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Why is there no Home & Garden Forum?

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I wouldn't sweat it too much Charolotte... it's not as if people listen to me as a general rule....

if they did, we might have image editing topics together, and building topics together and mixed up across 3 different forums.... or a dozen land forums, some of which make absolutely no sense (for sale estate parcels?)

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Oh gawd....they just tidied up the forums after months of messy confusion. It's been three days and we're already asking for extra forums??? Why not have a prim nail forum? Or a hair forum? Or a pet forum? I mean where do you stop? And anyway, what the heck would such a forum be about? An endless boring series of threads showing off  houses and gardens. Let's face it - it'd be a variation on a vanity thread with lots of free publicity thrown in disguised as recommendations...


Let's keep the forums minimalistic.

Set up a group like Home and Garden Lovers United, and you can swap photos of your little palaces to your heart's content.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

Oh gawd....they just tidied up the forums after months of messy confusion. It's been three days and we're already asking for extra forums??? Why not have a prim nail forum? Or a hair forum? Or a pet forum? I mean where do you stop? And anyway, what the heck would such a forum be about? An endless boring series of threads showing off  houses and gardens. Let's face it - it'd be a variation on a vanity thread with lots of free publicity thrown in disguised as recommendations...


Let's keep the forums minimalistic.

Set up a group like Home and Garden Lovers United, and you can swap photos of your little palaces to your heart's content.

You wouldn't have to read the forums about our boring little palaces, unless you just wanted to come insult us. 

You could find use for one after all.

Actually no, you insult us no matter what forum we post in. My apologies.

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Have you formed some sort of committee?? Are you the spokesperson? The Nation Front For The Liberation of Digital Homes And Gardens?

I have no pleasure in threads which are just a long series of images. Forums are for discussion, in my opinion and whether you like it or not, I get to express my dislike of the suggestion as much as you have the right to express your support of it.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:


Have you formed some sort of committee?? Are you the spokesperson? The Nation Front For The Liberation of Digital Homes And Gardens?

I have no pleasure in threads which are just a long series of images. Forums are for discussion, in my opinion and whether you like it or not, I get to express my dislike of the suggestion as much as you have the right to express your support of it.

Actually, you said we first as in, " It's been three days and we're already asking for extra forums??? "

I said we as in those of us who said we would like a Home and Garden forum.

You do get to express your dislike as much as I get to express mine.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:


Have you formed some sort of committee?? Are you the spokesperson? The Nation Front For The Liberation of Digital Homes And Gardens?

I have no pleasure in threads which are just a long series of images. Forums are for discussion, in my opinion and whether you like it or not, I get to express my dislike of the suggestion as much as you have the right to express your support of it.

Actually, you said we first as in, " It's been three days and we're already asking for extra forums??? "

I said we as in those of us who said we would like a Home and Garden forum.

Carole says:

Yes, and I repeat - WE (i.e. the forum users) - are really pathetic at times. WE nagged and nagged LL to sort our the forums and make less sub-sub-sub-categories so the whole thing was more useable. And lo and behold - for once they listen to us and DO it! Make a much neater more concise forum....and what do WE do....why, WE count to 10 and start asking for more sub-sub-sub-sub-categories again......


Charolotte Caxton wrote:

You do get to express your dislike as much as I get to express mine.


Carole says:

Oh, that's big of you. That's a change of tune from earlier, though...



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At the risk of sounding like a cranky old git ... wait I AM a cranky old git...

Right, so then - I'm not sure Home & Garden needs a whole forum sub topic to itself - rather an occasional thread blooming up somewhere appropriate - IMO a whole forum would become boring and over populated with people possibly showing their 'wares for sale' (as Void kinda said). Maybe LL should create another 'Vanity - avatar, fashion & Home & Garden ' Forum (not not that precise name) where people who love such pictorial type threads could have a right good time.

Just a sort of compromise suggestion.

This is addressed to the OP but for some reason the software won't let me do that properly.

