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how do i create a bot


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i would like to great a "bot" for my club as a greeter.. what do i need to do and will it count on my land prims , can i link the "bot" to my account. will the "bot" stay on my land even when i am on line and on my land with the "bot"

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8 answers to this question

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You can create an alt account as "scripted agent". From the KB:

Second Life bot account can be created in the same way as a human-controlled avatar. The only requirement is to mark the bot's account as a scripted agent.

Bot is being controlled by a program, and owner has to choose it from available alternatives. Program can run on user's PC or be hosted at Second Life bot hosting. With hosted bot it's not necessary to have PC running 24 hours per day.




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Before you begin, familiarize yourself with Linden Lab's policy on Scripted Agents (bots), so that you don't run afoul of some rules about how you may use them. >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Bot_policy

Basically, a bot is a an avatar under control of a computer program instead of a human being.  You can created a bot by opening a new account -- an alt -- and registering it as a Scripted Agent.  You do that by navigating to your dashboard at secondlife.com and then to Account >>> Scripted Agent Status.  You'll see a notice that says "The avatar associated with this account is identified as being controlled by a human. Please select "change" to self-identify your avatar as a scripted agent (sometimes referred to as a "bot")."  Follow directions and you are "legally" a bot with a separate account from your own avatar's -- just like any other alt that you may have.

Then you need to actually install and set up the software to do the controlling.  Take a look here for some of your options >>> http://www.smartbots2life.com/  and at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_bot_software_comparison for a discussion of the advantage/disadvantages of hosting your bot on your own PC or on a hosting service.  Among the considerations is the one that you mention -- whether your bot stays in world all of the time or logs out when you power down your PC for the day.

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5 hours ago, aa said:

what about the boots appearance  can i use custom avi add it on the bot

Since bots, as described in this thread, are simply regular avatars that YOU register as bot (scripted agent), then anything usable on an avatar will work.  

Edited by Rowan Amore
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Maybe I can add to the confusion.

Registering a Second Life account as a scripted agent does not make it a bot. Registering it merely tells Linden Lab that you intend to use this account as a bot. This has implications for how it's counted in traffic calculations, and that's about all.

An account...ANY account...can be controlled by a software program instead of directly by a person. And that is what makes it a bot. I could log in my Lindal Kidd account and turn control over to a software program, and I'd be a bot, until I shut that down and resumed direct control of my account and my avatar.

So you can create an alt account, dress your avatar any way you like, and then turn its operation over to your bot program. You should ALSO tell LL that this account is a bot, by registering it as a scripted agent.

You might want to think about WHERE your bot account will be run from. You can run it from your own PC, but your bot will vanish from SL whenever you close the SL viewer instance you're running, or shut down your PC. Services exist that will run your bot account for you, 24/7, on their servers. See Rolig's post above for a link to more information about that.

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