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Tattoo Lane

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  1. Is there anywhere we can find ph9one numbers for SL issues for people who livce in Singapore please?
  2. I really want to learn to make mesh and have got Blender downloaded - but oh my gods ... how difficult does this programme look to an amateur!!!!!! I make clothes in world but have not the faintest clue how to continue my shop and continue to make stuff for people inworld .... can anyone point me in the right direction for good, SLOW tutorials, so this not very quick person can actually understand and follow how to actually DO it! It's fine for all the professionals who already work with this stuff - but for little people like me its one nightmare! Oh and - please can we have it in British times? I love learning but SL needs to make sure we little people - who contribute a lot of Lindens and dollars to LL need to be kept up to speed too.
  3. This looks fun! Only problem is I won't be near my computer an will miss most of it Hope you all enjoy it!
  4. Thank goodness its not just me ....................I've now been trying for about 3 solid hours to upload stuff to my Marketplace via the so called magic box. If that's magic I'd hate to see ordinary it just isn't working ! Simple - it stinks ......... Tattoo Lane
  5. Hi all - I'm just starting to try and reset up my shop using the latest magic box version and I can NOT get anything uploded at all. I've tried everything and its still not showing up in the shop. I have to put in a ticket to get my land restarted, as its mainland - and yeah I know its Saturday night, and I know there's been floods and power outages in the USA - however - this really shouldn't be difficult - if Caspervend can let me upload stuff to his servers in seconds without problems on the same night - then why the hell can't LL let me do it too??? ARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Hugs, grumps and growls Tattoo Lane
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