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Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion why hasn't Linden Lab kept up to date? !!!!!!!

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 Considering a majority of the serious content creators in sl are using Macs,



Pretty bold statement there.  I'd like to see something to back that up seeing as how, despite Apple's recent gains on the marketshare, Windows based machines still dwarfs all other operating systems combined.


I find that statement very hard to believe.......perhaps impossible to believe.  Common sense (and business sense) demands that any business must put the majority of their efforts into the largest market .  That largest market is Windows so Linden Lab puts their efforts into making sure the Second Life software works on Windows machines.......then put as much effort as possible to make the software work on other machines.  Apple, to their credit, are getting more aggressive with the efforts to increase their market share and that is showing with a more rapid upgrading of their operating systems.  You can't expect software developers to "keep pace" with every operating system as soon as the OS is released......first, the software developers have to wait for the release to happen before they can begin to develop the software to utilize any new feature the OS might have (that includes Windows new OS releases.........it takes time to get in synch).

Mac users are pretty fanatical about their systems (nothing wrong with that.......that is actually what keeps Macs competitive with Windows).  But part of the problem remains that they are using an operating system that is a pretty small percentage of what the majority of users use.  I know you don't like to hear it but when you are second in market share you have to wait longer than those who are first in market share.  That's just a fact of life.......especially with software.

Perhaps if you were more specific about what LL has failed to keep up with some of the Mac users here will be able to help you out a little.  Obviously, you are having some problems but unless you get more specific than that there's very little anyone can do to help.  Exaggerating  with the statement I quoted at the top of this post does not help your credibility.  It makes your post sound more a rant than anything..........and rants never solve the problem.

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SInce Mountain Lion was just released 7/25/2012 I think your pretty impatient.  When Windows 7 was released we didn't get an immediate automatic update to the SL client, it took awhile. 

As far as your statement about serious content creators using apples, I disagree.  I work full time in SL as a creator and use windows 7 and most creators i know use windows machines.  Even so, I doubt that every creator that uses an Apple, or even a majority, has rushed out and gotten Mountain Lion.

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Blaze Nielsen wrote:

The developers release was provided with plenty of time for LL to make any necessary adjustments. WHATS THE HOLDUP! Considering a majority of the serious content creators in sl are using Macs, I think the Lab should take this issue more seriously.

Well first, I don't think that's a true statement that most creators are using MACs, in fact almost every creator I know uses a PC. However, I wouldn't plan on anything new coming out soon to fix your issues. LL has never been known for being on top of software updates.


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I am a content creator and use Macs.  I don't know what the statistics are, but comparing absolute web statistics and SecondLife statistics is a false comparison.  Macs are high end machines which are much more likely to be used by content creators, whether or not they are running Windows or MacOS on them... so that is a valid thing to point out,.

However you can just use bootcamp and install Windows or install an older version of MacOS on a different partition and avoid the issue completely. 

I am using Firestorm on Mountain Lion and don't have any issues, in fact performance is much improved on Mountain Lion... especially when leaving the viewer open for very long periods of time like I do. I have not tried voice however since I upgraded so maybe that is the source of your problem. Try running without voice enabled for a while and see if it still crashes?


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Blaze Nielsen wrote:

Considering a majority of the serious content creators in sl are using Macs,

No majority of anything, anywhere, is using Macs. They have their benefits, but like it or not, Windows is the dominant OS.

Amethyst Rosencrans wrote:

I am a content creator and use Macs.  I don't know what the statistics are, but comparing absolute web statistics and SecondLife statistics is a false comparison

No, it's a perfect comparison. The sampling size between the web and SL may be smaller, but I guarantee the percentage will be about the same.

Amethyst Rosencrans wrote:

Macs are high end machines which are much more likely to be used by content creators

Hate to say it, but every Mac I've ever seen is junk compared to PCs in the same price range.

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Hate to say it, but every Mac I've ever seen is junk compared to PCs in the same price range."


I can concur somewhat with that but I don't think I go so far as to call them "junk".  For years, Macs were considered "the graphics machines".  That was sort of not true since back in most of those years where Macs carried that title the standard of graphics editing was Photoshop..........and Photoshop didn't run on Macs (it was a Windows only software package). But, yeah, Macs have always had good graphics and that reputation for graphics was desserved in a very real sense..........but it was not the machine of choice for the graphics industry (as Mac users used to tell us).  It was the Windows machines that were the machine of choice of all the Photoshop users which was (and still is) the software package of choice for graphics artists.........it's still considered the standard for all graphics editing software.

