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turn the lights of when in edit mode?


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I use my own windlight settings and I turn off what I can of all the external lights but Im having a problem when I "edit" my avatar. its like the light changes and becomes garishly bright. I cant figure out what to turn off and I am not having this problem in alternate virtual worlds such as inworldz, Island Oasis etc.

Its got to be something in my settings but I cant figure it out even by comparing with other worlds because the SL viewer is enough different that some things dont match up.

I really dont want any change in light just because Im editing and I sure dont want more on.


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Preferences > Move and View > View. About halfway down is a section that says something like "Automatically pose avatar..." blahblahblah. Under that are a couple of check boxes, and one of those boxes should say "Add Additional Lighting." It should be right next to the one that says "Appearance." Uncheck the "Add additional lighting" one.

ETA: I use Firestorm. I can't swear that this is in the same place or labelled the same in V3 or any other viewer.


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Im looking at move and view and see the checkbox for appearance which is under camera angle. but there is nothing about lighting anywhere on this page. Im using the latest SL viewer. is this item maybe under some other area? Ive looked at them all and dont see it but I have been known to look for my glasses even when they are on my face. lol.

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thanks Phil, turning on light and shadows seemed to do the trick. Im not sure how it got off in the first place but Im sure it must have been my sticky fingers. thank goodness. it was so terrible looking at myself in that weird light every time I tried to edit appearance.

your a life saver!

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better append my thanks. I cant see the name of the person who wrote the response that helped me. it just says M 16 over her head or Sl forum is messed up.

so to be clear, the correct response for LLV 3, which I use, is to turn on lights and shadows.

and whoever posted that, THANK YOU, but also thanks to everyone else. thanks so much. even though I split my time between sl and another virtual world one of the things I always love about SL is how helpful the residents are here.

warmest regards to all of you,


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It was 16. 16 is her name :)


Years ago, I bought a skin to put on the shape that I'd been given when I joined SL. The face looked very good but the shape was way too muscular - and not modifiable. So I made my own shape but I couldn't get the face right because the extra light when editing Appearance really got in the way. I hated it. This thread contains some very useful information.

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16 wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

It was 16. 16 is her name


is not my name. is my number. am account number 16. linden said I don't need any name any more bc we all one with the singularity now. or something (:

So how many vertices does the Singularity have? 

Are you the 16th vertice?

How can I find my place and number in the Singularity? 

If I am not one with the Singularity, how can I get there?

Is it possible to move up and down in number?  Like  if two vertices want to be next to each other?

What happens if the Singularity grows to large?  Will it split into two Singularities?  Would they then still be Singularities?

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Perrie Juran wrote:

How can I find my place and number in the Singularity?

Perrie, if your name does not have a number then you are out of luck.  :smileysad:

By the way I am 100th in the singularity.  Yay!

You see, Coby has a number.  C = 100

So my place in the singularity is defined and secured.  :matte-motes-big-grin:


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I might be wrong, but I think all you have to do is change your (nick)name to a number (or anything you want it to be) and then that (nick)name shows up in the forum instead of your avatars (real SL)name. for example my (real SL)name is tenly and will always be tenly. however, I can "change" my (nick)name to 10 if I so desire using the rename feature inworld.  

Not only that, if you wanted to be called "10" or "16" you could also have the same (nick)name. Nothing singular about it.



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the singularity with a big S is like the rapture with a big R

a superduper machine intelligence beyond our ability to comprehend is going to come and save us one day

can get tickets to it. like the order in which you gunna get raptured by the singularity

 i win mine in a raffle. like i found this web machine that said pick a number. so i do that and it come up and said woohoo!!! you a winner. lucky number 16. so \o/

I think was a sekrit agent. the web machine. like giving out low numbers to the most expendable. so like if is a bug or something then can fry off quite a few and not worry to much

apparently can only ever be one person per one number. your number is 2515272718141930271023. so you gunna have to wait quite a long time for your turn

Cobys number is 121411241524131423. so will get singularitied before you. by the time it gets to her then probably have all the bugs sorted so should be safe to go by then


our numbers are what they are bc of the answer given by that other sekrit agent of the singularity. when it say that the answer is 42


ps edit

i work out that 42 means base42. so i was able to work out what is your number bc i deduce what is the first 36 numbers. am not sure yet what is the other 6. for exactly sure

i think tho that they might be operators not just plain numbers. i think also that 4 of them are the same as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. seems like. is my best guess at this time

i have no idea what is the other two. am hoping that one of them is a kitten. bc the machine seems to like kittens a lot. like lolcats for example. dunno exactly tho about this. just hope so

jejejejjeje (:





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we can change our nick which in SL is called display name. our nicks tho don't show up on this forums part of the SL website. just our account/login name which are unique

I think is bc if it we could use our nicks/displaynames on here the forums then would cause confusion. bc 2 or more people can have the same nick/displayname 

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Regardless of all the discussion on this point, your name is 16. :)


And, whilst I have your attention, I tried the rally after this week's updates, and it looked good at first. A couple of times, I got through the water sims in 4th gear all the way, and I kept going for quite a way, but in 1st gear. Then I had a string of insta-crashes in the water sims, so I stopped. I didn't try using 1st or 2nd gear though, so it might work quite well at those speeds.

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says the number 2517182113141020183338 q: (:


i had a couple of goes as well. 1st time i made it to the 2nd continent. got on the road but got killed on a circuit timeout. Task Manager to reboot

2nd time got drowned in the ocean. Task Manager again

didnt go back after that for a 3rd go


is still a pain. but at least is the same thing killing me now at the moment. not all kinds of different things like before. so i suppose thats good. in a less pain is somehow better than more pain kinda way


one thing i did learn recent tho was on Inaras blog. she say that linden are working on a fix for a long outstanding greifer hax

the hax is where a scripted object can force a sim crossing handoff fail on itself. the object can then appear to be on the next sim. but is actual still on the previous. giving the appearance that is able to override build and object entry and autoreturn restrictions

another effect of this is that the object can disappear but the scripts are still running. and if the parcel it is truly on has build perms  then it can rezz objects which appear on the next sim. again giving the appearance of godlike powers

both these effects happened with vehicle crashes of the type we seeing at the moment. the one that requires us to use Task Manager to exit the viewer

so maybe if linden fix this hole then will also fix this kind of vehicle crash/lock up as well. bc seems to me that is the same cause from what Inara mention


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Dillon Levenque wrote:


16 wrote:

is not my name. is my number.


You are not a number!


i am a number !!!! i will not be denied. !!!!

rise up my fellow numbers !!!! free yourself from the oppression of the letter people who would lord it over you !!!!!!!! resist being assimilated into their society as a noclass citizen !!! be a number !!!

fight for your rights !!! throw off the shackles !!! undo the chains !!! be free !!!

is a cult coming to your town real some btw. oops I mean a freedom army (:

but anyways


jejejejee (:



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16 wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:


16 wrote:

is not my name. is my number.


You are not a number!


i am a number !!!! i will not be denied. !!!!

rise up my fellow numbers !!!! free yourself from the oppression of the letter people who would lord it over you !!!!!!!! resist being assimilated into their society as a noclass citizen !!! be a number !!!

fight for your rights !!! throw off the shackles !!! undo the chains !!! be free !!!

is a cult coming to your town real some btw. oops I mean a freedom army (:

but anyways


jejejejee (:



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