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I would like to make an suggestions I just hope the Linden Labs sees this but what I would like to see is Linden Labs make all groups unlimited without a limit of 42 groups cause its a bit annoying when you have to leave some groups to join new ones maybe make a VIP subscription for the accounts? For each month I don't know just let me what everyone thinks I think it would be nice cause you don't have to deal with leaving groups all the time.

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I agree it would be nice if a person could have way more than 42 groups, I remember when the limit was like 25 groups, and even that was a pain.

See problem is by the time you join a few groups like a lot of people do breedable pets, so you join those, join a few friends in a RP Community, and have a total of 2 RP Community groups you end up using sometimes 3-6 groups just for the Land group, then your faction, or family group, and then even sometimes you meet friends from these places that want you to join their group so it can go up to 8 groups or something.

Then lets say you decided to join a SL Military group thats like another 2-3 groups right there, and then you join some news, and help groups, and make a few custom groups for tags, and well before you know it all the groups are used.

I have got over a Dozen Invites to groups from product purchases for example as well as have other groups from friends who want me to join, but my groups list is full pretty much and I need more room. With all the different types of things in Second Life to do the groups is too few.

Also I don't use Alt's to RP, I know a lot of people create Alt's and stuff but that is just what starts drama and brings drama.

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The groups was increased to 42 about 18 months ago.

Back around mid 2011 it used to be 25 groups per avatar, this cap got raised to 42 due to the increase in residents and groups.


Personally I think 42 is a good number. You look on peoples profiles and most of them are filled with just random groups which serve no purpose other than to give them their own title.

And for some reason people are creating groups for friend and family which I understand if the group was deeded to a land for managment but if not I think that's a waste of group space because you can just hold a group conference in your friendslist if you want to chat to all who are online, because if they're offline chances are they don't care what's going on when they aren't online.

If people actually maintain their groups instead of clicked "JOIN" everytime they get an invite they'll see that they are actually part of groups they want to be in.

Another issue I have is people joining fan groups then the group of the club their dj plays out therefor they get 2 reminders of their favourite DJ as well as wasting a slot for groups.

People are still members of groups to sims which they no longer go to so they are wasting away in their profile. Furthermore if you could join an unlimited amount of groups what if you go offline for 3 days and within those 3 days the groups have sent out 3 notifications per group that's a hell load of crap you have to file through when you log on.

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To me it would be a good idea to make it unlimited if you bought a vip subscription or that would be nice another words cause this way they make profit off of it in the long run but also have this feature if not unlimited maybe a 100 groups on a vip I don't know I just thought it might be a good idea of what Linden Labs could do in the future to me the premium account is useless and serves no purpose I mean if they make something that acutally serves a purpose ya know? But anyways I am just coming up with ideas that they could do in the future.

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Since LL increased the limit to 42 the demand for more almost stopped immediately ( haven't seen a thread like yours since the limit was 25).  I would say LL has come up with a reasonable number for the vast majority of users.  Sure, some would want more (or even unlimited as you want) but people like me have no use for even 25 groups.  I don't know the specifics but, like bringing back last names, there's more than meets the eye about increasing groups.  I do know that a group must be linked to the account in the group........that means a lot of changing the database to accommadate such a change.  If there is no demand then making that change to please a handful of users is not cost effective and probably not worth the extra server space required to connect all those groups with all those avatars.

As in most things computer, a change that seems so simple can (and often is) a really big deal.  42 groups, in my opinion is more than enough for almost anyone.  I pruned my groups a long time ago and I seldom have more than 5 that I'm in at any given time (before I was at the max and had to prune on the fly when I realized some of those groups were not active for years).

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I understand what you are saying but I was thinking ahead of the future I am sure people would want a change over the years I am sure anyone would some people don't and some do but I am one of those people that want a change if you know what I mean? To be honest a change is a good thing but again these are ideas not issues I am not turning it into a issue I am just thinking of ideas like suggestions and comments pretty much I am sure you understand what I mean.

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In stead of giving us more groups, they should give groups more titles and roles with their own permissions, etc.

I am using my 42 groups and need to leave a few now and then to join another one.

One sim alone uses 13 groups.

But if LL would give groups unlimited roles all with their own permissions and even a possibility to start a chat with just a role in stead of the entire group, it would cut back on the groups needed.

More about this in detail here on my blog;


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While i do not need 42 groups, not even in my wildest time ;), i support Jo´s idea of more roles and of course more ways to give permissions to roles.

For example you could have the land group used for staff that is for the VIPs too.

Right now it´s just easier to put that in 2 different groups and have the staff join both (and the rented shops, homes, DJ ...)


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It would make things a lot easier and less confusing.

Imagine having just one group that has sub-groups or roles in it for tenants, sim managers, visitors, club visitors, etc.

You can give the tenants rez permissions, sim managers powers to eject and ban, etc.

You can start a group chat with all members of the group or just the club visitors for instance, to let them know the DJ is 5 minutes late.

We don't need more groups, we need more roles with more options.

Roles already are pretty good, just not enough and to really get rid of all the groups, we would need the option to be able to chat/send messages to just a role, not the entire group.

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Jo Yardley wrote:

It would make things a lot easier and less confusing.

Imagine having just one group that has sub-groups or roles in it for tenants, sim managers, visitors, club visitors, etc.

You can give the tenants rez permissions, sim managers powers to eject and ban, etc.

You can start a group chat with all members of the group or just the club visitors for instance, to let them know the DJ is 5 minutes late.

We don't need more groups, we need more roles with more options.

Roles already are pretty good, just not enough and to really get rid of all the groups, we would need the option to be able to chat/send messages to just a role, not the entire group.

EXCELLENT idea!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I also have a suggestion, "Linden Game Cards" that we could buy at places like Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Game Stop, etc. That way people could just stop, buy a card, and load it to the game, if they don't have a bank account credit/debit card, I have a card through my work that I use, but it's always such a pain to load money onto it, so a card that would give us like 10, 25, 50 dollars worth of linden would be really great. ^_^

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