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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Everything posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: I'm not trying to justify LL here but I understand their problem too. How are they supposed to know the origin of a texture, etc. So they are putting the responsibilty back on the User. What a clusterf*ck! Of course LL should minimise their risk, the platform as we know it can't work without such a set of ToS. The problem of LL claiming pretty much a full license on all uploads is another matter though. I'm pretty sure they were well covered by their previous "solely for the purposes of providing and promoting the service". There should not be a single reason why LL needs the rights to sell any uploads (besides selling on the marketplace which would be "providing the service") as far as I can see.
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: But really, the person who is in trouble here is the SL user. Your uploading a texture you obtained on the web would still not grant LL license. But it would put you in violation of the TOS. That's exactly what I get out of it. So we can either upload royalty/license/IP rights free textures, textures with the right to resell as we wish or our own textures. That sounds like "a lot of textures", but is probably going to affect a lot of people.
  3. I must have missed or am missing something, well at least I hope so... All I am trying to do is export my shape through the develop menu (Develop -> Avatar -> Character Test -> Appearance to xml). I don't get an error when I click this, but the new_archetype.xml doesn't show up anywhere on my computer. I am running Second Life 3.6.5 (280365) Aug 28 2013 18:03:57 (Second Life Release), Windows 7 Professional as administrator. The shape has my name as creator. So the obvious question is: does anyone know what's going on and how do I fix this? EDIT Oh well after a good couple of hours of searching the net, I got the brilliant (cough) idea to look through the folders instead. Seems the file is no longer saved as "new_archetype.xml", but as "Kwakkelde_Kwak_s_0000.xml" (and 0001, 0002, 0003 etc :) ), in the logs folder.
  4. I must have missed or am missing something, well at least I hope so... All I am trying to do is export my shape through the develop menu (Develop -> Avatar -> Character Test -> Appearance to xml). I don't get an error when I click this, but the new_archetype.xml doesn't show up anywhere on my computer. I am running Second Life 3.6.5 (280365) Aug 28 2013 18:03:57 (Second Life Release), Windows 7 Professional as administrator. The shape has my name as creator. So the obvious question is: does anyone know what's going on and how do I fix this? EDIT Oh well after a good couple of hours of searching the net, I got the brilliant (cough) idea to look through the folders instead. Seems the file is no longer saved as "new_archetype.xml", but as "Kwakkelde_Kwak_s_0000.xml" (and 0001, 0002, 0003 etc :) ), in the logs folder.
  5. I could write it out, but that would be copying this page. If you use different viewers, you might have to delete the folders associated with those as well.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: No where does LL require that anything you upload have an 'open or transferable license.' Only that you have the legal right to use it. If they allow you to upload their textures purchased outside of SL they are not granting any rights to LL. They are only granting you the right. Nor can you grant any rights on their behalf. So LL would have NO RIGHTS to use their textures the way they are reading into the TOS. From the SL ToS: In connection with Content you upload, publish, or submit to any part of the Service, you affirm, represent, and warrant that you own or have all necessary Intellectual Property Rights, licenses, consents, and permissions to use and authorize Linden Lab and users of Second Life to use the Content in the manner contemplated by the Service and these Terms of Service. So if I read this correctly, it means CG Textures doesn't give you the rights Linden Lab now requires you to have to upload the content. So the addition in the CG Textures ToS just explains why you can't use their textures any longer, it's not a "new rule".
  7. Did you have a look at this page? You might have forgotten to include all the bones in the dae file. It's also possible you simply forgot to check the "Include skin weights" in the upload tab.
  8. I'm also a bit confused. Do you mean you want your new model to have a single texture for SL? If that's the case, you need to add a new "Unwrap UVW" modifier to the object, change the channel to something else than the default "1", select "abandon" to keep the original UVW intact then remap your UV so there are no overlapping faces. Baking or "Render To Texture" (RTT) as it's called in 3ds Max you do by hitting "0" (zero). You'll get a new window, most things you can leave untouched. Make sure the channel under "Mapping Coordinates" is the same as the map channel in your new "Unwrap UVW" modifier. It should be set that way by default btw. In the "Output" rollout, click "Add..." and select the "DiffuseMap". Change the size to whatever is needed and hit "Render". The new texture will be saved in the "\sceneassets\images" folder, you can also save from the render window. Make sure you upload the model that is unwrapped on the new channel, or the texture won't fit. EDIT shows it a bit more clearly, he does it slightly different than how I explained above, the process is pretty much the same though.
  9. I guess you just let your operating system install the drivers. Does your new desktop have a different one than your laptop? Maybe reinstalling the mouse drivers, from the manufacturer's website, might help. Even if the OS's are the same that might help. I remember my wireless mouse and keyboard not working at all when I changed my HD on my previous computer, exact same computer other than that and exact same Windows installation. I don't see how your graphics card could cause strange mouse behaviour btw.
