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Deploys for the week of 2012-05-28

Oskar Linden

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Threaded Region Crossing Phase One has passed RC and is ready for promotion to the main channel. This is just the first step and does not contain any region crossing/teleport performance enhancements. Those are in Phase Two and will be announced when ready.


Second Life Server (main channel)

This is the Threaded Region Crossing project. This contains the prototype threaded region cross for agents and uses the new threaded RPC/thread state machine mechanism. Regions on this channel will be restarted.

2012-05-29, 5:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12


Second Life RC BlueSteel

This channel will again have the server changes to process prebaked avatar textures for library outfits. 

This channel will be updated Thursday morning instead of Wednesday.

2012-05-31, 7-11:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_BlueSteel/12



Second Life RC LeTigre

This channel contains simulator changes to help with upcoming infrastructure projects. There are no visible changes to behaviour.

This was intended to go out this morning but was unable to. We will release it Thursday morning instead. 

2012-05-31, 7-11:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/12



Second Life RC Magnum

This channel has the new Experince Tools project. There are some new LSL calls. These will only work with code compiled and running on Magnum. There are more details here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Advanced-Experience-Tools-Preview/ba-p/1420633


  • Added three new LSL functions:
    • llAttachToAvatarTemp (integer attach_point) -- Follows the same convention as llAttachToAvatar, with the exception that the object will not create inventory for the user, and will disappear on detach, or disconnect. It should be noted that when an object is attached temporarily, a user cannot 'take' or 'drop' the object that is attached to them. Additionally, if this function is used with experience permissions, the user is 'automatically' made the owner of the object. If you use this function without the experience permission, the target MUST be the owner of the object for it to attach properly.
    • llTeleportAgent (key agent_uuid, string lm_name, vector landing_point, vector look_at_point) -- Teleport Agent allows the script to teleport an agent to either a local coordinate in the current region or to a remote location specified by a landmark. If the destination is local, the lm_name argument is a blank string. The landing point and look at point are respected for this call. If the destination is remote, the object must have a landmark in its inventory with the teleport agent script. lm_name refers to the name of the landmark in inventory.
    • llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords (key avatar, vector global_coordinates, vector region_coordinates, vector look_at) -- Teleports an agent to region_coordinates within a region at the specified global_coordinates. The agent lands facing the position defined by look_at local coordinates. A region's global coordinates can be retrieved using llRequestSimulatorData(region_name, DATA_SIM_POS).

NOTE: the new LSL functions work with the current runtime permissions system and are precursor to future work with experience permissions. More information about the runtime permission is here:PERMISSION_TELEPORT.

These functions only work on the RC regions and not grid wide.

2012-05-30, 7-11:00am: Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/12


We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.

I appreciate your help. Have a good week!




p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. (https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here:https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group


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Oskar would you guys please do something about the ports on the blue steel servers, you have put off fixing them for weeks now and they are getting progressively worse and it is severly hurting both business and traffic in these areas in general. As for the new stuff you are feeding us it is not half as important as the fact that core functions like inventory loading, rezzing, profile loading, search, and even log ins are becoming slower and slower and much less reliable.  LL needs to seriously look at these problems and address them or face loosing still more businesses and players, and right now there are not signs that LL is either doing this or even acknowledging that the problem exists.  At the moment though fixing the region crossing is a major priority in blue steel as teleports at times are totally impossible and we in these areas are starting to feel abondoned by linden labs.

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Oskar lets make this very clear, when items and cloths wont rezz from inventory or vanish entirely from it, it really is not of great importance that outfits from the Linden Library rezz quicker or for that matter at all.   LL needs to address some of the real issues that have cropped up on blue steel over thes last few weeks and quit adding to the problems we already have with new and likely untested material.  Particularly the region crossing issue needs to be addressed and addressed soon, before the region is as empty as the sea areas that makes of a lot of its territory.

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Anything in these deploys address whatever issues that Group Chat has had since shortly after Second Life started? Just asking, I mean, with a 9 year anniversary celebration, you'd think the company would have dealt with this issue. Now you might ask what this has to do with the deployments in the regions, and I submit, that an issue that's been neglected for at least 7 years, and has become "normal" in the mind of Linden Labs, will be assumed to persist and never be verified against the code they are adding to the regions, nor to how it affects the viewers, and if anything that is cpu intensive is exacerbating such neglected issues. A company that makes 80 million dollars in profits, should be able to afford to invest 10% of that on fixing the most dauntingly old issues, as well as roll out their technological prowess of new code and ideas for the virtual world they sell under the banner of "anything is possible." Meet the motto, fix group chat lag once and for all. I mean, i know in a world of constant updates, and where code never seems to be finished but always is subject to another "unimplemented feature" it seems impossible, but, after more than 7 years? Really? So if possible, could the Great and Almighty Linden Labs and its shareholders, who likely aren't even citizens, denizens, of the virtual world they own stock in and profit from, be apprised of the need to repair a most ancient issue? A reasonable person would not think that it's unreasonable to have an issue fixed after 7 years, and may find that 7 years of neglect, while the company is charging money to people and making profits, tantamount to gross negligence as well. Not good for the company who does it. Oh and Oskar, if this is the wrong place to post another repeated call to fix group chat lag, please take a moment to appreciate that it's the perfect place for this one simple reason: You're announcing new things, when the oldest of the old hasn't even been addressed, and that suggests a complete ignoring of the issue. Priorities as they are, it is absolutely necessary and proper to ask if those priorities ever rotate to use "age of the issue" and not just what someone decided the priority is for their job security or advancement. Thank you for hearing me out, and should you move this post elsewhere, please understand it shouldn't be, for if it brings an interest unwanted by the announcement, this should be a sign to Linden Labs that the issue it presents is a very well wanted fix by we who use Second Life and particularly for business. Walter McAndrews

