but I have to agree with others here. The questions revealed you know nothing of Second Life.


Spend some time in Second Life to actually see what it is all about. I've always found that is the best way to learn about anything you are wanting to know. Old fashioned first hand experience.

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