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Theresa Tennyson

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    Oh, for cryin' out loud...

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  1. In other words, she started talking about her sexuality.
  2. How did you arrive at her being "Japanese"? She's Korean. I see nothing about her that's remotely Japanese. Unless there's something I'm missing, what you did would be exactly the same as introducing an Irish singer as an "English" singer, complete with the equivalent long-standing cultural conflicts.
  3. Yeah, they even wear them under swimsuits. . . . Waitaminnit...
  4. No, you don't. Those numbers simply don't add up. To get those you'd either need a 1024 with double prims or a 512 with quadruple prims, which is a hen's tooth, basically.
  5. Are you referring to the text in the "Covenant" box, which Abnor called a "covenant" in so many words?
  6. These sales apparently started a little while ago. My "family" has a town on the Mainland and there were expansion plans for a while so the group was carrying extra tier. Then one day a large patch of land was put up for sale to anyone directly next to the town, and interestingly enough it was between the town and another land owner. The building committee (i.e. me) decided to buy the land to prevent someone else from buying it and then re-jiggered holdings to keep the tier payment the same.
  7. So, your electric toothbrush has an engine? Of course this is a quibble, but you were holding up "a car won't run without an engine" as an indisputable fact. Sloppy, especially coming from someone living in a place where they drive on "motorways."
  8. So, in your own words, people would be banned for doing something they were told they'd be banned for. Heaven forfend... If you had a point, it would be that they were accused of doing it when they weren't. But that's not what you said.
  9. Electric cars don't have engines, they have motors. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/engine
  10. It appears basically identical to the "Mainland Policies" which have always been incorporated into the TOS as a separate document which was last updated in 2012. Putting it in the "Covenant" box just makes it easier to find: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Mainland_policies
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