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Is NoCopy NoModify NoTransfer ethical? Is it allowed by TOS?

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pretty much yes about the hunting part

is quite a few real people actual do play this game

most times (not everytime) you get something off them if the amount the venue is paying is greater than the number of avatars present when it pays out

i dont think they work very well for the venue owners tho. is not the kinda traffic you really looking for. people just play it to get money. dont really care much about where or who it comes from


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<<In reality, then, the item is only ever used to violate the anti-traffic-gaming terms of service. A buyer can't very well fuss about the item not violating the ToS effectively enough>>

This, exactly.

<<I wonder if the Lindens might be leaving this stuff on Marketplace as a form of automatic punishment for traffic gamers>>

Maybe! I think the Lindens are still wading through all the AR's by, and against, the creator. 

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Rosemaery Lorefield wrote:

I haven't read ahead, but in case no one else explained what the product is, it's a sploder ball. It's against TOS, maker had a work around, but got called out, changed his product and now users of the (against TOS) product are pissed. 

Are you sure it's a sploder?

I'd just read all the OP's posts before I saw you'd posted, and there's no indication as to what the item is. There's a clue for anyone who knows the item well enough. He said that the creator had stopped the original version that he bought from working, and had forced users to either upgrade or call it a day with the product. Anyone who is familiar with the product, or has read about it, would probably recognise that history.

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I've just done a bit of research in the marketplace, having put together various clues and hints dropped early on in the thread, and am now reasonably confident I know what it is.   If I'm correct, it's a sort of grid-wide hunt for scripted tokens, and the creator makes several variations of it.


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Oh that IS something entirely different. Well, it still sounds like traffic gaming, but not "gambling" per se.

I just don't see why people use any of these traffic boosting tactics, especially expensive ones. They simply do not result in customers. 

If this is a token hunt kind of game, I would probably not even look at what each venue has on offer, I would find my token and go on to the next.

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If this is a token hunt kind of game, I would probably not even look at what each venue has on offer, I would find my token and go on to the next.

If you could. Not sure how this thing works, but the "traffic cone" system that Phil mentioned forced the participants to hang out at one location for some period of time before they were even informed of the next location where they were eligible for a payout.

That was some time ago, back when Traffic really was the only "game" in town as far as Search-ranking was concerned. I gather that Traffic again has somewhat increased weight in regular Search, and there's some way to choose to rank results by Traffic, but anyway, there was never any illusion that visitors responsible for inflating Traffic would be customers. Rather, the traffic inflation was intended to draw customers because of the boosted Search rank.

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that one has the go to the website to confirm. it gets your ip address when you do then checks to see if there is another player in the game at the time with the same ip address. if is the same then neither wins anything. it actual told me i couldnt win when i tried that with 2 accounts at the same time

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This has nothing to do with sploders. It has everything to do with fish, coins, rods, shoulder pets, buoys, networked advertising, "Earn Linden" <- notice no plural there.

There is many people in this thread basically saying that the people that are making the complaints are just pissed because the traffic generator they bought isn't working and they got screwed. This is far from what they are saying. They are not the people that bought the product to generate the traffic. They are the people that are the traffic. They bought into this sham under the impression that they could have some fun in a game all the while making some lindens while doing it. They are upset that the owner has released these products to the grid with one set of perms that had transfer enabled with the claim that these items could be traded among other players. Later the creator has disabled the no trans out of greed and nothing else and forced a update onto these items that the people actually had to re-purchase instead of the creator just passing out the updated items for free.

There is far to many deceptive practices being done by this creator to fit into one thread alone, but a few have been brought up in this very one so far. I have not ever or would ever use these products just for the simple fact that the owner has made claims from the very start to be able to detect alts. Not to mention these products skirt around closely to multiple Linden TOS violations of gaming traffic, gambling, spam, and harassment to name a few.

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<<draw customers because of the boosted Search rank>>

And that's why traffic gaming is against TOS. It draws potential customers, not because your product is good or popular, but because you have artificially inflated it. 

Places with a good product do not require such tricks. Places with not so hot stuff will still (IMO) lose out because potential customers may be disappointed in what they see when they get there. Plus they are paying a ton "per click" just to get those visitors, in order to draw real potential customers. I doubt very highly this would pay off.

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You know I never did get the bottom line of gaming traffic when your stuff sux.  I mean regardless of where you are in search ranking, your stuff isn't gonna sell if it's bad.

And before anyone slams my stuff, I know I know, it's not that great. But I build here for fun not profit lol.  I'm so lazy I don't even use key words for search lol.

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I'm sorry but the specific complaint in the OP was about someone (presumeably the OP) who bought a very expensive traffic gaming system, didn't like the permissions, were pissed that it didn't work well enough, and wanted someone to be outraged with them.

<<They bought into this sham>>

I thought you said these were the players, not the owners of the nefarious devices? Do players spend 5000L and up for the means to play this game? If this is all the same person then they have the market cornered on rip offs lol.

<<Not to mention these products skirt around closely to multiple Linden TOS violations of gaming traffic, gambling, spam, and harassment to name a few>>

I really don't think they skirt TOS at all. They run on external servers to avoid too much attention, but they are directly against TOS traffic gaming and gambling rules.

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It's just a desperate attempt at sales for people who know they can't sell otherwise.

I guess they think if they plop enough opportunistic avies in front of their product for long enough, someone is going to buy? Hmmm.

It's not like I'm being stuck up, I don't have any notions about my stuff being the awesomest ever. I just don't like cheaters rigging traffic their way when I think my stuff is at least decent enough to sell and I don't cheat!

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