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Is there anyone with still the wrong pics displayed on market place issue ?


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sorry love, I remember reading your original post the other day but didn't refresh my memory before I made that last comment.

I actually don't think there are any commerce devs left which is why it's slowly degrading.  They might occasionally drag someone in from the sl dev teams who has heard of spree and therefore is the most qualified to attempt a bodge fix but I'd say that's it.

I have noticed down the last few months that the support peeps are less able to help than before - from a cryptic comment made during one of my with live help, I gather that the dweebs who call themselves developers are so precious that they think that anything the support peeps tell them should be ignored and support is actively discouraged from bothering those precious little snowflakes. (the extrapolation and words are mine - the sentiment (without the snideness) was the support persons).

LL is the antithesis of quality and service, I don't blame you for finally reaching a breaking point - you join a long line of people who have. 

The only other thing I can suggest is you drop a notecard inworld on one of the commerce team (I assume there must be at least one left) and see if you can get help that way.  Otherwise, I can't think of anything else to do apart from close your marketplace if you feel that strongly - but as you say, even if you take everything down those listings will still be there.  You can't win.

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ok, so after having sent an email to Dakota Linden yesterday, i got an answer today. At least she answers, while Rodvik doesnt.

here is the answer i got :


Hello Trinity,

I am sorry that you are being affected by this issue on the Marketplace 
but Customer Support cannot assist you as this is an issue that only the 
Dev Team can address.

They are aware of the issue and when there is information to release 
regarding this issue they will update the Second Life Jira Ticket.

The only recommendation that Customer Support can offer is to post to 
the Second Life Commerce Merchant Forum and create a new Marketplace BUG 
report for the Dev Team.




After this im speechless..... Again, again the same answer... i did this already a thousand times !
i answered to her asking how , but how, can i be in contact with someone from the Dev Team.
obviously these one are ghosts... i really suspect now that there is no dev at all there ! 
And obviously too.... the LL offices are prob too huge for that someone move a lil from his/her sit and go to another office to tell them try desesperatly to contact them. This can also be with a phone, no need to move from a sit... but welll.... maybe its also too much for them...
i have nausea.... really
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So, no answer at all to the question now, which is:  Can ANYONE delete these borked things?

I mean, we know they can't be fixed. We know they can't be automatically or bulk deleted. But is it true that no one, by any means, can do ANYTHING to get rid of them?

Can the Devs take the time to come here and answer this simple question?


Or is it none of our damned business?

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the only thing I haven't tried is to put the magic box back up and put the old object back into it to see if it will link up with the old and now corrupt listing.  I'd say it's unlikely to work but apart from that, I can't think of anything else to do as the fix appears to require the dba to clear the table holding that thumbnail and description

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If it works I'll be really surprised as I think they're caused by previously deleted listings where the thumbnail was created in error and since the listing has been deleted from your store, it won't come back.  So manage your expectations downwards for this, ok?*


eta:  but this is such a bug ridden PoS that anything is possible, so you just never know ;)

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Couldbe Yue wrote:

the only thing I haven't tried is to put the magic box back up and put the old object back into it to see if it will link up with the old and now corrupt listing.  I'd say it's unlikely to work but apart from that, I can't think of anything else to do as the fix appears to require the dba to clear the table holding that thumbnail and description

I did that with mine which is what I *think* made the "Filthy Wh0re" description tacked onto my Victorian Welcome Mat (grrrrr) disappear but now I have duplicate listings of three other items; one that works for the items and three identical ones (item description) with images of shoes that default to the MP Home Page.

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Hum im about to try, but i dont think it will work.

firstly i dont have any backup about my ex magicboxes bec i deleted them long time ago.

secondly now my items wont have prob exactly the same name, and i suspect this wront one are attached to some special id or whatever number and the new i will put in the box wont be same.

but well... at least i would have tried. so let's see what it happens then.


ETA : wooottttt, i just found my ex magic boxes lol ! cant help jumping everywhere hehhheheh, lets see now

ETA 2 : wtf lol ? i deleted everything in the magic box except the 4 items that have a wrong clone and it gives me the whole ex content of the magic box in my manage listing lol.... well, im not anymore in looking for a logical in how SL and MP work... fortunately for me...

ETA3 : the fun goes on ! now i cant delete the extra new addings from the magic box in one time... hehehhe.. i need to do one by one and it takes at least 30 seconds for each.... im almost to have an orgasm lol

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:


ETA 2 : wtf lol ? i deleted everything in the magic box except the 4 items that have a wrong clone and it gives me the whole ex content of the magic box in my manage listing lol.... well, im not anymore in looking for a logical in how SL and MP work... fortunately for me...


