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Welcome to the Second Life Blogger Network! SLBN is a curated showcase of posts from Second Life Bloggers (and vloggers) in our community. 

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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

"Salut à vous les secondlifers on se retrouve pour les news FR francophones de Second Life, au programme l'approche controversé des nouvelles maisons linden premium très critiquées, l'arrivée du Meta et la question sur Second Life, et des petites nouveautés Zooby, et perso enjoy" Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"Hey Robins, How are you? This week I wanted to really check-in. There is so much on my to-do list so let us check them off together. Explore the Mysterium Museum with me and let us grab a bite to eat and a new local Italian restaurant. No worries I will take care of the tab, see you soon." Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"5 years ago I started Second Life, and I want ot thank you for being part of my journey weither you are my French family, my Habibi family, my bollycoco community or my zodiac sister, or my fellow  hard working warrior know that you brought something to my journey, to my steps that led to me to where I am right now, happy, full of positivity ❤ 11.12.2016 was a hell of a year and my crush for Second Life and I hope to be here many more years 🎂💜" Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"“Underwater” is a video art piece that I shot in Second Life (as three static images, edited & animated w/Kdenlive) and which I made specifically to fit the 14th & California LED screen in downtown Denver—where it was shown throughout the day on September 18, 2021, as part of the Supernova Digital Animation Festival’s Silent Screen initiative." Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"During the 5 years of being in Secondlife I have learned the ways that will keep you out of causing any drama or issues. One thing you have to remember is there are real life people behind the avatars and you have to ensure that you act in a positive way during your time inworld. I was a teacher for the day with my friends Gara, Zada  and Hiko as we go through a few etiquette's in Secondlife." Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"Enjoy reading mysteries and thrillers? Then join The Mystery Hour with Con Sweeney on the third Monday of every month at 6:00PM PT/SLT to hear published and new authors come and talk about their books and how Real Life affects their writing. In addition, publishers, agents, and indie bookstore owners will talk about trends in the publishing industry, especially the impact of online selling and the trend towards self-publishing." Click to watch the video on YouTube

Strawberry Linden

"It has been a longgggg time since I have vlogged like this and i am loving the thought of getting back into filming in Secondlife. It has been nearly a year since Bleu and i moved into our "forever home" in The Grove Community and to be honest, i dont think we will move for a long time. So i wanted to show you guys how it looks so far (still havent finished decorating) and i also wanted to use this time to let you in my world (just a lil) I have tons of ideas to come, so make sure you stay tuned and join my journey. ♥" Click to watch the video on YouTube.

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