  10. Is it your old mouse that always used to work or is it a new one? My mouse works just fine, but when I use my wacom pen I experience exactly what you describe.
  11. djjenny Feila wrote: ..and as we all know most if not all viewers dont suport mesh (yet).. Where did you get that idea? According to this chart, posted in februari by Firestorm developer Kadah Coba, pretty much all residents can see mesh. A few people with very old computers, not supporting SSE2, can't see mesh, that's about it. btw i wonder...i heard for an inworld thing that converts a spesific format (either xml or dae) to sculpt..someone selling it for 500l i think... am i corect for what it does?if i find link il add it unles u know alredy wht im talking about I don't see how such a thing would work, but even if it exists, the results won't be very good in most cases. Not only is the sculpt format itself very limited, the tool would be limited as well. Computers can't do a human's job or at least not as good as a person can. Every shape is built a different way: different amount of geometry, different amount of texturable faces, different topology, different UV layout. For sculpt maps all these are set.
  12. Gaia Clary wrote: Sculpted prims do not have to consume 2048 triangles. The last time i checked (ok, that was a year ago) i could import sculptmaps with as low as 32 triangles (8*8 pixel sculptmaps). So if you wanted to make sculptie buttons then you could get away with those low polygon ones and won't increase your overall triangle count too much. It's still possible, but finding 8x8 sculpt buttons will be like finding a needle in a haystack. I bet more than 99.99% of all the sculpties out there are 32x32 vert ones. On top of that, 8x8 pixel sculpt maps always show the same model, so from across the sim, using not a single pixel on screen, they're still 32 triangles. Imho it makes a lot more sense to replace 6 sculptie buttons (having LI of 6) by one mesh containing 6 low polygon buttons (probably you get this mesh even below 1 LI when attaching it to another mesh) I have always seen you as well informed, helpful and capable, but this makes no sense to me at all. Why talk about LI when we're talking about an attachment? Imho it makes no sense at all to rig buttons... ehm... really (well, adding them to the rigged mesh object is OK, but rigging buttons as themself ? You can get this done nicely and efficiently with non rigged meshes. From a design point of view it makes no sense. From a practical point of view it makes a lot of sense. Since the buttons are between stomach and pelvis, you'd need two attachment points to keep the buttons in the right place. If you rig the buttons you don't.
  13. Mesh shouldn't behave any different than sculpties (or prims for that matter). I'm not familiar with what you experienced with those sculpties, but it sounds like an issue that can affect any worn, unrigged object. It could be a server issue, where the last position change of the item isn't stored. In that case there's nothing you can do in SL to prevent it other than waiting to detach for a moment after you changed the item's position.
  14. Intoxicate wrote: But apparently something seemingly so simple is turning out to be mission impossible. In that case, forget my previous post an take "it makes no difference" for an answer instead. For an object this small and basic, nobody will notice any difference.
  15. Yes and no Personally I would change the items to mesh, with less geometry. As I said, every little bit of reduction helps overall performance. With what Sassy said in mind, I wouldn't worry too much about a couple of buttons though if I were you. On the other hand if you're going to build something with let's say 50 sculpties, which is not uncommon at all in SL, I'd strongly suggest you'd use mesh. If you'd change the sculpty button to the exact same model in mesh, there would be no difference on local performance at all. The only difference would be between server and viewer.
  16. Sorry, I didn't look at the picture. I thought you were using twelve. A sculpty on its own has a land impact of 1, linked to a mesh item it will have a bigger impact. But forget the whole landimpact system for attached objects. It doesn't apply. What I meant was if you changed the sculpties on this item to mesh and reduced the amount of triangles, you would probably not notice any difference. I'm sure you are wearing more attachments than just this skirt. So the point is: every little bit helps. The first rule in using geometry in a realtime 3D environment is: use as little as possible. Sculpties with their set amount of 2048 triangles will pretty much always have more than needed.
  17. Intoxicate wrote: I do have a question though: Would it be better all around to simply replace the sculpty buttons with mesh ones? Would it make a difference at all? It would make a small difference in performance if you changed just the buttons, I'm not sure if you'd notice it. If everyone would change all their scultps to mesh, it would certainly make a difference. If you wear a lot of mesh attachments vs a lot of sculpt attachments, there will also be a difference. It's the right thing to do if you ask me, like Drongle said, 25000 triangles is far too much for 12 buttons, even if they won't always show to everyone. A set of 12 buttons should be a couple of 100 at most if you ask me. In your usual game they'd probably be created with a normal map which costs zero triangles. SL is not a game to most people though, even if it runs on a game graphics engine.
