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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Everything posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. Kwakkelde Kwak

    Open Sim

    You can convert private regions. Knowledge base You may choose to convert some of your Private Regions from one Private Region type to another. This article covers the different scenarios and costs associated with each possible conversion. Converting regions When converting down from a Full Region or Homestead Region to one or more Homestead or Openspace regions, you are charged the difference in setup fees plus a one-time conversion fee of $100. Once the conversion has taken place, the appropriate new monthly fees apply. Your bill date remains the same as that of the original Region. When converting up from an Openspace Region to a Homestead Region or Full Region, you are charged the difference in setup fees between the two types of Regions. We waive the $100 conversion fee if you're converting up. Once the conversion has taken place, the appropriate new monthly fees apply and the new billing date is an average of the billing dates from your converted regions. If you have multiple Openspaces or Homesteads to convert, each counts contributes its setup value against the price of a full Region. For example, if you want to convert two Openspaces to a Full Region, it costs the set up fee of the Full Region ($1000) minus the combined setup fee of each Openspace ($250 + $250), and we waive the conversion fee ($100) : $1000 - ($250 + $250) = $500. Examples: Converting 2 Openspace Regions to a Full Region would be $1000 - ($250 + $250) = $500 Converting 2 Homestead Regions to a Full Region would be $1000 - ($375 + $375) = $250
  2. FluorideSting wrote: So does this mean that this new Normal & Specular Map system has replaced the V2/3 shiny entirely? Yes and no. In the new material system rollout, you can still set the shininess to one of the "old" settings instead of using a map. This only works if you have permissions to edit the object in question of course. Shininess is now part of the "advanced lighting model", so you can't turn off "bump and shiny" alone in your graphic preferences, like you could before. If you turn it off you turn off a whole lot more, like shadows.
  3. Rahkis Andel wrote: If it's for personal use, then It's fine. It only explicitly forbids you from using the software for profit. Technically, any modeling practice contributes to your education in using 3d software, so there you go. That's not true, according to the part of the Autodesk website I highlighted in red. Fusionbolt2000 wrote: Well, any tips on free alternates, cause I don't understand Blender at all Anyway, one person said it wasn't allowed, but then theres allot of people that says it is allowed to for an example, make games with it, I'm so confused I wouldn't go by "what many people do" or even by "what the people at some educational institution" told their students. Just contact Autodesk and you'll know for sure what is and what is not allowed. To me it all sounds very clear though: if you didn't get an assignment to make SL objects, you're not allowed to. I'd also say if you want to build things for SL, try Blender. You'll get the most to-the-point advice and tips here too probably. The vast majority of Blender-SL builders are pure hobbyists, not professionals. If they can master the program, so can you.
  4. Not even that I think, unless your avatar appearance is in any way related to your educational institution. If you study game design, that could be the case. Some things are answered in the FAQ, best thing you can do is contact Autodesk though.
  5. Sorry to close your loophole: Free Autodesk software licenses and/or cloud-based services are subject to acceptance of and compliance with the terms and conditions of the license agreement or terms of service, as applicable, that accompany such software or cloud-based services. Software licenses and/or cloud-based services provided without charge to Education Community members may be used solely for learning, teaching, and training in relation to the instructional functions performed by a primary or secondary educational institution or other degree- or certificate-granting institution. Such software and cloud-based services shall not be used for commercial, professional or for-profit instructional purposes. http://students.autodesk.com/
  6. We won't know know for sure until ISS falls from the sky I guess.
  7. I kind of liked this page as a reference since it mentions Second Life. "Open source software played a critical role in the Mars Rover program, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux turns up all over NASA, from the computers streaming spacecraft video to the server managing its mission countdown clock.In fact, Red Hat Community Engineer Jack Aboutboul got a behind the scenes look at just how prevalent open source is at NASA. Space junkies beware, the photos will make you green with envy." Plenty of other sources that mention NASA and Red Hat.