Windows machines have caught (and in many ways) passed Macs on the graphics end.  Part of that is due to Microsoft putting a great deal of effort enlisting both software developers and the graphics hardware manuturers to develope their products to mesh well with Windows machines.  Macs, being only about 10% to 15% of the market has a tougher time getting that kind of support from the manufactures and developers.  Another big factor is that Macs are very proprietory (you can't easily build your own Mac).  That makes them expensive to customize for graphics where Windows machines are very easy to drop a big high end graphics card into a relatively cheap computer.........and you wind up with a graphics machine that will run circles around a Mac at twice the price of the Windows computer.

Some Mac users refuse to face the facts.  The hang on to that era where Macs were the best graphics machines out there (it wasn't entirely true but it was truer then than it is now).  I don't have a problem with Mac users touting how good there computer is..........but I also know they are living in the past to a very large degree.

I built this machine almost 2 years ago.  I paid just under $700 USD for all that I put in it (not encluding a monitor as I didn't need one).  Back then a comparable off the shelf system would have cost about $1000 USD (without a monitor).  My system has a full Windows 7 x64 OS that I purchased separately (but included in the $700 I paid to build it).  I don't have any bloatware installed.........the off the shelf system is full of bloatware that, sometimes can be very difficult to get rid of (and bloatware slows a computer down a lot).  Now for a Mac comparable to my system (or the $1000 off the shelf bloatware filled computer) would cost close to $3000 USD.  So, it easy to say (and be accurate) that a Mac in the same price range would be "junk" comparably......because that $1000 Mac is going to be a low end machine.

I don't want to start another Mac vs Windows war..........but I did want to say that Macs are not the computer they once were and they are still very expensive.  More money for less.............all all for MacIntosh name.

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Yeah..........non-stop packed.  For iPhones!!  :)

You can spin it any way you want but the facts are facts.  Macs account for 10% to 15% of the computer market.  I'm talking about computers............not smart phones.  Over taking HP?  Okay.........HP isn't the only PC maker.  How about Dell, Acer, Sony, Asus, AOC, Joe's custom computer shop, my custom computer shop (I build my own...they are PC's).

Apple had picked up a little lately.  Everyone knows that.  A lot of that is due to Steve Job's recent passing and a lot is due to the iPhone epidemic that is the fad of the day (or maybe a few years).  But they are still way, way back there in the market share.

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I dont know of another laptop with a retina display with over 5M pixels and 2880x1800.  I use a PC and MAC every single day for work.

The real dog in it all is how much Windows 7 pro blows.  It like 1980s every day compared to MAC OSX. Just my opinion :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a long long time professional in the graphics/advertising biz, I can attest to the dominant use of Macs over PCs. You may want to check your statistics regarding Mac usage among the graphics pros. "serious" graphics machines professional content creators use will run over $1,000 with the extras they need. The statistics (and you can google this to verify) show that 9 out of 10 computers purchased over the $1,000 dollar mark are Macs. That is a very telling clue as to the usage of macs in the creative community. Most software developers have adapted their products for the new Mac OS with the preview developers copies they receive in advance of the OS release. I would hope that Linden Lab understands the content contributions Mac users are making to this world and dedicate sufficient resources to insure our OS is compatible.



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Peggy I would like to point out to you that Photoshop originally was a Mac only program. In 1987 Thomas Knoll developed the first iteration of Photoshop on his Macintosh Plus and in 1988 Adobe purchased the license to distribute it,  Photoshop 1.0 was released for Macintosh exclusively in 1990. And only later adapted for PCs. I still have a copy of Photoshop 1.0 from that era. I could debate the Mac vs. PC pros and cons for content creators all day. I'm not here for that. I'm simply asking Linden Lab to dedicate resources to make our OS compatible with SL. The OS chosen by more professional content creators than any other. In the past and the present.


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.... And, one thing technology users may want to be aware of is trends so we know where things are going.

Apple is now as of August the most valuable company ever in history previously held by Microsoft.



Also for an expensive laptop, its also the fastest growing seller in the US according to Forbes.



I agree we need to do more to take advantage of the MACs power and retina display.  And I'd love everyone to have a month on a mac pro just to feel the difference.  I use both everyday in my job.  No comparison, not even close.  Windows blows! hehe  smiling  and not taking life so seriously.  

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