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Welcome to the Second Life Blogger Network! SLBN is a curated showcase of posts from Second Life Bloggers (and vloggers) in our community. 

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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

"What's up SL family! It's been like a year since I last went through my inventory and got rid of the junk and since I've always been so big on traveling and grid hopping I thought it might be fun for us to all go through my landmarks to see if the old destinations are still there and if not, what's in it's place. See you all soon!" Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"What to do in Second Life? So you’ve got your avatar together, you’ve fallen in love with shopping, maybe you’re snapping pics but you just want more.  I’ve been in Second Life for 8 years now and have managed to never have a boring day.  It’s such a vast virtual world.  It’s sometimes hard to figure out what to do.  In this week’s Second Life 101, I focus on things you can add to your daily SL life to make things more interesting." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

"Hi Snowflakes, welcome back to another video! Today, I to show you a Second Life skin enhancement. Vivienne by Body is a new skin overlay. It comes in a variety of tones that will over lay on your skin.  Did you know that you can customize your skin with overlays on Second Life?  This allows you to take your avatar's look to a whole new place." Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"Sometimes you have to slow down and smell the flowers, taking it one step at a time. You may be eager to get things done in this world and somehow forget to give back to yourself and those around you. This week I am giving back to my mind and soul through meditation in Second Life™ and with a clear mind, enjoying the space and company of those around me. Join me with a clear mind and open heart as we jump into another weekly vlog." Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"A benefit of being a premium member in Second Life is you get to choose a Linden Home.  There are several themes to choose from, the very latest being Chalet Homes, so I decided it was time for a change and give up my Linden Houseboat and get one of the new ones. I really enjoyed decorating this one and so pleased how its turned out as sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge to keep within the 351li allowance, but I did it with some to spare! I hope you enjoy the tour of my linden home" Click to watch the video on YouTube.

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