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I can not get rid of a chat Spam

Tania Ivanovic

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hello, two weeks ago an avatar in SL sent me a chat spam. From this moment I can not read anything in my general chat , its goes blank all the time while I get in my hotmail inbox, e-mails that tell me I received notices Messages in SL (also e-mails without text, blank). Already cleaned cache viewer, uninstall all viewers I had in my PC, reinstall the official LL viewer, I did the reset to a default avatar, rebake textures, rellog several times, nothing works. Awaiting help of technician support of LL not do much, they told me to do what I had done, even though I already had told them all that I did. I connect with my account from another PC and the problem persisted, before deleting the others viewers I try to enter with different viewers and the problem persisted. I connect with another account from my PC and everything was normal in my chat. I concluded that the problem is with my avatar, there is something atached in it and generates this spam. Anyway, I do not know what to do to return to have a normal chat, anyone have any suggestion?
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Hi Peggy, I already did that, and didnt work. I delete all the itens that I was use that day, even the huds, and didnt work. I dont have idea how or where from it sends this to me , because when I set my avatar in busy mode, I can read my chat, so, if when I am in busy mode I cant received no itens from no one, the spam stop. Must be a script or something atached at some bridge, I dont know...

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If you know what avatar is sending the spam then mute (block) that avatar.  Sometimes the spamming avatar might use some scripted object which sends the spam to you.  Then mute (block) that object too.  You should see the spamming object's name in the chat (just like the avatar's name).

That should stop the chat spam and also IM spam, and possibly email spam too.  As the avatar/object is blocked, no emails from that will come to you anymore.

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Hello, i might be wrong but nothing can chat without telling who from. Objects with scripts, avatars, bots ....

Before the chat there is always a name to identify the source. This might be just a "." or "object" or something not telling.

Does the chat appear in white, green (if you haven´t changed the standard coloring of chat) ?

Do you use RLV ?

Is that chat only visible to you but written in the open-chat box or can see others too ?

Sorry it´s hard to help because there are so many things to consider.


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Hi Monti, anyone can send a chat using a hud attack. HUDs are made with scripts, but I have no idea how it works and how the attack atachan my avatar. If I write the others can read me, but I can not read anything in my chat, no words in any color, nor if I have the nearby chat window open or on my console. if the nearby chat window is open stays empty and if everything is closed on the console does not show anything like, just the IM toasts are display in the up corner.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

Could it possibly be a product you bought and placed on the ground or perhaps and gift you accepted. Happened to me and thankfully The Awesome Amari Maven helped me.

I'd been wondering too if this happens in only one location and / or if it was a rezzed scripted object.

If the messages are coming to her E Mail, it should both say the location of the object and the owners name in the E mail.

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Finally I found what my problem was. Using the anti-spam of Firestorm viewer (Phoenix Mode) I could block all spam, which was sent through an object in IM-shaped, and as an object that was sending to me, came into my general chat instead to open a IM window. Thank you all for the suggestions.

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  • 3 years later...



I have the same problem put in a Ticket and still no Answer. You have to understand Secondlife is a Cash Based Game  all the Lindons care about is how much money is spent and not about Spamers,etc, They do not answer tickets that much that is just  a way you fell they support there users they do not. and will not I had to take my Avatar off line and lost Money on Stuff I bought for that Avatar.



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