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SIM crash question

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I was at a concert and the SIM crashed, I was logged out of SL. When I came back I was ejected from the SIM. Thinking it was the same griefer that crashed the SIM I just went back to the concert. Then I got banned from the SIM. A couple minutes later I got an IM from someone asking, did you enjoy the concert, LOL. Because of the LOL I was thinking it was the griefer that crashed the SIM so I asked why he is a griefer. I did not realize he was the one playing at the concert (I had got an invite and just went to the concert not paying attention to who was playing) and he thinks I crashed the SIM. I feel good when I get my avatar to walk in a straight line and would have no idea how to crash a SIM and have no interest in knowing. But can't the land owner look and see what happened and know that it was not me. It is a music venue and all I do in SL is go to live events and crashing a SIM keeping me away from the only thing I do would be just stupid. I may not be the brightest bulb on the tree but I am not that stupid, is there anything I can do to clear my name?

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you don't wear an attached media player do you?

if you do then don't wear it to live events

they can cause problems with streaming parcel media. even if your player is not scripted and is turned off in the Preferences. it shouldn't but it can sometimes. i end up crash an event bc of that. like twice in a row and just before that another bunch of people on this other sim just before that

so always detach them before you go to live events


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did you ask a member of the sim's staff why you're the suspect? That could very well be he first step to clearing your name. Since sim owners have 100% control over their land, and who is or isn't allowed there, the staff are the only ones who can do anythng to really help you.

It's best when you approach to word things similarly to how you did on this thread. You didn't come off as being combattive or defensive. If you can keep that attitude when you're talking tothe people who banned you, that's your best strategy. I say this because most of the time, the way you asked here would get you an answer from them, or at least is more likely than "What the hell is wrong with you." or something like that.  As someone else suggested, you'll have to communicate through IM or notecard.  There's no guarantee that you'll get an answer, but that's your best chance.

And please, don't get discouraged if while you're watching this thread some of the answers are less than helpful. A little bit of ugliness almost always finds it's way onto a thread aobut getting banned.


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Teagan Tobias wrote:

I was at a concert and the SIM crashed, I was logged out of SL. When I came back I was ejected from the SIM. Thinking it was the same griefer that crashed the SIM I just went back to the concert. Then I got banned from the SIM. A couple minutes later I got an IM from someone asking, did you enjoy the concert, LOL. Because of the LOL I was thinking it was the griefer that crashed the SIM so I asked why he is a griefer. I did not realize he was the one playing at the concert (I had got an invite and just went to the concert not paying attention to who was playing) and he thinks I crashed the SIM. I feel good when I get my avatar to walk in a straight line and would have no idea how to crash a SIM and have no interest in knowing. But can't the land owner look and see what happened and know that it was not me. It is a music venue and all I do in SL is go to live events and crashing a SIM keeping me away from the only thing I do would be just stupid. I may not be the brightest bulb on the tree but I am not that stupid, is there anything I can do to clear my name?

For several months there has been a problem with crowded sims suddenly having their simulator physics frame rate (i.e. the speed the actual server is running) plummet while there is simultaneously a large increase in "net time" (communications time with the servers.) I've seen this a few times and it seems to happen when there are avatars arriving in quick succession. My guess is that something that some specific avatars wear causes a data logjam when it's being sent to everyone else on a sim.

It's very interesting that you were identified as the "crasher" - maybe you were and didn't realize it. If you can remember exactly what you were wearing that could be very useful information. My suspicion is that it has something to do with badly made mesh.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

No, not even sure what that is.  I had on normal clothing, some Mesh and some system clothing and some jewelry, thats all.


sounds like then the person who kick you just pick on you for no real reason. one they cant explain anyways. i kinda wonder about them types sometimes

like is ok if they can say: you got to many scripts on. or you blinging up the place with particles. or gesturing to much. or the mesh/texture is killing our viewers FPS. or whatever sane/sound reason

but when they not able to say why they kick you then they basically idiots. and if was my event venue then i boot them types out of group officer status. don't care how many money or tier they donate. or how many friends they got. like am not selling lolz guns at my open to public event venue to any idiot



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I have not added or deleted anything from my avatar, still the same as when there. One of the things I have is a bangle that reports the number of scripts and the memory used by them. There was a conversation about someone having a lot of scripts running and I had my bangle on and clicked it and it reported that I was running 27 scripts at the time I was ejected. I did as was suggested and sent a note card to the person that banned me and he said I was running over 1000 scripts. That is just not possible. There appears to be a glitch in the server script reporting software and I got hit by it. I have asked the person that banned me if I could use there name and the SIM name and to send me the information saying how many scripts I was running so I can report it to LL. All I do is go to live events and getting banned from one that I like to go to for something I did not do is very upsetting. I know I did nothing wrong and I know there is a problem someplace but its not me running over 1000 scripts.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

... I did as was suggested and sent a note card to the person that banned me and he said I was running over 1000 scripts. That is just not possible. There appears to be a glitch in the server script reporting software and I got hit by it. I have asked the person that banned me if I could use there name and the SIM name and to send me the information saying how many scripts I was running so I can report it to LL. ...

It will be interesting to see the response.

My hunch is that they were getting script usage reports from a malfunctioning scripted device. Without seeing the code I can only guess, but I can certainly imagine ways in which such a script could get wrapped around the axles by sim lag and a large, rapidly-changing crowd.

It's certainly possible that sims themselves might report incorrect information when in lag, but I've not seen that, and there are many ways a script could screw this up.

As Theresa mentions, busy venues are subject to some very ungraceful degradation in sim performance. This puts venue managers on edge, and they suspect (rightly or wrongly) that bad visitors make this bad stuff happen to their sims. And although there's absolutely no indication that this problem is in any way related to scripts, scripts are pretty much the only thing that a venue can measure about individual visitors, so it's tempting to search for lost keys under the streetlight.

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If you use the sim management console to check scripts you will see an insanely high cpu usage on everyone that just enters the sim and has a few scripts running. You need to wait a minute and check again to get real numbers.

Try that in a sim where avatars TP in and out all the time. If it lags even refreshing of the window can be a problem.

So my theory is that - with a mixture of: no knowledge, stupidity and panic - someone just kicks out randomly high numbers and thinks he saved the world. :D

Scripts are only one - and for my opinion a small - aspect that can cause lag. It's not so easy to find the cause of lag and crashes. Kicking out everyone that looks suspect of course may help sometimes. :D

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