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marketplace sales failing, money not returned

Blaze Nielsen

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In the last day I've had four instances of failed marketplace purchases, customer pays for item, but it is not delivered and their money is NOT returned to them. I can see the transaction but no money is transferred to me. anybody having similar issues like this? I've never seen this many failures of this sort ever before.



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the customers in this case are the victims, they don't get the item they ordered yet they pay for it but after the failed delivery they do not get their money returned. I have never seen this issue before and to see it four times in the last day is rather extraordinary. All my items are still in boxes on two separate sims, so delivery should not have been a problem.

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"All my items are still in boxes on two separate sims".

Ahhhhh in there lies your problem. (The latest conspiracy theory is that L.L. is sabotaging the performance of the magic boxes in an effort to move us away from them voluntarily and over to D.D. (the lesser of two evils wink wink) in a much more timely manner). hehe  ;-)

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Spica Inventor wrote:

"All my items are still in boxes on two separate sims".

Ahhhhh in there lies your problem. (The latest conspiracy theory is that L.L. is sabotaging the performance of the magic boxes in an effort to move us away from them voluntarily and over to D.D. (the lesser of two evils wink wink) in a much more timely manner). hehe  ;-)

I don't believe they would really care that much about the people who don't move over to DD. Anyone who doesn't move by the time magic boxes are made obsolete will be very wisely considered no longer in the game.

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Spica Inventor wrote:

"All my items are still in boxes on two separate sims".

Ahhhhh in there lies your problem. (The latest conspiracy theory is that L.L. is sabotaging the performance of the magic boxes in an effort to move us away from them voluntarily and over to D.D. (the lesser of two evils wink wink) in a much more timely manner). hehe  ;-)

It has been exhaustively stated various times in these forums that the Marketplace is currently messed up, not the delivery system.  I also have two Magic Boxes on two different sims.  While merchants in another thread are saying their sales have dropped over the last 3 weeks, mine have been the best in that time frame since this whole MP issue began 3 months ago. :)



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Rya Nitely wrote:

Spica Inventor wrote:

"All my items are still in boxes on two separate sims".

Ahhhhh in there lies your problem. (The latest conspiracy theory is that L.L. is sabotaging the performance of the magic boxes in an effort to move us away from them voluntarily and over to D.D. (the lesser of two evils wink wink) in a much more timely manner). hehe  ;-)

I don't believe they would really care that much about the people who don't move over to DD. Anyone who doesn't move by the time magic boxes are made obsolete will be very wisely considered no longer in the game.

That's a bit harsh.  There are people, more than you probably imagine, who CAN'T use DD due to older PCs and there are some very good reasons some people can't update their PCs. (Been keeping up with how many people have lost their jobs in at least the US?)

If Magic Boxes are discontinued...trust me, I will still very much be "in the game" - although I do not consider SL a "game," but that is another discussion altogether, eh. ;)


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"It has been exhaustively stated various times in these forums that the Marketplace is currently messed up, not the delivery system".

I think most peeps have figured out by now that BOTH the Marketplace in general AND the delivery system is messed up. Of course then there is the official line that some will fall for. ;-)

"mine have been the best in that time frame since this whole MP issue began 3 months ago".

Your stuff is cheap like mine right? If so I think we might be able to correlate a pattern here. ;-)

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Spica Inventor wrote:

"It has been exhaustively stated various times in these forums that the Marketplace is currently messed up, not the delivery system".

I think most peeps have figured out by now that BOTH the Marketplace in general AND the delivery system is messed up. Of course then there is the official line that some will fall for. ;-)

I realise that it's trendy to bash marketplace but with regard to Direct Delivery, other than the issue of unicode causing payment reconciliation (it still delivered), please point me to all the evidence, repeatable circumstances, not anecdotal or otherwise similar hearsay that shows the the Direct Delivery process is messed up?

I can't find any.

Magic Box is a different issue, LL won't rush to show any support for what is about to be an obsolete process when there's a clear migration path.  Just how it is.

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"I realise that it's trendy to bash marketplace but with regard to Direct Delivery, other than the issue of unicode causing payment reconciliation (it still delivered), please point me to all the evidence, repeatable circumstances, not anecdotal or otherwise similar hearsay that shows the the Direct Delivery process is messed up"?

I really don't want to take the time to sift through all the merchant complaints for the past 3 months on this board and post them here again about the many apparent buggy software issues associated with The Marketplace and it's delivery system. You have already identified probably the most important one. Whether the problem is with unicode or much more likely, with many other areas of the software having problems communicating with each other, who knows? If they really did identify the problem such as blaming it on the unicode aspect, you'd think they would have fixed it by know since it would appear that locating the problem is probably most of the work.


