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What Are the Lowest-and-Highest-Numbered Locations to Which You Can Go?


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Hello, all,

I am curious as to what are the lowest-numbered -- non-working example (1,1,1) -- and the highest-numbered -- non-working example (999,999,999) -- locations a regular Resident can go to in SL.

It doesn't mater if there is anything there or not.  :matte-motes-grin:  For example being underwater or in mid-air.

Thanks much!

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9 answers to this question

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  • Absolute height limit:2147483647 = 231 − 1 meters, which causes the altitude counter to roll over. Altitudes well below this cause graphics errors probably due to limited floating point number precision.
  • Highest z-value of an SLurl, that will still teleport you to a positive altitude:2147483583
    • This is lower than the Absolute height limit above probably because of precision issues. Any value higher than 2147483583 would be rounded up to something beyond 2147483647 and thus cause an overflow, while 2147483583 will still be rounded down to 2147483520.
  • Highest altitude you can teleport to with an SLurl: 2147483520 meters

Every once in a while, someone thinks that he is the first person to try for an altitude record in SL and embarks on a slow, steady climb to the stars.  There's a thread in General Discussion (mid-2011) chronicling one such voyage, if you care to search for it.  As far as I know, nobody has actually made it all the way to 2147483520m that way.  Their avatars tend to fall apart before then, creating interesting visual effects.

The low limit is harder to define, in a way, becasue it depends on where you are.  An avatar cannot travel below the land surface, so basically the lowset elevation you can travel to is the lowest that you can terraform the land to. 

  • Most mainland can be raised/lowered by 4 meters (+/-).
  • Some mainland cannot be terraformed, including: Bay City Regions, Blumfield, Boardman, Brown, De Haro, Nautilus City Regions, Nova Albion Regions, Shermerville Regions, and West Haven.
  • A few, very old mainland Regions like Da Boom have a terraform range of 40 meters (+/-).
  • Estate (private island) terraformability is settable to a maximum of 100 meters (+/-) by the estate owner or managers.
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Just to add to Rolig's superb answer, I think the thread about highest height you can go in SL is this one ...


... and thanks, Rolig.  Superb post. This is what I've learnt today. :smileyhappy:


Edited to add: I think there may be an even older thread than the one linked to above, but it's way before my time, and might be lost at the bottom of a very dusty archive box somewhere. 

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Yup. That's the thread from last year that I was remembering too, Marigold. I was just too lazy to go looking for it. I remember reading at least two others, one shortly after I entered SL in 2007 and the other maybe in 2009(?). I know I've seen the video you posted -- a great one, BTW! -- and have to guess that it was related somehow to the 2007 thread. Torley would know, I'm sure. I just know that I was intrigued at the time. I was a newbie, barely aware of flight feathers, so the idea of flying that high was mind boggling. Now, though? Eh. I can't do anything beyond 4096m, so higher realms have lost their appeal.

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It was through this video of Torley's that I found the other video link. (Good ol' Torley - I love his tutorials) ...

I think all of us, when we were newbie, were totally the same, intrigued by the fact we could fly and build in the sky. I remember being so tremendously excited at some of the great buildings I found up there. When we were able to build higher than 768m it got even more exciting.

Now, though, maybe we are getting complacent. LOL.

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Just found this rather old thread. I managed 2.6 MILLION metres last week.

It’s funny how reading one blog can lead on to reading another. I read one of Shauna’s yesterday, and below it was a link to a realted articleby Jellie Arrowmint written in 2011. It described her attempt to get to as high an altitude as she possibly could in SL.

Jellie reached a respectable 100,000 meters plus before getting bored and crashing back down to Earth.

Jellie had been inspired to attempt this by an even older blog written by Outy Banjo in July 2006. SL Physics was very different then, and Outy had used a modified “orbiter” weapon to propel himself to an amazing 1,010,994,688 metres – at which point he just stopped. The introduction of the Havoc 4 Physics engine by Linden Labs in 2008 changed all of that.

Since Havoc 4 the furthest an Orbiter or any scripted object will propel an avatar is a mere 5000 metres if you’re lucky.

Inspired by both Outy’s original trip into the unknown, plus Jellies’ 2011 adventure, I decided it would be fun to see just how “high” I could get in SL (without the use of hallucinogenic drugs!) and of course the best low lag place to attempt it was the Penny Lane sim.

I knew that the 1,010,994 kilometres that Outy Banjo had reached with SL’s Havoc 1 physics was going to be unobtainable. But never-the-less, I thought I would try and set the record for Havoc 4 physics in the modern day 2013 version of SL.

I started my journey at 15:30 SLT time on the 16th April. I was travelling at approx 1000 metres per every 3 seconds. When I checked my altitude 7 hours later I had just passed the 1 million metre mark and was still gaining altitude.

In order to try and boost my speed I attached some “flight enhancers” I had adapted many years ago. I am not actually sure if they are helping or not as originally I made them back in the havoc 1 days. They used to give me super flying speeds. Still – every little bit helps I decided, and strapped a flight band to each of my arms and legs. If nothing else they will take me past the pathetic 5000 metre mark which is how far an avatar can fly in SL without the use of any flight enhancements.

According to the SL Wiki the “ceiling” of the SL world with its current physics is 2,147,483,647 meters – or 2,147,483.65 km. That’s an amazing 1,136,489 KM greater than Outy Banjo reached in 2006 – so in theory his record can now be beaten – but with havoc 4 physics it would take you (approximately) – 948 hours of constant flight – or 39.5 days !!! However, it is an impossible feat as weekly rolling sim restarts would kick your avatar off the grid !

The average distance between the Earth and the Moon is 384,403 km and originally it was my aim to try and match that target distance. I soon realised I had set my sites way too high though. Even moving at 20,000 metres a minute it would still have taken seemingly forever, and I have a busy SL social life!

All was pretty normal up to and just over 1 million metres. After that things got a little weird. Even though I was clearly still getting higher the SL moon remained in exactly the same position for hours. It is clearly just an image painted on to the sky as I had always guessed. Down below me the land was just pitch black, and had dissappeared hours ago. Taking my finger off the Page Up key momentarily, I expected to hover, but instead continued to rise upwards (but more slowly), which was a bit of a surprise ! It was as if there was a gravametric force pulling me up.

It took me 15 hours to reach the height of 2157341.75 metres. By that time my avatar (and even name tag) had completely dissappeared from my screen along with any prim parts I was wearing. The screen “shook” as if I was passing through the sound barrier in an air plane. This video below was taken at 2.5 Million metres plus, and not long before I decided to quit.

For some reason I can't post the link here, but if you search You Tube for "Second Life - Over 2.5 Million Metres, Phoenix Viewer, Havoc 4 Physics " you should find it.

You can see one bright star just below the moon that seems to have a life of its own, bouncing around in a different pattern to the rest.

I tried some tests at this height. Teleporting another avatar I thought had worked, but the other avatar only arrived at a height of 8,192 metres (way way below me) which I guess must be the maximum height a Teleport can work. A landmark also failed. Upon using the LM it would only TP an avatar to a mere 4096 metres. Nothing would rez at this height of course, and not even releasing a particle stream from an object I was wearing had any effect. It is just sheer nothingness at that height, the moon and stars your only companion.

Well I didn’t hit my target…but I did reach 2.6 MILLION metres above SL. I hope thats a record for Havoc 4 physics. In total I was flying for a total of between 22 – 23 hours.

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