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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Everything posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. Sorry to throw you off a bit, I wasn't suggesting you should try to do this, I was just responding to Luc. I don't use Blender, so I really can't help with any Blender specifics, that includes (probably most of) your issue. If you want to upload a tiny version of yourself, you most certainly need to include the armature, otherwise your tiny mesh will conform to the normal size SL skeleton. The only way to change that skeleton is to replace it with a new one, in other words, uploading the armature. The meshes just hold the data to determine the distance between each vertex and the joints, they have no data for the joints themselves.
  2. Never tested it, but shouldn't the armature be uploaded with the mesh only when you change the joint positions? That would make sense to me at least. The mesh contains enough data to work with the SL skeleton (bone names and weights), the skeleton just contains the joint positions and hierarchy.
  3. I could go over many things that can cause your problems, but you give very little to work with so it would end up in a copy of this: Wiki - Exporting_a_mesh_from_3ds_Max
  4. Forgot to reply on the temperature, like Luc said, that shouldn't be an issue. The 550 Ti should be able to handle temps up to 100 C according to NVidia, not that I would recommend temperatures that high. 67 C under load sounds perfect if you ask me.
  5. Since SL only gives you a possible cause, this is a long shot, but I can think of two things. Either your viewer can't handle a normal amount of textures because something is wrong, or nothing is wrong with your viewer and it simply has to process too many textures. You can look under your hardware options if the graphics memory isn't set too low. (ctrl-p, graphics tab, hardware button) It should be 512MB. Too many images to process could mean you are wearing something with a crazy amount of textures. Try undressing completely and see if the fps go up. As I said a long shot, but worth trying.
  6. I know it has been said in the very first response, but I suspect it has got something to do with your cache, or possibly with your graphic card (settings). I have to get a bit technical, even though that isn't my field of expertise, if I'm on to something maybe someone else can elaborate.. You say rebaking solves the problem. What happens when you rebake, is all textures on your avatar are merged together by your viewer into one texture and that texture is uploaded to the SL server. The server sends that texture to other viewers so others can see you textured. Then there's the cache. It stores all your textures. When it's full, one new texture downloaded from the SL server means one is kicked out. Your graphics card memory works more or less the same way. THEN there is mipmapping. Mipmapping is making low quality versions of all the textures that are used by the viewer. When an object is 100 meters away, it doesn't need that 1024x1024 texture, so SL will download a smaller version of that texture, or your viewer sends a smaller version to your graphics card, I'm not sure. So what I think is happenening is either the high quality version of your baked avatar is kicked from your cache because it's too small, or your graphics card doesn't use all its memory giving the same effects. While writing this, I remembered my SL business partner had some issues with blurry textures. Turned out the viewer decided to lower the memory in preferences to 80MB instead of 512 MB for no apparant reason. What you can do is go into preferences (ctrl-p), open the graphics tab and click hardware options. You should see the amount of memory your graphics card will use (with a maximum of 512) Make sure the slider matches the amount of memory your graphics card has. If it's a cache issue, you might want to clear your cache manually from your computer, make sure your HD isn't fragmented and see if your cache size isn't too small, I think that's under "advanced" or maybe "network" in preferences. It defaults to 512 MB which should be fine under most circumstances.
  7. In theory it should be possible to script something that merges different sculpts, but that would be very hard and you would lose just about all detail on small pieces. Sculpts are meshes with a set basic shape, a 4x256, 8x128, 16x64 or 32x32 plane you can mold. Each vertex (point) of this shape is represented by a pixel on the sculptmap. That means you are limited to a very small amount of positions for the vertices (xyz position is represented by RGB color and you can't have a value for any of those any other than a whole number between 0 and 255) and it means you are limited to a total amount of (approximately) 1024 vertices, not more, not less. What you can do is turning your sculpts into arbitrary meshes. You can merge your sculpts in Blender, then export as DAE file. Upload as model instead of sculptmap.
  8. Gaia Clary wrote: Please note that the shape export from Second Life to the XML file is not limited to your own shapes. It is your own responsibility to take care to not violate copyrights here. Is that new? As I remember it, last time I looked, a couple of months ago, I could only extract my own shape.