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Spica Inventor wrote:

I really don't want to take the time to sift through all the merchant complaints for the past 3 months on this board and post them here again about the many apparent buggy software issues associated with The Marketplace and it's delivery system. You have already identified probably the most important one. Whether the problem is with unicode or much more likely, with many other areas of the software having problems communicating with each other, who knows? If they really did identify the problem such as blaming it on the unicode aspect, you'd think they would have fixed it by know since it would appear that locating the problem is probably most of the work.


But the unicode issue was fixed pretty quickly and didn't impact upon actual delivery.  The issue was payment reconcilliation. It was fixed within the first couple of weeks or so, maybe three I forget.

Other than this, I know of no issues with Direct Delivery failing to deliver.  I don't know of any JIRA documenting such.

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Sassy, I have had DD fail to deliver.  I have had customers report it to me and while maybe they just couldn't find it, on the 24th I had a failed DD delivery that was recorded in the Merchant Home transactions. Rare, yes. But apparantly, it can happen.


June 24, 2012   Order 1298532014  Delivery Failed

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Having an understanding of the string and tape architecture that binds all the parts together, I appreciate it *can* happen, but that's the first that i've seen posted where there's a claim that Direct Delivery, the actual delivery process failed.

I hope you JIRA'd it or followed up with support so that they can investigate?

For what it's worth, did you View Order?  I just scanned and had one "Delivery Failed" but when I looked at the order in detail, it shows as paid and delivered.  I'm wondering if it's just the reconciliation of the different data sets that has failed for you too?  That's where this all falls apart, the disjoined data handling.

Direct Delivery has had a number of issues but not with the actual delivery part.  The biggest issue at present would appear to be the inability for the outbox to work for certain cases.

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The order failed. Yes, I viewed all the records/screens. Only one item in the order (from my shop). The customer reordered after that and the transaction was successful.

While I appreciate that you don't believe that DD has any delivery issues, several of my customers would differ. Do I have far fewer requests for re-delivery? absolutely, it's very rare these days. But they do happen and the customers swear the items are not in their inventory.  This was the first time I had the corresponding records for it.

Did I contact Support - no. I have had other very rare issues which I have reported to Support and the response I get is very polite "we'll investigate", but I don't think anything ever happens.

Did I file a JIRA - no. Since I'm the only one who seems to have experienced this, I doubt it would get any attention and just sit there with the other 200+ JIRAs.

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>Magic Box is a different issue, LL won't rush to show any support for what is about to be an obsolete process when there's a clear migration path.  Just how it is.

Magic boxes do not process money.

If there's a problem with the way money is processed, it's not a Magic Box problem.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

Magic Box is a different issue, LL won't rush to show any support for what is about to be an obsolete process when there's a clear migration path.  Just how it is.

Magic boxes do not process money.

If there's a problem with the way money is processed, it's not a Magic Box problem.

I know they don't process money, that's irrelevant.  Magic Boxes are still going away though, there is a clear migration path and LL won't rush to support them so unless there's a delivery or payment problem with Direct Delivery, there's probably no point in anyone posting or creating any further JIRA's about MB issues but that's just my opinion.

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the issue here has nothing to do with dd versus magic box delivery. According to Dakota Linden:


" This is a known issue on the Second Life Marketplace web site reported through the Jira Issue Tracker, located here:



 the worry here is that some might accuse Linden Lab of systematic theft due to a "bug". Most customers have no idea how to file a report to the lab and most of these lost transactions are never reported. I have seen these seldom in the past, but never at the frequency I've experienced them in the last couple of days.

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It's also important to note the timelines.  The only comments by Dakota were when Magic Boxes were the only delivery method.  There has been no further comment by LL since DD.

I took a lot of effort to get some money refunded out of principle.

The email from LL to me quoted the ToS, the bit where the service is provided with no warranty of it working.

In other words, as far as LL are concerned "TOUGH if it doesn't work for you, sorry people lose money, have a nice day!"

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>, there's probably no point in anyone posting or creating any further JIRA's about MB issues but that's just my opinion.

I actually agree with that, in a way.

In fact, there would seem to have been no point in creating any JIRA's about them in the first place, since every problem attributed to them has turned out to be some other kind of problem.

To me, this is the very explanation about why someone at LL wants them gone. 

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>There has been no further comment by LL since DD.


Since DD has deployed, theft is no longer a problem... although it nonetheless continues.

It's a good thing they've stopped bothering to try to explain it away in advance of no longer having Magic Boxes to blame it on.

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