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random beans

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this the steller sunshine beanstalk in Welsh sim

is me in the circle. highest I ever got on it was 3 above where I am now by the arrow

you have to jump 9 times from where I am standing to get to the viney part near the top. it gets pretty random sometimes trying to jump that many times in a row. sometimes like all the time. bc of the lag


so i want a axe

jejejejeje (:

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I've made it once to the top years ago, but still don't know how and I have never made it up there since.  Must have been a rare completely lag free day with no wind .:smileyvery-happy: 

I guess if you really spent a lot of time practicing it could be done repeatedly.  But it would be like training for the olympics.

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that be the best kind of Olympic games. like be way more fun

I would defo go in the beanstalk climbing. but only if you allowed to climb over other people what are to slow

just so if they get ahead of me then I can grab on their foot and pretend am climbing over them but I really do to get a free ride. then when get close to the top I scramble over them superfast and I be the winner q; (:  

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

16 wrote:

so i want a axe

You're welcome to use my tomahawk.

is it battery powered??

if so then I can attach to my feet so it whizzes round really fast. like a helichopter. then I can just hold onto the beanstalk really tight. and the tomahawk whizzy chopter will go whizz whizz chop chop like a power pencil sharpener. except from the bottom

jejejejej (:

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16 wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

16 wrote:

so i want a axe

You're welcome to use my tomahawk.

is it battery powered??

Battery powered? What's the matter with people these days?! No, it's not battery powered. You grab it by the handle and swing it with your muscles, whacking away at the bean stalk while swearing profusely. All this battery powered instant gratification annoys the heck out of me.

I have a torch, too. You can burn it down and make soup from the beans. Gah, what am I thinking, you eat beans from a can, don't you? And you use an electric can-opener? I know your kind!!!

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

the Steller Sunshine beanstalk is one of the oldest challenges in Second Life, its possible to get there without flying, i made it once, knowing that you pass the oldest challenge and the view from there is worth it. keep practicing, there is a way.

yes true is possible

I know all the paths to the top. like all the steps and what I have to do at each one. is just the pageup + uparrow key combination that I have trouble with. like they don't always fire regularly for me so is a bit frustrating when it goes like that. is not the beanstalk fault tho that part

I will keep having a go until I do it. is more good luck that will get me to the top I think than skill. need a lag free day tho I think. it do happen that so I keep trying

bc like you say is satisfaction these kinda things. even if no one else knows. you know and that the main thing


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

16 wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

16 wrote:

so i want a axe

You're welcome to use my tomahawk.

is it battery powered??

All this battery powered instant gratification annoys the heck out of me.


what about rubberbands?

jejejjeeeje (:


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

, you eat beans from a can, don't you? And you use an electric can-opener? I know your kind!!!

 wroooonnnng !!!! q; (:

I am sitting at the breakfast table waiting politely for Valerie to dish up. (:


oh! ok own up. maybe if I had to do myself then I do that way

like my basic rule is: if it moves then hit it with a whizzy thing. if it don't move then poke it and when it moves then hit it

jejejeje (:


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Phil Deakins wrote:


Did the improved sim crossings get released in all sims yet?

My sailing experience at Blake Sea (on 2nd April, at about 6 pm central European time).


I remember when I got that boat many months ago it almost never crashed at sim crossings.  I was able to sail hours and hours without crashing.

It appears to me that things have gone worse from those days.  Haven't seen any improvement yet.

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the magnum 1814 fix which been rolled this week fixes the camera not being updated when do a crossing. so that's ok bc was a problem that. like cross over ok but your screen not update


linden still haven't fixed the failed handover problem. is when you not get handed off properly and get stuck in no mans land. like totally. are still inworld but cant move and nobody else can see you except on minimap/map and can chat you by IM



this a pic of failed handover stuck





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Phil Deakins wrote:

So it's still no good?

it as good as it was when we did the other rally. still get failed handovers same as ever. it something to do with circuits seems like. is a network thing

the camera interest 1814 fix is good bc it dl less stuff/assets now. so that's good bc the sims load/rez faster and when the sims connections ares maintained and not fail then is pretty much perfect

but yeah! the sims circuit/connection fail is still there. I hope they linden going to be able to fix it one day

the most frustrating part is that if run 2 viewers at same time then it don't always affect both of them at the same time. can be totally broken on one avatar/viewer and on the other viewer/avatar sitting on the same vehicle then is all good

is insane that this can happen over the exact same internet connection at the exact same time lol (:


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