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SL9B: A Sneak Peak

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I have the privilege of working with a friend on their display at SL9B and decided to do  little flying around today.  So while I was in the sky, I took several snapshots.

I also took a ground tour.  There are pods you can ride in.  The exhibits are fabulous, some of the best I have seen for a SL B'day celebration.

There is an official Flickr page here:  http://www.flickr.com/groups/sl9b/

Here are some of the panoramas I took today.  There still are people hard at work finishing their displays.  But these should give you an idea of some of what you can expect this year.  It is looking to be a fabulous event!



SL9B 01.jpgSL9B 02.jpgSL9B 03.jpgSL9B 04.jpgSL9B 05.jpgSL9B 06.jpgSL9B 07.jpg



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Storm Clarence wrote:

Some really cool stuff.  Several people have been running sneak peeks on the feeds.  It is great seeing it all come together.  


TY Storm

It's like watching a city being built from the ground up. 

I had my draw distance turned up to around 1,000 meters trying to get as far a view as I could.

The details when you get close up to the exhibits are fantastic.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

TY Storm

It's like watching a city being built from the ground up. 

The details when you get close up
to the exhibits are fantastic.

The SLB's (only 2 prior for me) have acted as been both a reminder and a catalyst to always "stop and smell the prims" regardless of where I am in SL.  I see so much beauty; especially, in the details.  

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

TY Storm

It's like watching a city being built from the ground up. 

The details when you get close up
to the exhibits are fantastic.

The SLB's (only 2 prior for me) have acted as been both a reminder and a catalyst to always "
stop and smell the prims
" regardless of where I am in SL.  I see so much beauty; especially, in the details.  

So true.  While I do love music and dancing and spend a lot of time socializing while I do, I especially love getting out and exploring.  There is more to SL than dance floors and dungeons.  ;-)

If you have not been there and you want to see some SIM's with incredible detail, I would highly recommend the twin Sims of Alpha Point and Omega Point. I have spent several hours exploring with friends and still feel like I have not seen it all.

Despite the lack of support from Linden Lab, the Resident participation and contributions to SL9B are fantastic and I certainly tip my hat to all involved.  There are hundreds and hundreds of man and woman and furrie hours being invested in this.

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I'm so glad to see the community pulling all of these events together, keeping the legacy alive without the support of LL.

I've seen LL pull out more and more over the years, but the community remains. It's a great thing they're all doing, and greatly appreciated!

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Klackie Alsop wrote:

 It's a great thing they're all doing, and greatly appreciated!

Not by me!

The approach of the organisers at best can be desribed as hopelessly amateur, and they are in a position to decide who can and who can't be there.

My friend was told they had a place, then they were told they couldn't have a place, apparently someone decided there were too many applications from a certain business sector so only 10 businesses from that sector could be represented. 

No one who applied has had any communication whatsoever from the organisers, apparently you just have to hunt them down to find out if you are in.

LL has basically permitted a few chosen residents to go on a big fat ego trip, although it has to be said it's pretty much like that when LL run it too.

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Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

Klackie Alsop wrote:

 It's a great thing they're all doing, and greatly appreciated!

Not by me!

The approach of the organisers at best can be desribed as hopelessly amateur, and they are in a position to decide who can and who can't be there.

Well of course they have to make decisions.  They do not have unlimited space.  The space (SIMs) are all donated by users, not Linden Lab. 

Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

My friend was told they had a place, then they were told they couldn't have a place, apparently someone decided there were too many applications from a certain business sector so only 10 businesses from that sector could be represented.

Sorry that this happened to your friend.  But the organizers were working under time constraints and they are all people who have VOLUNTEERED there time to doing this.  Sometimes you need to revamp.  It's life. 

Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

No one who applied has had any communication whatsoever from the organisers, apparently you just have to hunt them down to find out if you are in.

We got notification.  Very shortly after they said they'd be sending out notices.  Maybe there were some break downs in communication.  But that was not our experience.

Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

LL has basically permitted a few chosen residents to go on a big fat ego trip, although it has to be said it's pretty much like that when LL run it too.

Really now?  While this is a particularly large undertaking, any Resident can submit to have an event, etc. to be listed for SL9B.  Thee is nothing stopping your friend from hosting something on their own property.

And quite frankly, the support we have gotten from all the staff at SL9B has been above and beyond.  Maybe there are some who are getting their egos stroked by doing this but we sure have not encountered it.

I am sorry your friend was not included but your post sounds more like a case of butt hurt than a legitimate complaint.


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In addition to the SL Destination Guide, SL9B will have a Celebration Hub, a special place you can get information on all the other birthday events going on around SL! Please send a notecard, 256x256 texture (preferably with the name and date of the event on it) and LM to DMom2K Darwin so we can get it in the Celebration Hub as well!

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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

Does anyone have a photo and dimensions of the Cake stage? I'm supposed to play there on the 20th but haven't been able to get any info from the organisers.

I'm wondering if that is the Cake Stage in third image down?