  18. Chic Aeon wrote: The big thing to remember is that SCULPTS and MESH do not play well together. Linking is often a disaster with the land impact count going through the roof. New LI system meets old prim system and new system wins the contest. So you should never link the two. I am guessing the LI count on your skirt should you rez it in world is very VERY high -- slows down everything. You're talking about two different things here. Sculpts linked to mesh will raise landimpact. Sculpts can surely slow down everything. Linking sculpts to mesh does not affect performance though. The sculpts are resource wasters, that is reflected when they are calculated by the new landimpact system rather than the old "everything costs one" system. Whether they are rezzed separately or linked, worn or rezzed, doesn't matter. So if your advice is not to link sculpts to mesh (which I can surely understand and even agree with in pretty much all cases), you should really be saying "don't ever use sculpts".
  19. Drongle McMahon wrote: "you can separately rig the buttons" But the OP says they are sculpty buttons. There are welve of them. If that's true, that's nearly 25,000 triangles for something you can barely see. Aarrggghhh! (Unless the maker knows about using small sculptmaps, which most don't). In fact, many of the triangles will be culled by the sculpty pipeline, but still, this is one of those cases where sculpties absolutely should no be used. They can't be rigged and they waste resources horribly. At the very least, these should be mesh buttons. Now that we have materials, they could even be just in the normal map (although they wouldn't look right sideways on). You can't rig inworld mesh buttons or prim buttons either. In other words, you'd need to go back to a 3D modeling program and do it there anyway. While you're at it, of course the buttons should be reduced to something more sensible. One small comment though, if there are 25000 triangles that can barely be seen, they won't be seen. That is unless you zoom in very closely. In most circumstances they would show their very lowest LoD, so not 25000, but 864. Given the fact they'd all be as small as a single pixel on screen, that's still far too much, but not something that would really affect performance on its own.
  20. Coby Foden wrote: To be able to do it, you would need the original mesh where you could model the buttons, join them to the mesh, and rig them with the rest of the skirt. After that you would need to upload the modified mesh to SL. That would be the only way for the buttons to stay in place with the skirt. I didn't try it, but am fairly sure you can separately rig the buttons then link them to the skirt. Only problem is the buttons are between the pelvis and stomach joints, so it will be difficult to match them exactly to the skirt and prevent keeping them buttonshaped. I'd say the easiest way would be to just keep the buttons unrigged and attached to stomach or pelvis, depending on which attachment point fits best.
  21. The first thing I'd do for a bookcase's second LoD (the one right after the highest), is removing the different smoothing groups or hard edges as they are called in Blender I think. A box with hard edges has 4x6=24 vertices, a box with soft edges has only 8 vertices. The number of faces is the same, 12 triangles. On a lower LoD, remove the bottoms of all shelves. If that doesn't bring down your LI enough or if the object is very small at the distance it changes to this LoD shape, use a single box for the entire build. Just render your object from the front in Blender or whatever you use and stick that on the front of the box. The texure can be small, how small depends on the size, but I reckon you can get away with something no bigger than 128x128.
  22. renatasteele wrote: Awesome! Thanks Gregg, thats exactly what I needed. So I know now GTX 770 runs Ultra fine. GTX 690 anyone? Of course that will run ultra just fine. I can't speak from experience, but it's one of the fastest cards out there. It's really two 680's in SLI. I'd expect it to perform a little less than a 680, because SL doesn't make use of the SLI. It should be a bit faster than my 670 though, which has no problems with ultra settings. The SLI configuration is probably why it's ranked so low in the benchmark table Qie posted as well. I don't really trust the score on that video card.
  23. If it takes you 45 seconds, I'd agree that's not acceptable. A bake takes me about 5 seconds, changing a shirt takes just as long. That tells me it's not (just) SL causing it. Maybe you or the regions you're in have some issues.
  24. The time it takes for you to see the change after a bake might be a bit longer, but other people can probably see your bake a lot quicker. Before SSA (SSB), the rebake was pretty fast for yourself, because your viewer did your bake. Then it was uploaded to the region server, from where it was sent to everyone, including you. Your avatar always went blurry some time after a rebake before it finally stuck. That was the moment others could see your bake. Now the server does the baking, so the process of you (re)baking is shorter to others. I don't think the speed was the reason for the change though, it was probably the fact that bakes often failed. Some people I know were pretty much always blurry to me because they have a bad connection. As I said I've had constant bake fails (I really mean always) when I was wearing a tattoo. That's not the case anymore. To get rid of the gray objects, worn or not, the amount of data that has to be sent from the servers would have to be lowered. People with a display cost of 500 000 and 100 textures 1024x1024 in size are the main cause of this I guess. Not much LL can do about that without imposing some real hard limitations. I don't think people would swallow those restrictions. Remember the proposed limit on script memory?
  25. Perrie Juran wrote: Why does everybody want to make the 'shared experience' rule harder to understand than it is? "You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer." Because while the statement in itself is clear, it's not at all discribed what "shared experience" actually means. I agree in some (if not most) cases it is very clear, like your example with the attachment points.
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