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It's not about 'vanity' to me. It's about appreciating the creators who make Second Life a great place to virtually live. Without terraformers, texture creators, scripters, builders, furniture makers, scupt makers, Second Life would be a flat and boring grid .We should appreciate and respect the people who make Second Life a place that is functional, full of beauty, full of fun and a place that is unique to any other virtual platform.

We have a fashion forum which is great, without fashion designers we wouldnt be able to express ourselves through our avatars.  Our homes are another extension of our virtual expression.  It would be great to have a place in the Community Forum to show appreciation to the builders of Second Life.

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Angie Mornington wrote:

It's not about 'vanity' to me. It's about appreciating the creators who make Second Life a great place to virtually live. Without terraformers, texture creators, scripters, builders, furniture makers, scupt makers, Second Life would be a flat and boring grid .We should appreciate and respect the people who make Second Life a place that is functional, full of beauty, full of fun and a place that is unique to any other virtual platform.

We have a fashion forum which is great, without fashion designers we wouldnt be able to express ourselves through our avatars.  Our homes are another extension of our virtual expression.  It would be great to have a place in the Community Forum to show appreciation to the builders of Second Life.

So in that case maybe the 'Building' sub forum would be the place - like the fashion sub forum covers everything not ust the 'creative problem aspects' of fashion.

Erm - I know what I mean :smileyindifferent:

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Mags Indigo wrote:

So in that case maybe the 'Building' sub forum would be the place - like the fashion sub forum covers everything not ust the 'creative problem aspects' of fashion

I agree Mags. A subforum would perfectly fit. The fashion example you're giving is excellent.


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Carole Franizzi wrote:


Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:


Have you formed some sort of committee?? Are you the spokesperson? The Nation Front For The Liberation of Digital Homes And Gardens?

I have no pleasure in threads which are just a long series of images. Forums are for discussion, in my opinion and whether you like it or not, I get to express my dislike of the suggestion as much as you have the right to express your support of it.

Actually, you said we first as in, " It's been three days and we're already asking for extra forums??? "

I said we as in those of us who said we would like a Home and Garden forum.

Carole says:

Yes, and I repeat - WE (i.e. the forum users) - are really pathetic at times. WE nagged and nagged LL to sort our the forums and make less sub-sub-sub-categories so the whole thing was more useable. And lo and behold - for once they listen to us and DO it! Make a much neater more concise forum....and what do WE do....why, WE count to 10 and start asking for more sub-sub-sub-sub-categories again......


Charolotte Caxton wrote:

You do get to express your dislike as much as I get to express mine.


Carole says:

Oh, that's big of you. That's a change of tune from earlier, though...





Oh, thank you.


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While I do like this suggestion, I believe there already is a forum that would be suitable for these types of posts, namely the Favorite Destinations forum. I know my home is one of my favorite destinations.

Though Carole can come off sounding a bit crass when making a point, that doesn't mean her point has no merit. And, in this case, I agree with what she's saying. A lot of us did just advocate for forum consolidation, and though I think some things are still a bit jumbled, I'd rather not see subforums being added right off the bat.

In the case of a Home & Garden forum, I don't really see enough people posting new threads on the subject to justify a whole category being devoted to it. I think a "Vanity thread" about people's homes posted in the Favorite Destinations forum would be sufficient enough to get the ball rolling. As a matter of fact I was planning on starting one myself once I had the time to take pics of my cute little skybox (life's been rather hectic lately... lol). Maybe someone can beat me to it.




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Dresden Ceriano wrote:<snipped>

While I do like this suggestion, I believe there already is a forum that would be suitable for these types of posts, namely the Favorite Destinations forum. I know my home is one of my favorite destinations.

I think a "Vanity thread" about people's homes posted in the Favorite Destinations forum would be sufficient enough to get the ball rolling. As a matter of fact I was planning on starting one myself once I had the time to take pics of my cute little skybox (life's been rather hectic lately... lol). Maybe someone can beat me to it.



Great idea and was sort of what I was thinking of - but couldn't quite get it :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

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