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emmettcullen93 wrote:

Hello oskar.

i was experencing major lag beyond belief yesterday

is this what caused it, fixed it, or both?

If there was lag I don't think it was in the simulator code. There might have been sone other issues contributing to it. I'm not sure.

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Hi Oskar,

after the todays update I got a repeatedly error messages from my vendor-scrips that use http-requests (error 404, cap not found). I can not reproduce the errors (by clicking a vendor). Maybe it only happens when the sim handles an avatar teleporting or sim-crossing from/to the sim ? 

You are in Osbourne Beach located at sim8929.agni.lindenlab.com (
Second Life RC LeTigre 

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Oskar Linden wrote:

emmettcullen93 wrote:

Hello oskar.

i was experencing major lag beyond belief yesterday

is this what caused it, fixed it, or both?

If there was lag I don't think it was in the simulator code. There might have been sone other issues contributing to it. I'm not sure.

OK that makes some better sence that what i was being told. thanks Oskar. :)

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Salid Sewell wrote:

Hi Oskar,

after the todays update I got a repeatedly error messages from my vendor-scrips that use http-requests (error 404, cap not found). I can not reproduce the errors (by clicking a vendor). Maybe it only happens when the sim handles an avatar teleporting or sim-crossing from/to the sim ? 

You are in Osbourne Beach located at sim8929.agni.lindenlab.com (

Second Life RC LeTigre 

Does it only happen in LeTigre regions or in all regions?

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The first error message today came from another sim: You are in Sandor located at sim8848.agni.lindenlab.com ( Second Life RC LeTigre

At far:  2 different LeTigre sims errored today. First error was  at 9.12 SL-time.

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Salid Sewell wrote:

Hi Oskar,

after the todays update I got a repeatedly error messages from my vendor-scrips that use http-requests (error 404, cap not found). I can not reproduce the errors (by clicking a vendor). Maybe it only happens when the sim handles an avatar teleporting or sim-crossing from/to the sim ? 

You are in Osbourne Beach located at sim8929.agni.lindenlab.com (

Second Life RC LeTigre 

That just sounds like bad scripting.  If the http request is inbound, on region change the old inbound URL will be invalidated and a new URL must be requested in response to a CHANGED_REGION event.

If something tries to initiate communications with an invalid URL, the message will be "cap not found" and http error code 404 (page not found).

If they're vendors, wait a while or check with the vendor creator as to how URL's are requested on rez or region restart.

(that's my interpretation anyway) :)

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The CHANGED_REGION shouldn't be involved at all, since the objects don't change their region. URL-refreshing of the in-world server usually works (on region restart and on rezz).

One explanation left: the involved web-server was not reachable. If no other reports appear, then it might have been the case.

(Unfortunaely I can't say if the 404 happened when the schrip called (a) another in-world object or (b) the web-server.) 

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Salid Sewell wrote:

The CHANGED_REGION shouldn't be involved at all, since the objects don't change their region. URL-refreshing of the in-world server usually works (on region restart and on rezz).

One explanation left: the involved web-server was not reachable. If no other reports appear, then it might have been the case.

(Unfortunaely I can't say if the 404 happened when the schrip called (a) another in-world object or (b) the web-server.) 

There were no changes to LeTIgre today. The issues you're seeing must be because of something else.

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Oskar is there any chance that by putting blue steel off a day the crossing/teleport problems can be updated as they have in most of sl?  Not having reliable teleports or border crossings in place in the blue steel regions really is hurting businesses.



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As of 10:30pm PDT sim 21103 Woods of Heaven, on LeTigre had NOT been rolled, yet the Grid Status Page states that Restarts on LeTigre are done. 

What has happened?

I checked the server version and it definitely hasn't changed and I had been online there without a break since 7am PDT.

Please investigate.


Edit 12:45pm PDT: Hmm, your response is conspicuous by its absence, Oskar.

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Alexi Raynier wrote:

Oskar is there any chance that by putting blue steel off a day the crossing/teleport problems can be updated as they have in most of sl?  Not having reliable teleports or border crossings in place in the blue steel regions really is hurting businesses.



There are no improvements to teleports or region crossing on the main channel. The improvements aren't coming until a later date in a new project. The code on main channel was just laying the groundwork.

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