In that case your magic box content is still available at the old xstreet market.

Go to your xstreet page, delete the magic boxes there. Then log back in to the marketplace and sync your magic boxes.  That sould delete all content that is no longer in your magic box.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

YOu can come delete my extra one when you are finished Trinity! :smileyvery-happy:


ill be delighted to do lol 


So updates, live from my market place store :

i had to reactivate the 4 old items. they are exactly the same than the one with the wrong link.

of course, i didnt updated any pic for them... since......LL has already great ones for them :smileyvery-happy:

So now, i have 4 items, i, of course dont want to sell at all lol..., but they are still not linked to the wrong ones...

Lets be crazy and dream that during my night, a nice lil fairy will come and attache them each to others and i ll be able to delete them tomorrow... After all, when we take a close look at how work the mp all crazy hopes are allowed lol...So ill cross my fingers and wait till tomorow, hoping that NOONE will want to purchase them :smileyvery-happy:

Ahhhh... as said Beaumarchais a famous french writer " i rush into laughing rather than crying"

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now for other updates from LL 

ive posted here before the answer i had from Dakota Linden. 

Here is the answer i sent to her : 


Hi Dakota


Firstly thanks for your answer, at least i got one.

But i already created a thread in the forum about this. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Is-there-anyone-with-still-the-wrong-pics-displayed-on-market/td-p/1815493

i already filled a bug tracker, it has been closed bec they sent me to the jira i know already since long and ive already commented since ages.

ive also sent 2 tickets and got the same answer.

If its the Dev Team who can help me, how can i write to them ?

Are the Linden lab offices so huge than noone can contact them and ask them to contact me ?

Ive also sent 2 private message to Rodvik via his mysecondlife and i had no answer.

Really, i start to be really amazed looking the way that Linden Lab treat its customers and content creators.

If you took a look at my market place you cant think its good. Honnestly a sabotage wouldnt look different.

I just want to be in contact with someone who will be able to help me. Is this too much asking ?


Best regards

Trinity Yazimoto"

then i had quickly a new answer from Dakota Linden (at least she answers and she does it fast what is already something)

"Hello Trinity,

The Marketplace Team is aware of the issue.

The Marketplace Team does monitor the Second Life Commerce Merchants 
Forum and they review the topics that are posted.

Just because they have not replied directly, or replied to individuals 
directly regarding an issue does not mean that they are not aware of the 

If they have provided no information it is because they have no updates 
regarding the issue.

It does not mean that they are not aware of the issue, or that they are 
not working to address the issue.



so i replied : 


Hi again Dakota



11 monthes to fix such isssue is nothing but normal ?

you wont find any dev or programmer on the earth who will agree with this.

And at a time, if they dont find the solution for an automatic fix, they need to do it manually. If they would have already done this, it would have been fix since long time now for the whole market place.



Trinity Yazimoto"


here i got a new answer from her : 


Hell trinity,

I am not a Dev Team member and I have no training nor education 
regarding Development or Coding of systems of any type, so I am 
unqualified to address your comments regarding how long something should 
take to fix.

Also because of my lack of training, education, and knowledge of coding 
and how things code wise work, I am also completely unqualified to 
speculate regarding how or why some fixes can take longer than others.

I can tell you that in any code based system, some issues do take longer.

A quick search on line will show that even companies with budgets well 
into the millions for their Dev Teams still have issues that have not 
been fixed years after they were discovered which indicates that not all 
issues can be corrected quickly, or easily.

So again, I am completely unqualified to speculate or comments on what 
the Dev Team "should" do, or what they "can" do, to address the issue.

Please continue to add your comments to the thread on the Second Life 
Commerce Merchants Forum.

I am sorry, but Customer Support cannot assist you with resolving the issue.


well i didnt already answered to this one and wont do it today. but again, ive never asked support from the customer support BUT im asking if someone on this earth can put me in contact with the DEV team... obviously not... 
im just noticing, lol, that she starts her last answer with a "Hell Trinity" rofl... i just hope this is due to a mispelling lol.... But Freud would have a lot to say on this slip of the tongue lol.....
well anyway. obviously, they dont answer. im not in their head to know if they dont want or cant. but the result is same and i have my opinion on it.
So well... ive made some incantations in front of my screen while it was on my mp store page.. i guess that even this has better luck to work than asking to them for a fix... 
And well no need to precise i dont trust at all at incantations of course :smileywink:
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Couldbe Yue wrote:

If it works I'll be really surprised as I think they're caused by previously deleted listings where the thumbnail was created in error and since the listing has been deleted from your store, it won't come back. 