  8. Prayer doesn't help, neither will witchcraft. "In specific, the “dozens of laptops” will make the change to Debian 6. These laptops will join many other systems aboard the ISS that already run various flavors of Linux, such as RedHat and Scientific Linux."
  9. NoNoNo... those are to fast servers in Western Europe To Dallas (Frostgaming) I got up to 60/20 with a 115 ping To SanFran (Monkey Brain) I got up to 9/15 with 145 ping No idea how to test to the SL servers directly, but the speed would probably be more in the region of the last two.
  10. A small necro update as self reminder in case anyone experiences what I experienced. Today my internet failed completely. After pinpointing the issue to the router and not the network or modem, the computerguys at the store reloaded the firmware. Any speedtest in Western Europe now shows a ping under 50ms and download and upload speeds up to 300 Mbps. As expected nothing changed when running SL, that ran fine before. Whatever the issue was, it seems it was in the router and for some reason only showed up when running a speedtest..
  11. The solution is not using a single texture with a 1x1 repeat for the entire building. In 3DS Max give your different walls different materials. You can use one for brick and one for the roof, you don't have to use as many as I did here. The limit for a single object object is 8 materials. Then in Second life, set the repeats to as many as you want. You can go all the way up to 200x200 without using a script. For your house you can do this: Then in Second Life, set the repeats again for each face. Good Luck!
  12. The rainbow textures (not rainbow flashes randomly across the screen which indicate a graphics card/driver issue) are probably caused by bad caching. Did you try a clean install instead of simply a new install?
  13. Did you try to update/upgrade your video driver? That number (Windows Graphics Driver Version: 7.15.0011.7574 OpenGL Version: 2.1.2) looks very odd to me. I bet it's a microsoft driver. Try the NVidia driver instead, it's found here. Please stop posting new questions Just edit (this) one.
  14. Did you try to update/upgrade your video driver? That number (Windows Graphics Driver Version: 7.15.0011.7574 OpenGL Version: 2.1.2) looks very odd to me. I bet it's a microsoft driver. Try the NVidia driver instead, it's found here.
  15. Jean Horten wrote: Let me quote some things I got told by the FS support: "64 bit Linux? Install a real operating system, use Windows, this will solve all your problems. Wow, I hope that's not one of the devs. Come to think of it... Supported Operating means that you can run our Viewer under this system, it does not mean you can demand any support" I hope that wasn't someone from public relations. These people say this (especially the first quote) and dare to write software? Do they realise NASA runs Linux? The people that put men on the moon and all? Let me quote them: “We migrated key functions from Windows to Linux because we needed an operating system that was stable and reliable.”
  16. Since everything is still fresh, meaning you can always do that system reset again, it wouldn't hurt to try this.
  17. Who was ever talking about you scaling down? As I said myself, there's no turning back now I'm used to ultra settings. But then again, who ever said anyone needs to turn back? I'm sorry to say I find your entire view very shortsighted. If the biggest potential market is tablets and lightweight notebooks, that will probably be the biggest group of users in the years to come. They'll be the people who make it possible for others to have a sim where you can sail on ultra settings and the sims you explore for days on end without talking to anyone. That doesn't mean you have to take a step back, that doesn't mean LL has to stop all the fancyness like shadows and other shaders. It just means SL should be available for people with those lightweight devices. Looking at the original post here, that might take minimum efford from LL, as those devices are becoming much more powerful at an almost unbelievable speed. How can that be seen as negative in any way? It's not just 16 year old people who use tablets and smart phones. It's kids, teenagers, students, mom and dad, gran and gramps, it's pretty much everybody. Going by the figures presented in that OP, Lumya as we know it now could soon be ancient history. We are talking about full viewers here on mobile devices, just not on the highest settings. What the developers had in mind isn't all that important if you ask me. SL is what it is and while LL can guide it somewhat, it's a resident created platform, so if it takes a turn here and there, that's part of how SL works, just like RL. (All I meant by the chatroom comment was that SL is in the first place a social platform, I didn't mean most people just log in to look at a text box) You do not have to scale down just because other people enjoy SL on less fancy hardware than you have under your desk.