If it is it may be an entire SIM.

If I have a chance I'll fly over there.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Well of course they have to make decisions.  They do not have unlimited space.  The space (SIMs) are all donated by users, not Linden Lab. 

I understand the space is limited, my point is that another resident gets to decide that I can't promote my business and that my competitors can, I am happy for LL to make such decisions but I am not happy for other residents to make them, its very open to abuse as they are bound to have friends that they want to look after along with their own likes and dislikes. If the decision making process followed any logic and was transparent I would feel differently, but it doesn't and it isn't, somone has plucked a figure of 10 out of the air and decided thats how many of one particular type of business can be represented, has this been applied to any other business sector? no it hasnt, is this figure representative of the number of this type of business that exists in SL, no it isn't, is it representative of the number of residents buying from these businesses or the proportion of the economy that their purchases represent?, NO it most certainly is not.

Perrie Juran wrote:

We got notification.  Very shortly after they said they'd be sending out notices.  Maybe there were some break downs in communication.  But that was not our experience.

 LOL, you got notification because you got in, I havent had any response whatsoever to my application and neither have two of my friends, its not a breakdown in communication at all, it simply hasnt happened. Being a volunteer is a not an excuse for being discourteous.


Perrie Juran wrote:

Really now?  While this is a particularly large undertaking, any Resident can submit to have an event, etc. to be listed for SL9B.  Thee is nothing stopping your friend from hosting something on their own property.


This really is silly and you know it, of course there are fringe events as part of the birthday, but if you ask any resident - What is SLXB they will speak of the 40 sims full of stuff, every poster in this thread refers to that, and that is what you are referring to as well and what you have taken pictures of. It cannot have been put together without some help from LL at least in terms of networking to bring all the participants together not to mention the MOTD advertsing campaign that ran for a couple of weeks, thats probably worth about $20K USD.  So any Resident cannot just create an equivalent event.


Perrie Juran wrote:

And quite frankly, the support we have gotten from all the staff at SL9B has been above and beyond.  Maybe there are some who are getting their egos stroked by doing this but we sure have not encountered it.


I am encountering it in this very thread!. You are stroking like crazy!. My initial response was to a comment of exactly that nature.


Perrie Juran wrote:

I am sorry your friend was not included but your post sounds more like a case of butt hurt than a legitimate complaint.


I am glad you are finally starting to see my point of view, now you just need to explain ...

1. Who hurt my butt?

2. Why did they hurt my butt?

3. How come they are in a position to hurt the butts of other residents? 





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Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

3. How come they are in a position to hurt the butts of other residents?  

same way when someone else organises a fair or hunt or event and picks and chooses who to invite or not. fairs/hunts/events of all kinds get pimped by linden in Destinations and on MOTD over and over

the sims that hosting this display arent official anything. is a private party

at any party the host gets to choose who is the clowns. the clowns dont never get to choose themselves



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16 wrote:

Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

3. How come they are in a position to hurt the butts of other residents?  

same way when someone else organises a fair or hunt or event and picks and chooses who to invite or not. fairs/hunts/events of all kinds get pimped by linden in Destinations and on MOTD over and over

the sims that hosting this display arent official anything. is a private party

at any party the host gets to choose who is the clowns. the clowns dont never get to choose themselves



^^^^^ this ^^^^^

I can understand the disappointment at not being selected and that the greater disappointed that came from the change in decision.

It is possible that some people got favored treatment because of friendships.  But I can also tell the OP my friend that I am helping knew none of the people responsible for this event.  Out side of a small circle my friend is a 'no name' in SL.  She had a concept, presented it, and got accepted.  So her selection had to be either they just threw all the names in a hat and randomly pulled them out or it was on the merits of her concept.

Do the people putting this on and giving support get benefits from doing it?  Of course they do!  What's wrong with that?  Seeing my friend's joy is priceless to me.  That's the benefit I'm getting.


eta to fix grammar. 

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Considering community members took it upon themselves to organize this and get it set up, and considering how many have volunteered and continue to volunteer and ALL working hard to make this event happen and the community responded by a landslide of applications to participate it isn't surprising to find some miscommunications or hurt feelings happened because some were not selected to get a plot.

So if you can't get a plot (no matter the reason why), volunteer, participate and give in other ways. Don't sit and be a ballbabyweeda over your misfortune. This is about giving to the community. So you can't showcase your whatever with a plot....Volunteer, dress up  and represent who you are and what SL Community is to you while you are volunteering. If it IS all about you, then you can sit, whine and feel sorry for yourself while one of the great parties is about to begin and then we can all feel kinda sorry for you. The challenge is figuring out how to rise above the bumps and lumps on the path with grace and style... Some who couldn't get plots have set up events where they are - the party is ALL over SL. We are collecting info on those events and have a Celebration Hub that is showcasing them with a texture, notecard and LM so everyone can party all over SL and not just on the SLB sims (check my post above for what is needed to submit so we can get it into the Hub)

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