Ooooooo...just thought of something when you said this.  In my case the mixed listing items are still listed in their correct places in the MP *and* it just happened coincidentally that I know the store owner.  I IM'd her last year when they first appeared.  She had mixed listings as well, but it was the type that unlisting/relisting helped so it must have been a bit different or the mixed listings were her own items... who knows.

At any rate, I'm going to contact her tomorrow and ask if she could unlist the items that are in my MP store and then relist.  She may not wish to do so and I can't blame her due to the relisting rule but worth a try.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

At any rate, I'm going to contact her tomorrow and ask if she could unlist the items that are in my MP store and then relist.  She may not wish to do so and I can't blame her due to the relisting rule but worth a try.

well lol, id be glad to know the author of the horrible first pic (the second one in the first row in the first page) in my market place lmao 

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I just had a look at them and don't recognise them.  have you tried doing a google image search on them to see if it turns anything up? (if you use firefox there's an addon called google similar images that you can install).  since all G and I think M rated items are open to the google spider it may turn something up.


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

At any rate, I'm going to contact her tomorrow and ask if she could unlist the items that are in my MP store and then relist.  She may not wish to do so and I can't blame her due to the relisting rule but worth a try.

it's not just that but of course she'll lose all search ranking for the items and any reviews etc.  If she just needs to unlist and then activate it again it may be downgraded a little (or a lot, it seems pretty random what happens sometimes) and she might consider it.

  You'll have to use your charm on her :)

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

At any rate, I'm going to contact her tomorrow and ask if she could unlist the items that are in my MP store and then relist.  She may not wish to do so and I can't blame her due to the relisting rule but worth a try.

well lol, id be glad to know the author of the horrible first pic (the second one in the first row in the first page) in my market place lmao 

The first set of mixed listings in my store, including the infamous...well you know ;) ... I looked up the names of the merchants on the description and none still had stores on the MP and, by the looks of it from in world profiles, weren't in SL anymore.

Here's another weird question/thought:  So no one but the Devs can address this issue and it may be more difficult than we think, etc. (going from Dakota's responses) but...what happened to the first group of mixed listings I had?  They were different than this current batch in that they had my correct image but a different merchant name/description and they were in place of the mixed items.  The current ones have my name as merchant and correct item name, but different images.  Whatever they did to remove the first batch, wonder why they can't with the current ones.

In thinking back, I actually don't think I unlisted/relisted the original mixed listings because I was concerned with the relisting rule.  One day the first mixed listings were gone and replaced by these.  The "only" thing I can think of that is different is that I found the mixed listings as soon as Pearl Vollmar posted about it last year and added to the jira she began, including all my photos.  That was when I was contacted in world by Brooke Linden and told to submit a support ticket. So maybe there were active devs back then or when this first broke there was such an outcry that something was done...only guesses. 



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Couldbe Yue wrote:


it's not just that but of course she'll lose all search ranking for the items and any reviews etc.  If she just needs to unlist and then activate it again it may be downgraded a little (or a lot, it seems pretty random what happens sometimes) and she might consider it.

  You'll have to use your charm on her

Ack, forgot about the search rankings and reviews.  I may not even ask...I'm starting to get used to the shoes...lol.

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I'd like to add some thoughts to your conversation with Dakota. First of all you have to keep in mind that Linden Lab has very thick and very tall walls between departments. As it happens, Dakota is not even located in the area of their main offices ... she is actually across the country from them ... so she can't just "holler down the hall" to someone to take a look.

Secondly she has clearly been told "we'll fix it when we fix it .. and not a moment sooner." Meaning the official word from the Devs is that they don't want anyone in Customer Support bugging them any more. It's important to note that this puts Dakota in a very difficult situation. First and foremost she is a public face to the customers and must take a lot of heat from them for all sorts of problems. Because she's been told to keep "hands off" on the cross-linked listings issue, she's even more blocked from offering any help at all.

I think it's fantastic that she took the time to reply; it further reinforces my trust in Dakota and her willingness to step into the flames. But unfortunately she has been made completely powerless to offer any help at all ... and NOT by her doings. She is just as much a victim of the Devs total lack of competence as we Merchants. So in this respect, she's almost like one of us .. hung out to dry with no chance of any help whatsoever.

So, just to summarize, I'd suggest keeping Dakota's name and contact details around when you need help on another issue, but it's obvious (to me at least) that pushing her or heaping blame on her will not have any positive outcome and will just be aiming the anger at the wrong person anyway.

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