  18. Disable the Gamma/LUT Correction under Rendering->Gamma/LUT Setup... In your viewport the textures will appear dark, but the saved TGA should look the way you want it.
  19. Because it's out of stock? (just kidding, but that's pretty much what you referred to, apart from the 17" display) I'd say because that thing weighs 6.3 lbs and the tablet in question just 2.0. The notebook has up to 3 hours of battery use, the tablet up to 5. It's just more mobile. It wouldn't be my choice, but I can certainly understand it.
  20. Jean Horten wrote: How much did you pay for that tablet , keyboard and mouse? J. As much as a decent gaming desktop would cost Jean I don't think maximum performance per dollar was the leading factor in the purchase.
  21. If you want 3ds max to ignore the shading while rendering, set the self-illumination of the original materials to 100.
  22. Do you mean green dots or arrows on the (mini)map? Those are avatars above you. Look around if you can find a teleporter anywhere or ask someone in that region.
  23. It depends on my builds, but I switch between centimeters and meters for SL. I also get a perfect match between 3ds max and SL. Can't the scale difference be an issue of measuring before applying the XForm? I don't see how it could be a unit issue, since that would probably result in a 2.5 or 40.0 scale difference. (cm/inch or inch/m)
  24. The majority of SL residents I meet doesn't have a professional or gaming rig, the majority of SL residents I meet doesn't use all bells and whistles. Most people I meet are here to interact, not to enjoy the scenery in the best possible looking way. I'm not sure if this represents the entire community, but I would think so. When I started in SL, I had an "at the end of its life PC" which was overheating (to the point where pieces of the motherboard were actually deforming), lagging unbelievably (it could take half a minute for me to receive chat and reply in a busy scene) and didn't allow draw distances or graphics settings anything over the bare minimum. I had the time of my life. My next computer was a mid range one, which allowed me to max out most settings, until shadows were introduced. Busy sims still made me lag, but that didn't spoil the fun really, it allowed me to build and interact and enjoy the world. My current computer will probably allow me to use the ultra settings for a couple of years. SL is smoother and more stable than it ever was for me, but besides these small benefits, I'm not really enjoying SL more than before. I couldn't go back to my previous computer, but that's something else. I think I'm trying to say that graphics settings don't mean the world to me. I also think that's the case for the vast majority of SL residents. In addition to that, I have never heard LL or any resident advertise something like "join the best looking virtual world there is". It's about freedom of creation but most of all freedom of interaction. If you ask me, SL is a glorified chatroom, with quite some glory. PC sales are dropping fast. (We might see a temporary rise when XP support stops next year) That doesn't mean there won't be a market for them, since professionals and gamers still need powerful computers. The majority of people however just want to be able to keep in touch with others, watch a video or some photo's or play a simple game every now and then. Apart from work and SL, that's what I use my computer for. Here in the Netherlands, in 2010 94% of people between 12 and 75 had an internet connection. I don't think 94% of that group are gamers, I'd be surprised if that number exceeded 5%. If I didn't need a powerful desktop for work, I'd still use my previous 6 year old computer, it does 99% of the things I need perfectly, the 1% being the most important though, my work. I'd probably buy a tablet for everyday things as well for the simple fact it's quite annoying to have to walk to and turn on a computer just to read some e-mail or look something up on wikipedia. I wouldn't be alone. Where PC sales are dropping, tablets and smart phones sales are on the rise. Ignoring that would simply be stupid. Look at Microsoft and its CEO who didn't think smartphones would be interesting back in 2007. In a couple of years from undisputed marketleader to number three behind Apple and Google. You can't simply look at the current userbase, you also need to prepare for the future to make sure you don't end up living in the past. A bit more on topic, I didn't expect notebook hardware shrinking fast enough (in size but especially power consumption and heat production) to be able to make it into the tablet market. That sure speeds up the catching up in performance compared to desktops. Going by the two mentioned tablets, I'd say SL is very playable on a tablet as we speak, I sure hadn't expected that a year or so ago.
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