  9. You are reading far more than I am writing. You said there are more people using wireless WITH issues than there are people using wireless WITHOUT issues. What you write is a fact. I doubt that fact and was wondering where you got it from. Nothing more nothing less. Maybe bold isn't the right word, but that doesn't change anything apart from the tone I'd say. I wasn't disputing any opinions you have, I disputed a fact you stated. An unverified fact. I wonder what I claim that needs any verification. Yes plenty of people have a bad connection because they use wireless, that's very verifiable. That doesn't mean they should get a wired connection as so often is suggested. I think throughout this thread there are plenty of tips to get a reliable connection without having to run wires throughout a house, resulting in ugly cables everywhere and holes in walls. So I don't see why wireless is always compared to wired if you can just as easily compare a good wireless setup with a bad one. Not everything stated in these forums can be considered "bold" the way I ment it or any other way. These forums are a medium like any other. If what you say is true, nothing could be verified, that's just nonsense.
  10. I hope the page is up to date, Blender has quite a lot of updates and some pretty big ones the past year or so. Anyway, this could help: Wiki - Exporting_a_mesh_from_Blender Basically all you need is a Collada exporter that works with Blender and SL. There are quite a lot of catches though, especially if you want to make your own lower detailed models for when the object is in the distance.
  11. My god is it short fuse day? You might want to read my posts and you'll notice I say it's very important where you put your adapter. I said moving it a very short distance can make a world of difference. I think that is pretty helpful. I also said you mentioning the phone was helpful. Saying there are more people having issues with wireless than there are people not having issues is not an opinion, it's a fact and it might or might not be true. So if you say it is true, that needs some backing up. I don't see how it is very obvious at all. Stating a fact without any proof is a bold statement if you ask me. Now that is an opinion, observations are not. Saying how your network is set up is not an opinion either and it is something you can see first hand. You can't see first hand if there are more people using wireless that have issues than there are people using wireless not having issues. The most you can see is there are many people having wifi issues, but that doesn't support the statement in any way. The only reason I responded is people say wireless is useless for SL over and over. Posts like yours seem to back that up, but nothing backs up the claim. We don't even know how big the difference is between the OP's wired and wireless connection. From what I read in the original post, the wired connection was never used. I won't deny a wired connection is less likely to get broken, never did. Making the connection non-public is sound advice, not just for interference reasons, many of your posts are helpful. That doesn't mean people can't stay critical of eachother.
  12. Ah, not paying attention, edited the post
  13. I think I know what the issue is looking at your second go, it doesn't explain your first issue with the stretched UV though. I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like your box was rotated. Because the bounding boxes are matched by the uploader, it's not that obvious. Look at you rotations in C4D and see if they match, I have no clue how to do that as I don't use C4D myself. I hope this puts you back on track though. EDIT I see you fixed it by rotating, I missed that part. (Scaling it makes no difference as I said) Still if you match the pivots in C4D, you won't be stuck with a rotated box in C4D. Happens to me every now and then when I build one LOD from the front viewport and another from the top.
  14. You can find it in the JIRA that was posted: VWR-28843 Look for "Latif Khalifa added a comment - 05/May/12 5:23 PM - edited"
  15. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: There are lots of people who run SL on a wireless connection successfully.......and many more who cannot run SL at all on wireless. That's a pretty bold statement, I very much doubt you can back that up with proper data. Ofcourse I could be wrong. People who do not have issues don't say so because there's nothing to say in the first place, that is until a thread like this pops up and as you can see at least most people responding, have no issues at all with wifi. My wifi is locked, I'm forced to by law. However browsing with my ipad does not interfere, nor does the other computer connected to the router using wifi. I live in a somewhat densely populated area. This computer and the router are 15 feet or so apart, two walls in between, the other computer is slightly closer but has a 20 cm concrete floor with steel reinforcement in the way. I get a capped 60 fps on ultra in most places (uncapped it easily goes over 100), on very busy sims I get 20-25, that's an exception and I don't think it's the connection causing it, again I could be wrong. I get a steady 0.0% packet loss. I have no spats of lag. What can I say more? Some interesting and useful info on the phones using the router, I'll give you that
  16. How about importing the dae file posted in this forum thread? Where-how-can-I-get-an-avatar-skeleton-for-Maya Oh it looks like this page is back online aswell, I think it's Chosen Few's page: SLMaya
  17. For 3ds Max I used the SLAv plugin by Wiz Daxter. There is a version for Maya (2010 and 2011) aswell, but according to the website it only works with windows XP and doesn't include skinweights (yet). If you have access to XP and one of these two versions you could save it as maya file and use it on any version/OS I bet. SLAV Maya You can rig the .obj avatar, found here: Wiki to that skeleton yourself, it's explained here: Wiki
  18. Drongle McMahon wrote: Maybe. But why can't the texture permissions apply anyway, without it being in the contents? Because the object can only store one set of permissions. As soon as a texture is applied it no longer has properties, the texture becomes one of the properties. All that is stored in the object is the UUID. That's just how it works. If the texture permissions would apply to the object, those permissions would stick when the texture is removed. That would be fun. Doesn't sound like a lot of work to add 8 extra "permissions slots" to objects for the textures, but I could be very very wrong. Ofcourse these slots would also have to show somewhere in the texture tab or one wouldn't know why something can't be copied for example. That might be confusing, what should the permissions say for a texture that is applied to an object and then sold? The texture isn't copyable or transferrable or modifyable, it's simply applied and can't be taken from the object. So even if the object is full perm, the texture can't be considered to be that. Should the menu say "the texture on this face makes it impossible to copy the object, even though the object itself has full permissions and oh by the way you CAN transfer the object, this texture doesn't prevent that"? Ofcourse I'm being silly, but simply allowing textures inside an object to have permissions of their own won't work.
