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Burn2 Begins Oct. 1

Linden Lab


The countdown is on!

Burn2, which is an extension of the Burning Man festival and community, begins Oct. 1 in Second Life. This year's theme is "Rites of Passage," and the event will include nine days of music, art and live performances.

Blogger Inara Pey has the inside scoop on the first two days of events on her "Living in a Modern World: Thoughts on Virtual Living" blog.

You can also visit the official Burn2 website for more details.



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I've heard about kinda movie release in Austrailia and also have little review about the Story and enjoy it's teaser trailer too. Story of the movie seems interesting, as how Tom sudden get temper, then become romantic and in another minute get emotional due to her wife breast cancer. Movie seems worthy watch to me and i just admit myself to go watch it.





India Emporium

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Burning Man is opened!

visited the impressive Burn2 (Burning Man in SL).

This year its not organized by LL, so a fully Resident organised event!

Hurry up to the desert and catch a view, be&feel the spirit of this grandios event. Burn2 ends and the temple will be burned on 9th of october.

Some snappies i did.

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