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Jesus H. I have a $3000 Macbook Pro that could probably run NASA, but I cannot get SL to stop crashi

Kerensa Frakture

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Crashes on log in, barely gets to the end of the log in process and crashes. This just happens randomly for no reason and lasts for days sometimes weeks. I have just about had it. If I didn't have the ridiculous amount of money already invested I would be out.

I have completely uninstalled,  removed all references to SL and re downloaded and installed the viewer, 20 or more times. Makes no difference.


CAnnot install an older version, as it makes no difference. Also, Pheonix AND Firestorm crash whenever this porblem arises. I have NOTHING running in the background. Ugh. Supposed to be performing tonight.

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When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

The chances are good this is a video driver problem. Without being able to see the drive version and video card type all we can do is guess. But, try updating your driver.

You can also try the Beta version and the Development version and see if they make a difference. The Beta and Dev version are pretty close together right now, so it may not be worth installing both.

They install in different folders. So, you can run all three at the same time.

Also, before logging in, go into Prefernces and set your graphics settings to LOW. Then try logging in. If you get in, its defenitely video.

Also we need to know if it makes it through Init VFS before it crashes. If it does, it is more likely its video driver issues.

If not, it could be a cache problem.

You can look in the SecondLife.log file for errors and warnings. that may give you a clue.

I think the logs are in: Users/Username/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/logs/ --- I'm not a Mac person.

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Without knowing more about your setup or the error message you may be getting, it's hard to know exactly what to recommend.  In general, that sort of behavior is typical of a flaky Internet connection -- usually one that's flaky right at home.  The generic advice, which works in a surprising number of cases, is to reboot your router and let it get a fresh hold on an IP address.  Just unplug it from the power for a few minutes while you go for coffee.  The other bit of generic advice is to avoid wireless, which can be problematic even on a good day for a lot of SL residents.  Beyond those two standards, it is smart to check your firewall and antivirus programs to be sure that they haven't decided to block SL.  An upgrade to either of them could suddenly make them misbehave.

Take a good look at Nalates's blog for more in-depth suggestions about diagnosing and repairing your connection >>> http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/

If you have more specific details to add, or if you simply want to let us know whether anything we have suggested worked, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.

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I'm having problems posting a response to you in the Answers forum so I'm sending this via PM.

I have had similar problems with my MacBook Pro logging into SL, it usually took 3 attempts and sometimes timed out.   I often crashed while after running SL.  When using Phoenix Firestorm I often got logged out with a "mangled network connection" message.  

Are you using Wireless to connect to SL?  Linden Labs recommends against it but I use it all the time.  Turns out my Airport Wireless connection was part of the problem.   Once I switched over to using my AT&T Modem Wireless connection most of my connection problems went away.  Log ons were quick and effortless compared to when I was on Airport.  

A couple of days ago I got the "mangled network connection" message again, and when I checked, sure enough my laptop had signed onto the Airport wireless network again.  I'm not sure what triggers it looking for that, but I just found it had done so again.  So I'm unplugging the Aiport for now and may not plug it back in if I can't find the problem.  

Check your internet connection.   There is good advice on doing that here:
and here:

Note that this later site says:

<< Based on our experience, we strongly recommend the following maximum settings for bandwidth - unless the calculations above suggest lower values:
    •    Any type of wireless connection, including home wireless: 500
    •    Hardwired DSL: 1000
    •    Hardwired cable or better: 1500.  >>

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