  19. Drongle McMahon wrote: I don't understand why the no-transfer texture has to be in the object's contents to be applied. Can anyone explain that? I think that's because the way permissions are seen by SL. If you apply a texture to an object, it doesn't change the permissions. So if you were to apply a no transfer texture to a full perm object, the textured object would be transferrable. If you have to put the texture into the object however, the permissions of the texture apply to the entire thing.
  20. TarquinAnthony wrote: Ok not sure how to do that but would removing alpha channel get the same results? Like Peggy said, saving as 24 bit is removing the alpha channel. Saving as bmp aswell. Removing the channel in Photoshop or Gimp then saving as 32 bit means you add the channel again. So as I said, the easiest would be to save as bmp, it's lossles (good quality) and it has no alpha channel, so you don't need to worry about the settings when you save.
  21. I'm pretty sure it's alpha channels in both textures. They don't like eachother. If you don't need any alpha AND you have the texture full perm, download it and upload it again as 24-bit tga instead of 32 bit. That should solve it. or upload as bmp, that might be easier.
  22. meganlawalert wrote: None of the "answers" you give below is responsive to my question. I wonder why if your question is impossible to answer: Why are there hours and days (virtually every day now, it seems) when nobody can log into the grid, but the grid status never shows any impairment? There are no hours and days when nobody can log into the grid while the grid status shows the grid online. There are hours and days when you cannot log into the grid. The fact you can't log in doesn't mean the grid is inaccessible, so it doesn't mean it's off line. The grid status is what it is, the grid status. For what it's worth, like many people already said, it's almost certainly at your end and it's almost certainly your internet connection.
  23. I totally forgot about that:) God only knows how many times I have origamied my way out of similair problems. What a pain.... I guess my sculpting skills are fading, which I think is a good thing.
  24. I'd say forget about sculpts and try mesh instead, that will save some serious headaches. If you insist on using sculpts, I can think of two ways of making a hole. First is using two sculpts, which will leave you with a seam, but going by the picture you posted, that shouldn't be a real issue as they will be quite short. Just make one sculpt above the eyes and one below them. Second way is changing the stitching type of the sculpt from sphere to cylinder in SL (is torus an option aswell? I think it is). Then instead of using a sphere as your base shape in Blender, use a cylinder, that will also fix your "flattening the sides of your sphere" issue. You could also use a texture with alpha channel, that has some advantages in topology, but serious disadvantages if your hair uses such a texture aswell, or anything else that will be in front of your face.
  25. I understand the disadvantages of wireless, but personally I have used a wireless connection for years and years without any real issues. The only time I do have issues is when I use the landline phone, that's when in most cases SL decides to log me out. Packet loss is well within reason, down/upload speed is just fine and the ping is fine aswell. Something that is very important for wireless, at least in my experience, is the position of your adapter. Both myself and someone else I know had wireless issues (another room than the one I use for SL), for me simply rotating the computer 180 degrees (it was positioned sideways so that was no problem) made the connection go from nearly non existant to pretty much perfect, the other connection was solved by adding a USB extension cable to the adapter and taping the adapter under the desk rather than sticking it in the socket of the computer. In both cases the adapter was moved less than a meter. Walking through the house with an iPad shows the same thing, very good reception vs pretty bad reception as I move. This does indicate interference, but that shouldn't be a showstopper. EDIT If you want a big cache without the disadvantages of fragmentation, use either an SSD hard disk or a RAMdisk, those can't be fragmented like mechanical HDs. It doesn't stop corruption of cache though I've noticed.
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